Yeah, fair enough, but it seems a bit odd.
I love George more than anyone else does, ( including you, Tannce, ) and he loves me, ( in spite of all that nonsense to do with the injunction, ) but it sruck me occasionally that The Filth was perhaps, arguably, a bit, y'know, uncommercial. And it was still fairly good for 20,000 units per month, as I understand it, ie fairly high up in Vertigo's figures. So it does seem strange that they'd attempt to interfere. When they keep on relaunching the Shit Thing and such like, and the Bollocks Of Magic... If you've got twenty thousand people who'd be happy enough to read just about anything one of your writers decided to churn out, including their shopping list ( And I've read it, it's great, ) which would largely outsell the rest of your output, why on earth be difficult ?
Off the top of my head I can think of three or four reasons, but none of those are to do with Vertigo, surely ? |