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This Planet Earth (You'all may never speak to me again)


Page: 1234(5)6

12:38 / 06.07.04
As I believe Deva mentioned just a moment ago, JAMM is not the only person here who is labouring under pressure, not least of course the pressure of feeling like they have poured a lot of support and attention down JAMM and that this is a pretty unworthy response. The immediate responses, I would say, represent a fairly predictable reaction to an offensive and very unoriginal post. I am faintly surprised that the attempts to reason with it started that early, and am not at all surprised that the imprecations to have another think met with an almost total lack of success.

Sooo... perhaps the Grayskull approach is not entirely helpful, but I don't really feel that a failure to respond immeidately with "Good point! Let's dialogue that" to a transphobic and homphobic creed we have all heard endlessly before represents any particular failure as human beings, or any cause for particular soul-searching. So far, I think we have made more efforts to engage than He-Man ever gave Skeletor. In fact, I would suggest that the first helpful, constructive reply came in the second response, with Illmatic's suggestion that he ask for the thread to be deleted before he made an even bigger tit of himself. That strikes me as almost exactly the right advice.

So, you're free to suggest that we should have been more polite in our response, and I can certainly see your argument. However, I would humbly suggest that the further away from, say, the experience of the sort of ignorance, stupidity and prejudice evinced by:

Why do men who have sex change operations expect to be recognised as women? If there's a Y-Chromosome in your blood, you're a guy. I could stick Porsche headlights on my pushbike but that won't make it a car, let alone a Porsche. Nadia on UKBB is a man. I don't care if he's had his dick sliced and diced and turned inside out and shoved back up into his abdomen, he's still got Y-Chromosomes so he's still a bloke. He didn't "used to be a man", he's just a bloke with his dick sliced and diced and turned inside out and shoved back up into his abdomen.


I object to Lesbians not allowing themselves to simply fall under the blanket heading of "gay".

one is, the more likely one is to respond in a groovy and productive fashion. In this case, the privilege of straightness is also the privilege of not getting particularly riled in the face of prejudice understood primarily intellectually.

Now, I have given JAMM about 20 pages of Barbelith to look at and see how it affects his attitude to certain elements of queer identity and trans issues. I would be interested in what he thought of them, and would also be delighted to discuss any further issues, here or in the Head Shop. I don't believe that mere repetition or telling people that they are PC wankers is a worthwhile or interesting response, however, nor that we have any obligation to continue to support JAMM's delusions either about sexuality or the worth of his own beliefs.
12:48 / 06.07.04
I am not, by the way, ruling out the possibility that He-Man and Skeletor might have worked together in a Christmas special edition of the comic. Nor, indeed, that Skeletor's black heart was not in some way touched by the opportunity to perform some act of kindness. I refer you to the case of Starscream vs Christmas spirit, involving the rescue of a group of snowbound humans aboard a bus.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:16 / 06.07.04
And what a heartwarming tale it is. I like that first page, with the homesick Decepticon gazing soulfully at the night sky, all sad and yearning.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:39 / 06.07.04

"allowed"? Of course. People have a perfect right to shout at JAMM as much as they want. My only query is whether that's useful. It's plainly the expected response (by the way, JAMM, that's not how you spell "Y'all". The apostrophe would be for an omitted letter, not the conjunction of two words) and I doubt whether it will have any effect. 'Nesh was very eloquent on this topic when Knodge was in full flow; JAMM might as well have hung out a sign saying "excoriation wanted".

As has been observed, we were all willing to help JAMM when he seemed to be a suicidal counterculturist with a bad body image and an unsympathetic family. Now he's pissed on us and we're suddenly happy to call him ugly and refer to him as a cockdrip. Of course, he's the same fuckup, it's just that now he's offending us and our off-mainstream identities instead of appealing to them, so never mind that we spent a week talking him off the window ledge. That was then.

Aaach. I've gone all preachy. The point is, I think this is the desired reaction, so I don't want to give it, and I think it's ineffectual, so I don't want to waste time on it. JAMM, I think you're being an ass and I'm disappointed, but I don't have to play this round because we're not related and ultimately you're words on a screen to me. You want to impress me? Rescue this situation yourself.


