Fine! I accept your puny taxforms! For the autumn has come, the harvest shall be gathered, and my sickle is sharp and keen to taste of fiduciary annuities! Blahahaha!
Not at all. I felt it. Excrutialtingly. But sometimes you have to deal with the pain, when you dont need to, in order to assure yourself that you can deal with it should you HAVE to face it.
Night. I plan to go home any minute, sleep for a couple of hours, get up when everyone's gone to work and walk the dogs, then watch a couple of episodes of Millennium and go back to bed. Ah, the joys of night work.
Good evening all. I would have started a new thread- supposedly there should be a new one after 7 pages- but these days, I feel particuarly unqualified as a lateshiftee. Anyone around?