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Lateshift: The Great Escape.


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21:12 / 07.01.05
Derren Brown is good.

Derren Brown rocks my World.
Haus of Mystery
21:26 / 07.01.05
I'm at work. There are many, many ill tempered hippies and world music fans here, and they are without a doubt THE MOST OBNOXIOUS ILL-MANNERED BASTARDS I HAVE EVER HAD THE MISFORTUNE TO SERVE!!!!!!! Oooooh the sanctity of the office and the computer (first break in six hours). One particular bastard just tried to give him money off (and I quote) 'for the Tsunami' (we already have a fund underway, and have dropped our prices so people will donate). I hate them. I hate them all.
Haus of Mystery
21:27 / 07.01.05
Sorry. Above should read 'tried to get me to give him money off'.
21:30 / 07.01.05
I want to be a Dad just so I can wait 20 years and say, oh yeah I remember "Final Desintation" give it a watch you might like it.
21:59 / 07.01.05
I am here.
Benny the Ball
22:54 / 07.01.05
Aw, shite, I forgot about Derren Brown being on. I likes him, I do, and I'm saying that with out him doing any fancy mind-no-tising on me.
Haus of Mystery
22:59 / 07.01.05

Sez you
23:05 / 07.01.05
That's exactley what you would say if he was messing with your mind fancy style like.

I don't trust the man, surely no good can come of using your powers in a televisual making people go "woooa" kind of way?
23:05 / 07.01.05
Just wanted to go on record as supporting tv licensing. I think TVs should be treated like dogs--potentially rabid, potentially a menace. And keep the advertisements on a leash for god's sake!
23:09 / 07.01.05
I suppose they should be made to adhere to "poop'n'scoop" bylaws as well.
23:21 / 07.01.05
oh yes! Definitely! Get that shit out of my house!
23:30 / 07.01.05
Do you get points on your license for watching TV while drunk?

I actually think having to do tests before you could own a TV would be ace.
01:43 / 08.01.05
Like a pregnancy test?

(Or would it be a stool sample? Poop'n'scoop, you know...)
04:45 / 08.01.05
I'm awake! I thought I had to go to work and then I remembered it was Saturday. I like the idea of getting cash back on your license if your drunk, I wasn't really paying attention give me a pound back.

I checked the site and now I'm curious about what the hell I'm paying for - I've been paying £25 a month??
Benny the Ball
07:42 / 08.01.05
christ bearo, it should be about 8 pounds a month. Damn them all, damn them all to hell.
08:52 / 08.01.05
How long have you been paying it for? Isn't there some weird thing where the first six months you pay off an entire year's worth, and then you're ahead?
Or did I dream that? I certainly didn't see it on telly...
10:48 / 08.01.05
wasn't Channel 4 set up with help from the BBC?

In a way. C4 has a public service remit somewhere between ITV and BBC, which is one of the reasons its news is so good. It does (or did) get a proportion of the licence fee in return. Or so I believe. I failed my TV exams by staying in second gear all the way round the track.
10:56 / 08.01.05
When I phoned months ago they told me that you pay £25 a month for a certain period and then it drops - but I think I've paid more than the cost of a year. I'm not really that concerned as the money is being paid out of my rent so I'm not really losing out. I'll give them a call and see what they say.
13:27 / 08.01.05
Yeah, the direct debit system for TV licenses is just bizarre. I have no idea why they couldn't just take the cost of a license, divide by 12 and have that as the monthly payments. But no instead you pay extra for a while, then it drops and it might even drop again. Very strange
20:49 / 08.01.05
Hello, someone around for lateshifting? I am bored and I want an information stapler for some family members.


Ah, my trusty old red wine. Come 'ere baby...
21:04 / 08.01.05
Hullo. I've just been told by Kirsty Walk that "In the second half, as Jerry Springer descends into hell, some viewers may find the characterisation of God, Jesus and Mary offensive." SO I have to stay up for that.

How is everyone else?
21:28 / 08.01.05
What are you watching there, Ex?
21:30 / 08.01.05
Jerry Springer: The Opera. Apparently, it was a rather controversial decision to broadcast it and a lot of Christian protesters burnt their licenses outside the BBC today.

