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The Late Shift: Dixie Fried


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the cat's iao
03:55 / 11.08.04
Hey Sekhmet! How are you this fine evening?

I am worried that I have scared the others away...
04:03 / 11.08.04
Just got all busy for a moment, is all...
the cat's iao
04:32 / 11.08.04
Busy, eh? How's the work going?

While I was at the pub, a group of three guys sat down at the table beside us and proceeded to talk about Monty Python, and do parts of sketches. Later on I overheard them making Cthulhu jokes...

Are you heading to the pub after work?
04:34 / 11.08.04
I'm currently debating that very question... all depends if the nice man sat next to me will lend me some cash!
Bastard Tweed
04:35 / 11.08.04
I'm back.

I'm sore.

I hate hiccups.
the cat's iao
04:42 / 11.08.04
Skint for cash, eh? Sorry to hear it. Too many new albums, perhaps?

Hello Czernobog. Over the hiccups? Did you get yourself some food?
04:43 / 11.08.04
Gosh, I appear to have missed two speeding train pages of Late Shift.

Right- hiccups. Inhale and exhale deeply several times to get your lungs stretched, then take the deepest breath you can (if you hiccup in the middle of this breath, start a new one.) Take that breath and force it down, not quite like swallowing it, but don't hold it in your cheeks or your chest, hold it in your gut. Hold it for as long as you can stand, then let it go. This cures my hiccups, which are persistent and body-shaking, approximately 80% of the time.
Bastard Tweed
04:44 / 11.08.04
No, I uh . . . Magicked it away. . .

If you know what I mean.

Sorry, it's the only dependable cure I know of and when you've been exercising your diaphragm for most of your life, a case of the hiccups is a special kind of purgatory.
04:52 / 11.08.04
Still not sure on the pub... maybe the off-licence when I get home instead.
Bastard Tweed
04:54 / 11.08.04
Got food. Salt and vinegar chips. Or crisps. Whichever.
the cat's iao
05:03 / 11.08.04
I'm not sure that counts as food, but I can't say that I've never called a bag of chips a meal before...

Hi Sally, what's shakin'? How's the new digs workin' out?
the cat's iao
05:06 / 11.08.04
And out of curiousity, Czernobog, what exactly do you mean by magicing away your hiccups? And, why would you apologize for doing so?
Bastard Tweed
05:08 / 11.08.04
Ahem . . . well . . .

What you might call the . . . easiest way to . . . charge a sigil?

Please, there are ladies present.
the cat's iao
05:09 / 11.08.04
You sigiled away your hiccups? And it worked with such immediacy?
the cat's iao
05:10 / 11.08.04
Or did you simply, like ah, "charge a sigil" without actually, um...using a sigil?
Bastard Tweed
05:11 / 11.08.04
Well, there was wishful thinking involved if that counts.

What can I say? It's the most reliable way that I've found to get rid of my hiccups.
the cat's iao
05:13 / 11.08.04
Hey fair enough! You know what they say:

"If it feels good, abuse it."
the cat's iao
05:21 / 11.08.04
OK, *they* don't say that. It's merely a slogan that's on the back of a Grandpa's Magick Pinecone t-shirt (an old and now defunct local band). I merely felt it was uncomfortably appropriate--please forgive me!
Bastard Tweed
05:25 / 11.08.04
They're right though; there's nothing wrong with excess in moderation.
the cat's iao
05:33 / 11.08.04
Heh. Well shit. It's time for me to go to bed. Having a regular job-type job has it's benefits, but unfortunately for me, staying up really late isn't one of them!

And to answer your question, Czernobog, I'm not really too deep into it, but have been in the past. I have found myself in a bit of a waning phase these last few years, but I am thinking about going for a little swim in the deep end again.

Cheers all!
Bastard Tweed
05:34 / 11.08.04
the Fool
05:54 / 11.08.04
Is extra goodness for lateshifters! Fresh baked from the house of Fools. Luv yas!

the cat's iao
00:38 / 12.08.04
Hey that's pretty cool, fool!

So, it's evening, which is late enough I suppose. I have a small rodent curled up and sleeping in my lap under the fold of the bottom of my t-shirt, which is always nice. How is anyone else doing?
00:46 / 12.08.04
late shift side effects:

once upon a time there was a space chimp named boris. after his space exploration career with the soviet union, he retired to florida, just outside nasa. he hung out with some other space chimps who'd retired there too. then a hurricane chased them way up the coast and inland some to the appalachian mountains. there they survived by using the vodka-making techniques boris had learned in russia to turn banana peels into moonshine. and monkey vodka was born.

strange dreams i had last night.
00:49 / 12.08.04
Yay, I'm here, but only intermittently- work SHOULD be fairl easy tonight, but Lloyds List (the most TEDIOUS newspaper in the whole world- it's all about shipping and insurance) is late, so I'm waiting for that to turn up, and at some point soon I have to leave my desk to get trained by MGB in how to do some different stuff than usual, so I'll be here on and off.

As of now, though, I'm listening to Laibach and googling for smurf porn. (Long story).
Saint Keggers
00:53 / 12.08.04
Hi all!

Now I want to see Subcultureofones dream animated by The Fool. This is what I want.

00:56 / 12.08.04
i have no rodent. i have no porn. i'm listening to remindlessness which is about 14 years old
the cat's iao
00:57 / 12.08.04
Smurf porn?! Hmm, I'm not even sue what to say to that...but hi there Stoats & subcultureofone.

Hey, did you merely observe that dream or were you in there some where?
Bastard Tweed
01:01 / 12.08.04
Paid a visit to The Fool's graphic last night because of shaving.

And hiccups.

You got your hiccups in my shaving!
You got your shaving in my hiccups!
Together they taste like scars!

Brought to you by the good people at General Mills.
01:02 / 12.08.04
i was in the hurricane but i didnt get to hang out with the monkeys. they were in the part of the dream i watched.
Saint Keggers
01:04 / 12.08.04
It would be soo fun to have all the lithers minds melted together on screen. Oh the movie it would make.

Im on my second bottle of storebought wine. The first, a white, was hellish and I went back and bought a red of the same mark. Its suprisingly good. Although the goodness may have more to do witht he amount of bad white I drank beforehand.
Bastard Tweed
01:06 / 12.08.04
Actually, I'm trying to make that movie.

That television series, anyway.

My sixth of the television series, anyway.

When the others let me.

Hey, better than nothing, right?
the cat's iao
01:10 / 12.08.04
Hey there Keggers & Czernobog!

It's always weird when you passively watch a dream from some view from no where.

I'm heating up some naan to have with some baba ghanouj.
Saint Keggers
01:13 / 12.08.04
Saint Keggers
01:18 / 12.08.04
What the hell is naan?? I need to know!!!

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