Polite, nothing. As you see, it's about utility. It's possible I'm the coldest bastard in the discussion. As for JAMM not being the only one under pressure, well sure. But that's the pricetag on the high ground - you always have to be the one with the grown up juice. I learned that one from you.
14:52 / 06.07.04
"Gone all preachy"?

Not every apparently trollsome thread is similarly motivated - and, in this case, it's the fact that JAMM's shown himself capable of other modes of engagement that makes this sorry heap of ill-informed shit such a sorry heap of ill-informed shit. It might be interesting to play Compare & Contrast this with our recent treatment of that other sorry heap of ill-informed shit - the one that was deemed anti-Semitic rather than homo/transphobic.

Or we could simply get back to the 'look at yourselves' hand-wringing...
15:02 / 06.07.04
True, true. But utiity, in the sense of utilitarianism, is not just about keeping one person happy. It's about the greatest possible happiness for the greatest possible number. The ramifications of not venting, or indeed not expressing vocal and public disgust, might have infringed this principle. A lot depends on objectives and outcomes.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:07 / 06.07.04
So wait, it's a bad thing that Barbelith wants to help the suicidal but gets angry with the homophobic? You never cease to amaze me... But Ganesh beat me to the most fitting response, so can I just point out: I don't think I fall into that particular "double standard". Is that better?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
16:07 / 06.07.04

It might be interesting to play Compare & Contrast this with our recent treatment of that other sorry heap of ill-informed shit - the one that was deemed anti-Semitic rather than homo/transphobic.

Go ahead. If we're talking about the same thread, I was the fucking idiot who wanted to try to talk that arsehole round as well. Let me say it again: I think JAMM's been vilely offensive, and I think you're right to be pissed off. I just don't think it gets you anything. You spent ages (maybe still do) trying to talk sense into a bunch of rather unpleasant right-wing Christians. Honestly, how is this different? What was that good for which this isn't?


So wait, it's a bad thing that Barbelith wants to help the suicidal but gets angry with the homophobic?

Well, if they're part of the same frantic howl, yeah. And I think they probably are. I don't really see a big difference in the pitch: "notice me, I am scum" seems to be the not-so-sub text. I think this iteration of homophobia - and let's not forget the duck-squeezerphobia and so on - is a symptom, not a position. It's indefensible and silly and loud, and it's got nothing I can see to do with any real awareness of gay, lesbian, or transgender people and everything to do with JAMM. Assuming he even feels any of these things, we're talking about something more like a literal phobia than a position, and we'd get better results treating it as such.

But I'm about done. I've no intention of getting into the position of being JAMM's apologist.

You never cease to amaze me...

Whereas I fear you conform to my dullest expectations.


A lot depends on objectives and outcomes.

16:14 / 06.07.04
Okay, Mink, I've no wish to prolong this further. Going to PM.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:52 / 06.07.04
Ganesh Or we could simply get back to the 'look at yourselves' hand-wringing...

Is Barbelith dying?

Are the moderators evil?

Mink or Jack calls someone a wanker.

Aaaaand we're done!

There, I've just done the soul-searching so the board doesn't have to. I think I deserve a medal or something.
Char Aina
17:29 / 06.07.04
when did Mink call anyone a wanker?
i ask because i appear to have missed that.

regarding the LAMM, is there really any point in stopping his downward spiral of "notice me-i am scum"?

i say let him kill himself if he so desires, as long as he's carefully weighed up the options.

last time round, i believe i suggested he go and do something worthy with his life. as far as i am aware, the man has done absolutely nothing, allowing his self image to get the better of him again. he appears to have learned nothing since then, and in fact taken a step back. while there are ways to help him, why bother when it appears he is unwilling to help himself?

perhaps death would be the more honourable path.

i'm serious, by the way.
if he feels his life is not worth living and feels that all the methods for improving it are too arduous*, then what is left?

the only other option seems to be for someone to carry his ass the rest of the way through life. while i understand that some carers do this for the severely disabled, i also support the individual freedom to choose death over a life you find unlivable.

