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The Late Shift: Dixie Fried


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00:17 / 05.08.04
My first late shift in my new home! How is everybody? How's the weather, how's the family, how's tricks?
Bed Head
00:53 / 05.08.04
I’m just on my way to bed, I only popped into the barb to do some reading, but before I go, congrats on your move, Sally. A girl with huge teeth and a lovely accent once told me that North Carolina is beautiful, I’ve believed it ever since. And I hope you’re going to start posting some greasy-skillet based recipes in the gastronomicon thread.

Although, I don’t know, maybe all the skillety-stuff actually takes place further south. Haven’t a clue. I’m getting a strong Carolina - skillet connection from a song, I think.

The weather here is currently dark and snuffly, by the way.
Ethan Hawke
01:08 / 05.08.04
I'm baking cupcakes!
the cat's iao
01:09 / 05.08.04
Hey Sally--congrats on the move and the new home! Hope all went/is well.

I'm good--started a new job yesterday. I ate my family a few years ago in an ice fishing tragedy. And tricks are, well, tricky.

Here's the philosophical wondering for the night: does the word 'Dixie' really add a sexiness to this thread, if so how, and if not, then why not?
01:41 / 05.08.04
I find it sexifying because of the Afghan Whigs song "Dixie Peach Promenade."

Thank you to all, I'm very happy to be south.

What's the new job, iao?
unheimlich manoeuvre
01:41 / 05.08.04
Hello barbelites. i so rarely post in the lateshift but thought i'd be friendly like.
01:47 / 05.08.04
See, that's just what the Dixie Fried lateshift is for. Being all friendly like.
Ethan Hawke
01:49 / 05.08.04
damn, these cupcakes are HOTT. They certainly are packed with carbs, fat and cholesterol, and dare I say are Dixie Cupcakes.

They're red velvet, you see.
the cat's iao
01:54 / 05.08.04
Hmm, I'm unfamiliar with the song, so can't really say much beyond that. Is whistling Dixie sexy? Might depend on who's whistling, I suppose...

I'm a shipper in a lighting supplies warehouse, that's the new job. It's quiet & the people I work with seem decent. It's certainly a nice change from what I was doing before & pays better too!
the cat's iao
01:55 / 05.08.04
And, I wish I had some cupcakes--yummy!
unheimlich manoeuvre
02:10 / 05.08.04
hmmmm... i now have an overwhelming desire for cake, which is an impossibilty being stuck in the office in the middle of the night with only half-hearted wasps for company. yeah god, what i'd do from some tiramisu. (sp?)

iao, hope you enjoy your new job.
sally congratulations on your new home.
02:23 / 05.08.04
I'm trying to decide if/when I should engage in the local adventure of getting an elk burger.
the cat's iao
02:33 / 05.08.04
Thanks inchoate! So far so good, as some say. Out of curiousity, what are you doing alone in an office at night (assuming the wasps you mention are of the insect variety)?

Hmm, elk burger eh? Try anything twice?
02:39 / 05.08.04
Local place that does beef, bison, venison and elk. Had the first two, I've had reindeer, so I guess that's kinda venison, but I've never had elk. I must admit, I'm compelled.
02:39 / 05.08.04
Well, I'm off to bed, as visions of elk burgers dance in my head. Huggles all.
the cat's iao
02:42 / 05.08.04
G'night Sally!
unheimlich manoeuvre
02:47 / 05.08.04
goodnight, sally!

iao, i'm monitoring panic alarms for the council.
(the wasps are of the insect variety, there must be nest round here somewhere. they're sleepy and thoroughly lacking the protestant work ethic.)

elk burger? had kangeroo burger, in oz, a few years back.
the cat's iao
02:52 / 05.08.04
Hmm, "panic alarms," "the council," "monitoring"?! Sounds very conspiricy oriented.

Hey, did you know that I often read your name as "inchocolate"? No, I know you didn't know that, but it is true.
unheimlich manoeuvre
03:09 / 05.08.04
sorry to disappoint you but i work for local government. the alarms are mainly of the sick and/or elderly. we give them buttons/pendants to wear around their necks in case they fall or are unable to get to the phone in an emergency. necessary, soemtimes grim and often tedious.

inchocolate, may be my new name!

so is a shipper, what i think it is?
the cat's iao
03:21 / 05.08.04
Well, if you are picturing a warehouse full of boxes labelled with numbers, and then imagining that a shipper is a person who assembles orders from "pick lists" (sheets with specific numbers on them), and then puts the boxes into packages, and the packages onto pallets, then yes, it is what you think it is.

