Next week they compete, the remnant four, against one another as individuals for the first time. Guardian says "it just gets better". ho ho ho
As for firing Miriam, I thought Sir Al's grounds were quite straightforward. Paul and Tim fucked up the crucial factor of product choice because they were trying to be weasels, denying Saira what she wanted, rather than exercising sensible positive choices. They could have had the wolf spirit jacket, after all (best seller of the day!)
And Paul and Tim fucked up the job of directing Miriam in the studio. She barely needed their direction and turned in a starry performance but such direction as they gave was rubbish. Sir Al seemed clearly to blame the team leader for her lack of direction in these crucial elements of the task. So, nice woman, but byeeeee. I could see the logic in that. Big Al is dispassionate and businesslike enough to be able to make a logical decision, even now, and not just punch Paul's lights out instead.
It's increasingly apparent to me that the virtual psychopathy that will cause a career in big business to prosper, sits at odds with every trait I might identify as positive in an individual. So, I expect the finalists to survive in inverse order of how appealing I find them.
That would mean Paul to win because he's even more repellent than Saira.
Maybe Sugar Daddy will hire two or three of the finalists. Maybe, in time, Saira and Paul will become less antagonistic and competitive with one another. Maybe they'll begin to find one another attractive, in that way that slugs and other slimy things do, and will begin to breed. Imagine that child... One day it will run the country, or sell it to the Chinese. |