Call me an idiot but I liked it.
I was expecting the following:
Giant robots
Some kind of hackneyed Bay love story.
I actually think that, while it was obviously a Michael Bay movie, it wasn't AS obviously a Michal Bay movie as something like Bad Boys. I always got the feeling that Bay took his action movies way too seriously, trying to make them out to be high cinema. In Transformers I think Bay realized that he was making a popcorn movie with giant robots, and I think by not taking it too seriously he managed to finally make a movie worth watching.
I was entertained for my 8 bucks, and not the kind of falling asleep entertained like the last two Pirates movies, but edge of my seat, 'what the fuck happens next?' entertained. I mean, the ending was never in doubt, but watching giant robots fight puny humans and each other, totally rad.
I was, like Haus and Fly above, pretty suprised by the wacky 'funny' racism. I am not sure why 2 of 3 African American characters had grandmothers that they hated. The third, as soldier sidekick, was pretty much the stock soldier sidekick.
I wonder if people whose opinion of the Transformers is based on the Marvel UK comics will see it differently then those whose opinion is based on the original cartoon. I haven't ever gotten my hands on the comics, but it seems like they were more serious in tone, and the movie is not. The movie evokes the cartoon's goofyness, where after averting disaster Grimlock might break something and everyone goes "Oh Grimlock!" and the scene freezes while the credits roll. |