*this is where the magic should be happening, of course. whether through medication, lifestyle differences, or someting else entirely, i believe making your life better benefits you AND all of those in contact with you.

(jamm, if you are reading, know this: i dont hate you. i dont think you are worthless. i also dont recommend suicide, as i have no idea what your life is like. while i believe there are times for such drastic measures, I HAVE NO IDEA WHETHER OR NOT IT IS APPROPRIATE FOR YOU. please refrain from feeling i have given you permission to take your life, and be aware i will accept no responsibility if this is the path you choose.)
Our Lady Has Left the Building
19:39 / 06.07.04
I had huggles in my voice when talking about Mink and Jack.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
20:10 / 06.07.04

Can we stick with "Mink" rather than my actual name? With the board being open to Googling and so on, I'd rather not be readily identifiable as the author of some of my comments about the industry in which I work.
20:48 / 06.07.04
You see, I'm just not getting the "I am scum" part of the "look at me!". This isn't a complex mechanism of self-hatred - it's a man with limited life experience who has had a skinful and decided to show the world the depth of his ignorance, and who was then too dim and self-regarding subsequently to admit his ignorance and try to learn anything. It's not exactly the weirdest tale ever told...
Cat Chant
08:48 / 07.07.04
The other thing, I guess, is that JAMM is not my friend. I suspect he is not the friend of anyone on this thread. I am sure (or at least I hope) that he has friends, and it is the job of those friends to read his comments in the light of his psychological state, and to respond in a Mink-like manner by saying "JAMM, mate, calm down and tell me what this is reeeelly about."

My job on this thread... well, actually, the way I see it is rather like a Pride march. It's not really about attempting to convince, placate or persuade JAMM (or homophobes in general) that Gay is Good, the Earth should remain capable of supporting animal life, and trans people should be referred to by their gender of choice. It's about responding to what is not even an interesting spewing of hatred, but a perfectly predictable and symptomatic version of some of the more unpleasant memes in our culture, in a way which allows me and the other queer, queer-friendly, environmentally concerned, trans and/or trans-friendly people here to demonstrate our support for each other and our commitment to making barbelith a queer-friendly place.

Just like in the Pride marches, it's not about JAMM. I'm sorry if his feet get trodden on as we sail happily past in our penis costumes, licking our clit lollies, but... It's not about THEM. It's about US.
Nobody's girl
13:02 / 07.07.04
I subscribe to the theory that when you encounter intolerance and ignorance in someone the best way to change it is to be patiently informative, not make fun of the way that person looks whilst (metaphorically) ripping them to shreds. Especially if you already know that person is vulnerable.

It's something I'm working on personally, so I can speak from experience- getting angry and being nasty will not help your antagonist change their views. I too am outraged by JAMM's spiel, but I don't think shouting him down and demanding an apology is very constructive.

My 2 cents.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:04 / 07.07.04
( offtopica ) I didn't use your real name did I Mink? If so I apologise...

The strange thing was, i was considering starting a transsexual related thread on a similar subject to what JAMM said, but using a lot more considerate languageand in the Head Shop but I feel as though he's messed things up for a proper discussion just at the moment...
Hattie's Kitchen
13:15 / 07.07.04
Oh, excuse me for getting all shouty and defensive, it's just that I've had to put with morons IRL hurling verbal and physical abuse at me, I've had to suffer homophobia from people I work with, I've been refused accommodation because of my sexuality (not that I broadcast it, but some people are good at guessing)...I take enough of this ill-informed bile in real life, I really shouldn't have to read it on Barbelith, of all places.

Am I expecting too much of 'lithers, when I expect them to be a little more aware of trans/queer issues, and thus not to spew such mindless crap?
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:16 / 07.07.04
Excellent post, Deva.

Mink, you seem to be arguing for a type of kindness and understanding which JAMM is in no way attempting to extend to others. Maybe he is under too much stress/has scripts which need him to behave like that.

