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The Late Shift: Dixie Fried


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Tryphena Absent
03:30 / 10.08.04
To be perfectly honest I'm wondering how I'm still awake. I should be asleep and it's getting light outside.

I'm mostly okay, a bit odd atm. How are you? Still with the cheesecake fetish??
Bastard Tweed
03:30 / 10.08.04
'Though, personally, I think Mr. Waits was putting us on, mischievous old codger that he is.
Saint Keggers
03:31 / 10.08.04
Its not a fetish...its a calling!!!

And yes. Yes I am.
03:32 / 10.08.04
It is indeed. For Tom, as we all know, Waits for no man.
Tryphena Absent
03:33 / 10.08.04
And on that note I wish you all a good night. Sleepy sleepy.
the cat's iao
03:34 / 10.08.04
Ahh, I see.
Bastard Tweed
03:34 / 10.08.04
Saint Keggers
03:35 / 10.08.04
Good night!
the cat's iao
03:40 / 10.08.04
It's always nice to go to bed as the sun comes up. G'night Anna.
03:40 / 10.08.04
Sweet dreams!
Saint Keggers
03:51 / 10.08.04
Or horrible gut wrenching nightmares if that tickles your fancy.
Bastard Tweed
03:53 / 10.08.04
About pike.
Saint Keggers
03:55 / 10.08.04
I like pie!
the cat's iao
03:59 / 10.08.04
I pike lie!
Saint Keggers
04:00 / 10.08.04
I kelp flea!
04:00 / 10.08.04
I fear pie. Yet I also love pie. Pie shall surely be my ruin.
Bastard Tweed
04:01 / 10.08.04
And yet somehow I . . . am pie.
Saint Keggers
04:01 / 10.08.04
Simple Simon met a Pie Man!
Bastard Tweed
04:02 / 10.08.04
The eternal struggle between pie and man.
Saint Keggers
04:04 / 10.08.04
Live and let Pie!
the cat's iao
04:06 / 10.08.04
Saint Keggers
04:07 / 10.08.04
Lower damn you!!!
Bastard Tweed
04:08 / 10.08.04
Ass meringue pie.
Saint Keggers
04:09 / 10.08.04
I once dated a girl with that nickname...
04:12 / 10.08.04
Whoah, keggers, that's so damn weird... I once dated a pie called Ass Meringue Girl!!!
Saint Keggers
04:16 / 10.08.04
'Twilight Zone!!!'
the cat's iao
04:19 / 10.08.04
I once ated a meringue date with my ass!
the cat's iao
04:20 / 10.08.04
And now for something completely similar...

Bastard Tweed
04:20 / 10.08.04
My ass has been dateless for almost a year. . .
Saint Keggers
04:20 / 10.08.04
Your words, fine sir, confuse; yet inspire me.
Saint Keggers
04:22 / 10.08.04
That last post by me was for TCi's I once ated a meringue date with my ass! post and not for Czernobg's ,i.My ass has been dateless for almost a year. . .

I just dont swing that way.
the cat's iao
04:25 / 10.08.04
Swing!? I thought we were going to do the twist!
the cat's iao
04:26 / 10.08.04
I spy with my little eye something that looks like apple pi pie.
Bastard Tweed
04:26 / 10.08.04
Aaannnd scene.

Thank you, ladies and gentleman. Once again we are the Late Shift Improv Group.

Now I'm going to need a place, an occupation, and a post-modern gnostic principle.
Saint Keggers
04:28 / 10.08.04
A doughnut shop, mechanic, and the magdalena as the paragon of the quest

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