I'm looking forward to this, even though the ASBatman was a major disappointment. That is, I was really looking forward to this, until I read the DC up-and-coming page that you find in books nowdays, and saw DiDo or whatever his name is talking about it, and I just find him to be, I don't know, unsavory, something about him sits badly in my mind. That and the quote 'the best superman stories I have ever read' being attributed to Frank Quitely - it just made my mind shut down with over-hype. I'm bored of hype, hype is the dark killer. Maybe a bit of a side-point and possibly one for a new thread, but relevant here - does anyone else find the preview pages of comics a real let-down? Something about them either spoils the pace of a book for me, or just does nothing. Anyway, part of me still wants to see this book - especially as the DCU is in such a hype-mega-crisis-infinite fug at the moment, that it'll be nice to get some stories that aren't caught up in the mess. |