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The Apprentice


Page: 123(4)56

Peach Pie
15:01 / 07.04.05

It's just going to get harder (and more fascinating to watch) as the contestants' pool of "sacrificial lambs" diminishes.

I thought Paul's strategy of turining on Tim was slightly bizarre (apparently dumped once he realised that he wouldn't be able to use it to talk his way out of the boardroom).
Mourne Kransky
14:26 / 08.04.05
Tim seems an odd focus for Paul's ire, not that Paul seems to need much to trigger his venting. I think Tim has playerd a smooth game, not as annoyingly backseat and uncommunicative as Raj but also keeping his finely shaped head below the radar at crucial points.

He's a London Transport manager, is he not. Used to numpties like Paul berating him perhaps.

I think Sir Al likes them to be more forthright though. That means Saira will get points for mouthing off when it counts unlike Paul, who has lots to say to the camera but won't stand it up in the boardroom.
Peach Pie
23:22 / 10.04.05
my last prediction seems unlikely to be correct, and i want to guess correctly at least once before the series ends so:

James' team will lose the football challenge and Raj will go.
Tryphena Absent
19:18 / 13.04.05
Saira's gone, right? Because the guy on the other end of the phone really hates her.
Tryphena Absent
19:25 / 13.04.05
Shit, they're going to win. Shit, shit, shit. She's going to bloody win.
19:31 / 13.04.05
This is excrutiating. I'm beginning to waver in my conviction that Saira can win this...
Tryphena Absent
19:43 / 13.04.05
Oh, thank christ. But...

Urrggghh, I'm on tenterhooks!
Tryphena Absent
19:58 / 13.04.05
I think that Sir Alan Sugar is mad.
20:18 / 13.04.05
Nah, I think he's just looking in terms of shapeable strengths. Presumably he thinks Saira's skillz can be harnessed and used for Good...
20:30 / 13.04.05
Well, it worked for Emperor Palpatine. Raj did have to go, though.
20:46 / 13.04.05
As I said, Raj was very much Saira's get out of jail free card. He is now gone. Saira won't be too far behind. In the next three weeks I'd say...
06:10 / 14.04.05
I can't see Saira winning. Her weaknesses were laid bare this week.
06:13 / 14.04.05
I appreciate that Raj's strengths may have been lost in the edit, but does anyone have any idea just what he's good at?

I mean, when Alan asked him he went on about his weaknesses.
The first rule of interviews Raj: keep it positive.
Hattie's Kitchen
07:04 / 14.04.05
The best episode yet IMO - although I'm concerned about my urge to give Saira a big hug to make her feel better, after seeing that meltdown last night. Fair play to the girl though - trying to sell to a load of beered-up footie fans is my idea of hell.

That guy from Spurs was an utter cock too.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:20 / 14.04.05
Maybe, but... he was also the first person we've seen who actually told Saira to quit with the PA.TRON.ISING. IN.TON.ATION., which was heartening. Her complete inability to even begin to comprehend why someone might find her pushiness irritating drives me mad. Also maddening was her inability to apologise in the sense of admitting she might have been rude - "I'm sorry if you have taken the way I am speaking in that way" - argh!

Interesting as well that she arguably failed because her clever scheme of "get some glamour girls to hand out leaflets" was a) insulting to the intelligence of the people who'd come to see the game, and b) compounded by her subsequent ill-treatment of the girls themselves.

She must go!
Alex's Grandma
13:28 / 14.04.05
Yes. Admittedly, that's probably what *I'd* have done in that situation, but they did seem a bit frightened when ordered to 'jiggle their bits' ( I'm not sure I'd have even asked them to do that, ) and to vanish from the scene pretty quickly thereafter.

So poor man-management skills from Saira then - I can see her lasting perhaps another couple of weeks if Sugar's got one eye on the ratings here, but after that performance, I can't honestly picture him giving her a job.
lonely as a cloud...
13:37 / 14.04.05
The way Siralan spoke to her last night, I can't possibly see her getting the job; but at the same time, ratings-wise, dumping Raj was probably the best move, as he really was kind of boring, whereas with Saira she'll almost always do something interesting, if not necessarily useful...
Mourne Kransky
13:44 / 14.04.05
Tim to win. Miriam's kept her head down but neither has she excelled. Saira certainly won't win and got right up the Big Man's nose last night. Paul will be tossed over a twenty fifth floor balcony by somebody before the show's over. James' much-vaunted charm is being to seem oleaginous.

In terms of camera time, Paul and Saira have had the bulk of it, which gives me pause. You would expect the ultimate winner to have had a major share of the editing choices go their way.