But if taking account of that involves condoning a range of views that I find abohorrent and which are extremely dominant narratives, then he's not getting openness from me. As Deva points out, that's for his friends to do. Or a counsellor. And I'm neither.

Also, there's an assumption that JAMM is the only person on this thread who is wrestling with schtuff, that he is uniquely deserving of recieving a more sensitive consideration. Which is rubbish.

As for the rest, see Deva'S post above on Pride. It's important to me that Barbelith is demonstrably safe(as can be) space for queers.
13:25 / 07.07.04
getting angry and being nasty will not help your antagonist change their views

Likely not. But that assumes that you care.
pointless and uncalled for
13:35 / 07.07.04
Well said.

And Mink,

While you say you have no intention of being JAMM's apologist, you seem to be doing just this.

JAMM has shown all of the trademarks of a recidivist in this and blatantly ignored the advice of those offering to engage him on his comments in a discussive manner. Would you propose that those most on the receiving end of his ignorance in the manner of "let a bigot be a bigot", particularly in the culture of barbelith? If he refuses to listen to quiet reason then what? I think that in critisizing the more vocal of JAMM's objectors you fail to appreciate the condition that he has created and the needs of the objectors themselves.

Seems like veering into the territory of apologist to me.
13:41 / 07.07.04
Quite so. Whereas in a perfect world we may wish to extend kindness to bigots, sometimes the slappy hand of slap is a necessary prologue for our own sake. Nobody's girl, with the utmost respect I feel you might have a more jaundiced perspective if, for example, your loved ones had consistently to conceal their sexuality for fear of being forced out of their job, or found themselves on the receiving end of aggression or violence because of their sexuality.

So, while the peaches and cream approach might be to show understanding and sympathy, that would make this about JAMM and not about us. JAMM has demonstrated that he is not terribly interested actually in learning about queer or trans issues, so I feel the priority is, rightly, to provide support and reassurance for those who might see his outburst as a sign that this sort of nonsense is allowed to pass without omplaint on Barbelith. Flyboy's response was extreme, it was criticised and it has not been pursued. To take it as the benchmark index of the responses is to create a straw man.

Now, if JAMM were to pop up and say something like "I'm awfy sorr, I clearly hayve not given this much thought. Since I have received a lot of angry criticism, I would like to know a bit more about these issues so I can better understand whether I am in fact making a brave stand against PC shibboleths or whether I am just being misinformed and provincial", I'm sure we would all be perfectly happy to help. I started this by pointing him in the direction of a number of Barbelith threads in which the issues were debated at length and from a variety of viewpoints. It is hardly our fault if he has decided he does not need to know anything more. If that is the case, I don't really see that he is going to get much out of reading, either Barbelith or at all, so the priority becomes making it clear that Barbelith is not a safe space for such stupidity.
Nobody's girl
13:51 / 07.07.04
Oh, excuse me for getting all shouty and defensive, it's just that I've had to put with morons IRL hurling verbal and physical abuse at me, I've had to suffer homophobia from people I work with, I've been refused accommodation because of my sexuality (not that I broadcast it, but some people are good at guessing)...I take enough of this ill-informed bile in real life, I really shouldn't have to read it on Barbelith, of all places.

Hattie, I too have encountered a great deal of homophobia. You want my victim cred? How about this- I was out in a Fife (legendarily parochial Scottish county) high school, aged 14, LONG before Graham Norton hit the telly. Please don't lecture me on how terrible it is to encounter homophobia because I know all too well what it feels like.

Precisely because of my encounters with discrimination I am inclined to be less shouty and more patient, because I have found it to be the more effective response.

arguing for a type of kindness and understanding which JAMM is in no way attempting to extend to others

Surely the best way of proving our point is to extend kindness and understanding even when JAMM is being unreasonable? You know, not lowering ourselves to his level of debate?

It's important to me that Barbelith is demonstrably safe(as can be) space for queers.