So, how often do you get people triggering their alarms?
the cat's iao
03:53 / 05.08.04
Inchoate? Where have you gone?
unheimlich manoeuvre
04:00 / 05.08.04
the vast majority of the calls happen during the day and most of those are people who are testing. we probably average six real emergencies every day.
outside office hours we support the borough's sheltered housing schemes and monitor the fire alarms for emergency housing and others.

sleep deprivation is starting to take its toll.
the cat's iao
04:05 / 05.08.04
Do you do long shifts? And are you always on the night shift or is there a regular rotation?
unheimlich manoeuvre
04:12 / 05.08.04
iao, sorry about the delay, had to call a doctor.

do nine hour shifts. 07:00>16:00, 15:00>00:00 or 23:00>08:00. the good bit is that i normally only work four days a week.
how about you?
the cat's iao
04:20 / 05.08.04
Hmm, no worries, it's kinda' your job and all...

I work the standard Monday to Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (there's an hour of break time in there--unpaid, sadly). At my old job I worked four nines a week, but still, I like this new gig better even if I have one less day of life outside work.
unheimlich manoeuvre
04:28 / 05.08.04
hell, i probably lose that day through messed up sleep patterns anyway.
early shift will be in soon and i better make things tidy.

it has been a pleasure, iao. not knowing which time zone you're in, i'll say goodbye.
the cat's iao
04:30 / 05.08.04
Yes, it's time for me to get to bed (11:30 pm here). It has been nice talking with you & I hope to see you again in the Lateshift soon!

01:19 / 06.08.04
Evening again. Anyone up/about?
the cat's iao
03:59 / 08.08.04
It's late. It could be shifty. I don't know. Hello.
Bastard Tweed
04:46 / 08.08.04
Bringing Up Baby is on TCM and fresh pinapple is in my belly.

As much as I normally hate Katherine Hepburn and nutritious food I love both of the aforementioned as well.
It's a funny old world.
the cat's iao
04:54 / 08.08.04
Mmm pineapple! I don't think I've ever seen Bringing Up Baby...

How's it going Czernobog? Any good news since the flooding?
Bastard Tweed
05:03 / 08.08.04
Well, turns out we were able to save some of my wardrobe (dry cleaners can do some amazing things these days) and a buddy of mine who works for his family's insurance agency was able to suss out a trade secret whereby the dumb bastard who didn't get our policy right in the first place has to go to HIS insurance policy and cash out under the Errors and Omissions clause.

So, better, yes.

You really oughta see this fillim. It's one of the great screwball comedies that doesn't feature the Marx Brothers and probably the only movie ever where Cary Grant played a nerd. Right now they're in the middle of what is perhaps the funniest jailhouse scene in the history of.
the cat's iao
05:55 / 08.08.04
It's an old film, that's for sure...

I'm glad to hear that some things are working out for you regarding that terrible shit. I mean, reading about your experiences there in the thread really made me feel for you. I know I would be right pissed off and upset if such a thing happened to me! So I hope that you and yours are able to recover from the flooding with some relatively high degree of ease. I certainly hope you can replace most of what you lost!
Bastard Tweed
06:22 / 08.08.04
Well, one thing you can count on is that no matter how bad things are they're gonna get better eventually unless you die.
". . ."
That wasn't as optimistic as it sounded in my head. I'm afraid I've never been very good at that stuff. Wait, let me try again. I can do this.

Well, you know what they say, Cat, "When life gives you shit you just make

Never mind.

I'll try again later.

So, yeah. Better. Cycle of renewal. Tower's always falling. New beginnings. etc. etc.

So how about you, staying relatively dry?
the cat's iao
06:32 / 08.08.04
You know, that first try seemed to be the best, and it sounded fairly optimistic to me.

Yeah, I've been staying dry--the cat hates water, y'know. It's been raining quite a bit here at night, but nothing too serious. There was some flooding in some parts of the city, but minor, I think, and besides, I live on the seventh floor of an apartment building, so if this place floods, I think I'd have more pressing concerns than those for the stuff of mine that was destroyed or damaged!

I'd like to ask you what the heck "czernobog" means, is about, or such. Care to divulge a little info on your nom de gurerre?

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