You get the impression nobody will miss Raj. I imagine his mother barely noticed he'd gone when he left home.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:52 / 14.04.05
James' much-vaunted charm is being to seem oleaginous.

You think? After the way Saira treated him, his continued general lack of hostility to her has made me think he's a borderline saint...
08:03 / 15.04.05
James knows Saira's game and her weaknesses, he also knew that Raj was a lame duck. He says virtually nothing in the boardroom because we all know he doesn't really have much to explain.

There was a telling non-verbal moment in the boardroom however, when Saira is caught in another one of her selective misrememberences about who did what. James smiles one of those indulgent father smiles that communicates and acknowledgement that he is neither taken in or surprized by Saira.
Peach Pie
15:38 / 16.04.05
One more impact win and we'll see how they behave when the gloves come off...
Mourne Kransky
15:41 / 18.04.05
re: James. I'm sure you're right and he is still playing a mean, if slightly Ian Flemingesque, game. I just took a dislike to his teeth recently, for some reason, and every time he smiles I see Donkey from Shrek. He does a mean donkey impersonation of course, as demonstrated at the farmer's market.
19:47 / 20.04.05
Ooooh, let's hope Paul gets fucked...
19:53 / 20.04.05
Up the arse with barbed wire.
20:42 / 20.04.05
I think we're witnessing the birth of a psychosexual killer here.

sorry too much Millennium watching
20:55 / 20.04.05
Poooor Miriam.
21:30 / 20.04.05
I felt sure Paul was going this week... Miriam was indeed robbed.

I don't think Paul has the range of talent the job requires, but then again Sir Alan seems to like him like a bastard son... Saira has proven herself to be a liar, and an obnoxious person to boot. The interesting question will be who goes first... I hope it's Saira...
Alex's Grandma
22:32 / 20.04.05
Then again, Miriam did let herself get a bit stitched up there - realistically, she should have sent Paul off to the staff toilets for the duration of that show, her failure to do so surely constituting a fatal business error, which as I guess we're all learning, you just can't make if you're going to be working for the Sugar ape.

I'm guessing Tim to go next week, with Paul and Saira kept around for a final 'water cooler TV,' showdown with James, one they can't win, with both of them hopefully Sir-Alanning themselves into long-term business oblivion.
Peach Pie
10:31 / 21.04.05
Apparently two will go next week...

Miriam was indeed robbed

And how. Thought she was one of the best players this week. She was very gracious in defeat, though.
Bill Posters
12:50 / 21.04.05
ratings-wise, dumping Raj was probably the best move, as he really was kind of boring,

Miriam was indeed robbed

i may be stating the obvious, but I'm getting the distinct impression that the firings are now taking place on ratings terms, rather than genuine ability or lack thereof. Surely they're blatantly dumping the duller ones and keeping the noisy brats on just to keep it volatile? And though I can't seem to find a link, The Sunday Times has claimed that though filming ended in October 2004, four of them are currently working for Sugar Ape Inc but as yet, no one has actually been given the promised job and salary. I mean I know reality tv is a nonsense, but now I'm finding my willing suspension of disbelief has been stretched way beyond its limits and have rather gone off the whole thing.
13:56 / 21.04.05
Hmm, purely for ratings, you say? Whilst I think there's something in that, I can't help feeling that Miriam would be better for ratings than Tim. Or that Lanky Tory would have been ratings gold had he been in the last few.

Basically I think Sugar likes mouthy oiks like Paul and Saira.
20:12 / 21.04.05
Jesus. Just watched it. Miriam was indeed shafted for a pathetic reason. I think I may have to stop watching in protest. I'll never buy an Amstrad product again. Oh, hang on. Never did, anyway.
She left with dignity, though.
20:27 / 21.04.05
Wait a moment, why was Miriam fired?
I was watching it and (stupidly, I now know) turned it off before the boardroom meet assured that the decision would be one of the two guys after Miriam's pretty impressive performance.
Apart from that I had a terrible attraction/repulsion response to those wolf motif synthetic cardies.. shudder ...awww....shudder.
21:26 / 21.04.05
The idea was that although she performed well selling stuff Sir Alan thought she fucked up as team leader by not telling the boys whgat to do, to speak one at a time etc...
Alex's Grandma
02:47 / 22.04.05
I still think Paul stiffed her - I could be wrong about this, but didn't Miriam have something like fifteen different products to get through, as opposed to James' four ? Hence, Miriam was left skating round the studio like a blue-arsed fly, often totally confused by Paul's last-minute directions as to what ( possibly deliberately unsuitable, ) item she was supposed to be selling next. I seem to remember the directors looking a bit exasperated by Paul's antics anyway.

Arguably, it was this cuntish behaviour that got him off the hook with Sir Alan.

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