And now, ladies and germs, a sampling of message board fun from the always-entertaining Aint It Cool News message boards on the 3rd debate, where Bush is referred to as “Leatherface” and “The Acid Chimp”:
>> Re: Bush: one of those "exaggerations" Comment:
Yeah, it was a funny line... but it's going to take the Democrats all of 10 minutes to dig up footage of Bush's March press conference where he did, in fact, say that he wasn't concerned about Bin Laden... and within 24 hours, it'll be an attack ad in a battleground state. As Cheney also learned, a zinger only works if your statement is actually true!
>> Bush really hates massachussets! -- the dude must have gotten some bad chowda!
>> Bush's Closing Remarks -
"We've been through a lot together over the last three and a half years..." Wait, is he trying to break up with us? But we were going to dump his ass!
>> "my wife speaks english better than I do" ...Did you hear the collective gasp of the audience when Bush said "at least people know what she is saying" ...the dude even knows he is dumb.
>> Hey guys! i just hacked into Bush's hidden receiver!
Right now, I'm telling him to scowl and evade the question . . . IT'S WORKING!!
>> Psychology studies show that frequent blinking and shrugging of shoulders indicate lying. Just type lying and shrugging of winking into a search engine and you'll get a lot of articles on it. What's funny is I just did it and Bush was mentioned twice in the results!! :-) |