I actually only caught the last two thirds but ended up happy for a few reasons, a bit disappointed in Kerry not completely lambasting Bush for not answering the simplest fucking question (3 Mistakes, way to lose that lady's vote, dipshit), but mostly pleased. As much as he believes one way or another because of his faith, it was really the first time I can remember someone finally fucking standing up to the American people and saying, "Look folks, it's irrelevant. Here's 'belief', here's 'the law'." It's now abundantly clear that America has a choice to make, and, naturally it's free to. But this is indeed the turning point. I, an optimist, personally believe that there are more reasonable than unreasonable people in America and that Kerry finally made abundantly clear the difference between the two of them. His abortion answer was, to the rational person, devestating enough to Bush, but then for Bush to counter with a dismissal of the beyond salient point that Kerry made, actually saying, basically that there was no grey zone on live television, was astonishing.
Another obvious land mine was Stem Cells and Bush once again alienated everyone in America except his base.
That, I think, is the fundamental flaw in Bush's debate strategy. Spinners will have a ball calling this debate for this guy or that debate for the other guy, but the fundamental characteristic of the undecided voter, one would assume, is that they're thinking. There was nary a trace of rational thought in the Bush arguments I saw tonight. And that's going to destroy him in November.
Here's why, from The National Review (quoted by Sully):
There is some good news for the president. Zogby says "Kerry's edge on the economy is gone. Among those who cite the economy as the top issue, the candidates are in a dead heat — Bush holding a slight edge," (46 percent to 44 percent). And this: Bush "also leads among those who cite the War on Terror as the top issue" (68 percent to 26 percent)."
But by far the most interesting — and disturbing — finding in his poll is that "among undecided voters, only 15% feel the President deserves to be re-elected, while 39% say it is time for someone new."
What if the undecideds break 2-to-1 against the president less than 30 days from now? We could be looking at a Kerry landslide.
The guy who wrote this clearly just stepped out of a Delorean and is off to refill Mr. Fusion.
Bill Maher said it best a little over an hour after the debate ended. His closing bit was off a New Rule entitled "Girl George" in which he described nearly every move of the Bush presidency as the act of a petulant and defensive teenager. No press conferences?
"I'm not talking to them." Kerry: Flip-Flopper? "Two faced bitch." "Kerry shouldn't criticize our coalition because it might hurt their feelings." It was so spot on, it was ridiculous. Maher conceded that in terms of Iraq, he was the typical dunderheaded husband, lost but unwilling to ask for directions. His final recommendation? Divorce. |