Nup, not a lot. I still don't see why I should accept that everything they taught me about human biology in school is suddenly politically incorrect
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, "political correctness". The last refuge of the halfwit. Unless you are able to provide a history of the Political Correctness movement, featuring its major thinkers, publications and commentators, you are using this phrase to advertise the paucity of your argument.
Let's run through, shall we? Blood types - that was part of "everything they taught you about human biology at school", yes? Has that been affected by this political correctness? How about the number of bones in the human body? No? So, you are wrong to begin with.
Funnily enough, what you were told about gender in school is also unaffected by political correctness. Dimwit. Peple with XY chromosomes are still generally born in male bodies, and people with XX chromosomes in female bodies. Even after gender realignment surgery, these people can still be said to be "chromosomally male" or "chromosonally female". Does that mean they are a man or a woman? A "he" or a "she"? That's not a biological question. It's a grammatical and social question. Fortunately, it's one the many ramifications of which have been discussed here quite extensively. You may, if you don't get a chance to hit the library, learn some interesting things from this thread and this thread. A quick quote:
Male and female - these are references to the physiological composition of an animal. Humans can be male or female. So can pigs, cats, Siamese fighting fish.
Man and woman - social constructs associated with and built from physiological gender and the relationship to it. Cats cannot be men or women. Nor can pigs. Nor can siamese fighting fish.
Therefore, a *female* human being will generally be expected to identify as a *woman*. But a female human being who identifies neither as man or woman will, although female, not therefore necessarily be a *woman*.
So a hermaphrodite, who possesses physiological elements of both *male* and *female*, might decide to identify as a man, a woman, or neither. Sex is hardwired, gender performative.
I can only assume that "everything they taught me in school about human biology" was not very much. Probably because they were too busy wasting the class' time teaching them about about the life cycle of whichever thickly-muscled, purple-skinned, betailed species you belong to. PC fools. |