So far, the worst Jesus has done is said "Talk to the hand". I can see how that might offend, but not unusually so - oh, bollocks. Now he's saying "Talk to the stigmata." Fair enough.
21:49 / 08.01.05


Obviously not too offended over here. Some people have no sense of humour. I bet Jesus would laugh at that!

Be like Jesus.
22:05 / 08.01.05
There's a 'Culture Show Special' on BBC2 on the debate provoked by Jerry Springer The Opera. I bet the BBC are delighted - one screening, and two shows about how controversial it was to screen it.

I wonder if anyone will make links with Sikh protests at Behzti? I wonder when the 'incitement to religious hatred' legislation will get a test run. I wonder these things but decline to expand coz I'm going to bed.
Benny the Ball
22:32 / 08.01.05
I just had two crumpets and a mug of Liquorice tea. Have a slight back ache, not sure if I'll be playing football tomorrow morning. Had to ref a game today, and had to send someone off.

Not really saying anything. Think stored up jet lag is taking its effect....

brain numb.
23:33 / 08.01.05
Stored up jet lag? You too, huh? I haven't even cracked my bottle of wine yet. I worked everything out with my family members, thank goodness, and now I can truly relax.
23:48 / 08.01.05
I wonder if anyone will make links with Sikh protests at Behzti?

"Any Questions"/"Any Answers" (two of the best things the wonderful BBC has to offer) were all about that today.

Kind of pissed off I didn't see it, but I'm sure I will at some point.

Blah. Drunk.

Just got home from the Drones Club (see Gathering, but 'twas much fun, with Tango-Mango, lilly, Anna, gingerbop and marline all present and correct) having just found out the venue it's at is being closed down, like, TOMORROW. Which sucks somewhat, it being so handy for my house an' all.

Blah. Drunk,

Haven't yet decided whether to stay up and be drunk or pass out.
23:56 / 08.01.05
Cheers either way Stoatie. I am just kickin' around till I am done folding laundry and then watching Desparate Houswives and then Sopranos. Wish I could have seen that Springer Opera, too. Sounds like a hoot. It also sounds like you people had a blast with Marlina.

If you pass out Stoatie, make sure it is over your bed.
00:15 / 09.01.05
No worries... Bacchus always looks after me. I can find my way home from miles away if I'm pissed, but have no sense of direction when sober.

Funniest thing (it occurs to me now that the fact that I'm only remembering this now means that I MUST be hammered)- bumped into my friend who works in the local cemetery, who buried Biscy for me the other day. Another friend of mine had asked him, yesterday, to show him where she was buried. And (understandably, imho) had burst into tears. He was all like "you fuckers are showing a lot of grief for a fuckin' dog, know what I mean?" All I can say is, he's a lovely guy, but he didn't know Biscy.

On a less morbid note...

Bagels or doughnuts. Given that one is the savoury/sweet version of the other... were they to fight, which would win?
00:48 / 09.01.05
Bagels are tougher than donuts! Any day!
00:53 / 09.01.05
You reckon?

..hmm. Need to give this more thought. But you could well be right.

I'm a bagel man meself. Doughnuts, as far as I'm concerned, are for coppers. So on a purely culinary level, you're totally right.

Actually, on every level, you're right.

Bagels win.

Why did I ask that again?

(slaps self in face) STUPID STOAT! STUPID STUPID STOAT!!!
00:54 / 09.01.05
Of course I am curious about Marlina's first night out with 'lithers but I should probably just wait for an email from the Great Dietrich Hirself . . . Damn. I hate being ethical... Am glad to hear that it was good fun for you, Stoatie.
00:55 / 09.01.05
Stoatie, now don't go all house-elfish on me, or I'll have to put on my Hermione hat.
01:12 / 09.01.05
Didn't see too much of Marline, to be honest, alas... she and gb seemed to be having a laugh, though. Stop worrying! And then I'll stop being all house-elf. Promise.

i was just about to watch a movie. Then realised I was too drunk. So I will boil pasta, eat pasta, and then sleep.

I'm sure my Saturday nights/Sunday mornings used to be way more rock'n'roll than that. Ho hum.

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