Me too. However, I'm uncomfortable hounding people out after they exhibit views differing with mine, mainly because of my own experience with intolerence.
Nobody's girl
14:07 / 07.07.04
feel you might have a more jaundiced perspective if, for example, your loved ones had consistently to conceal their sexuality for fear of being forced out of their job, or found themselves on the receiving end of aggression or violence because of their sexuality

That was a somewhat impertinent assumption to make.
Hattie's Kitchen
14:07 / 07.07.04
Actually, NG, my post wasn't directed at you, and I am not lecturing anyone, nor am I notching up victim credibility scores - JAMM has been a member of this board long enough to have seen these issues discussed at length before. He's a big boy, let him fight his own battles. Mmmmm'kay?
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:14 / 07.07.04
Well, if they're part of the same frantic howl, yeah.

Interesting. So which would you like people to be: unsympathetic to people with suicidal impulses, or tolerant of homophobia and transphobia?
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:21 / 07.07.04
As for "hounding"... Godspit, he started the thread, therefore he invited responses, and it's not like anyone's even suggesting banning him from the board or anything like that. Mink has that right: he was saying "look at me, I bet you disagree with me!" - it's just that the subtext was "because I'm so transgressive and provocative and say what we're all thinking but won't dare say out of fear of the PC police!" rather than "because I'm a stupid stupid STUPID obnoxious muppet." He was, in a very real sense, asking for it.

Tryphena Absent
14:22 / 07.07.04
Flyboy's response was extreme, it was criticised and it has not been pursued

Oh per-lease, Flyboy's response was the most honest- no pretence, the rest of you are frankly being a lot nastier. I mean seriously "I'm awfy sorr, I clearly hayve not given this much thought: You're telling the entire board that you have no respect for people who back down while simultaneously requesting that someone back down Haus. How is that any less aggressive? JAMM's acted like an ignorant twat but considering that he's just had about 30 people shout him down for it I rather think he's had his telling off and Nobody's Girl has a point. Yes, his post was utter and complete bullshit not necessarily for a specific reason but because it showed a level of selfish behaviour that is appalling. If I'd bothered to read this thread I would have been digging in too but this is 5 pages long now and I'm certain that Mink and NG are uncomfortable because it's more a witch hunt than an attempt to fight aggression with aggression. When JAMM posts again a response might be needed until that time you're bumping a thread with a first post that screams ignorance up to the top of conversation. Frankly all you lot are doing is asking for idiots to google it and come to the board.
Tryphena Absent
14:30 / 07.07.04
And Flyboy for god's sake shut up and put your chainsaw away. All of you put your chainsaws away, JAMM is not replying and everyone else is just stirring. The fun is over.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:31 / 07.07.04

Mink, you seem to be arguing for a type of kindness and understanding which JAMM is in no way attempting to extend to others.

My point is that one would wish him to. Since he's plainly an emotional infant, someone else has to start the understanding ball rolling.

But if taking account of that involves condoning a range of views that I find abohorrent and which are extremely dominant narratives, then he's not getting openness from me.

It's not about condoning them. It's about a different way of uprooting them and destroying them. I've never had much luck with the bludgeon approach, here or in real life. Have you?

Also, there's an assumption that JAMM is the only person on this thread who is wrestling with schtuff, that he is uniquely deserving of recieving a more sensitive consideration.

I don't know who's assuming that. I'm sure as hell not. I hope no one's assuming it about me, either.


I think that in critisizing the more vocal of JAMM's objectors you fail to appreciate the condition that he has created and the needs of the objectors themselves.

I'm not criticising the objectors, or even how loudly they object. I'm questioning the method of furious denunciation as a means to any kind of positive result. When a notion upsets me, I don't want to shout at it, I want to destroy it. I want to root it out of the thinker's head and consign it to the broken glass bin.

It's not an unfamiliar argument, to anyone who's been on Barbelith for a while; I almost always believe there's something to be had from talking, and I think violence - verbal or otherwise - ultimately generates little but more violence. It's almost a secular cheek-turning thing. And I'm done. If people don't want to hear it, I don't want to go on about it.

Seems like veering into the territory of apologist to me.

Does it? That's a shame.


peaches and cream

A little simplistic.

I'm done. I just can't keep saying this in different words. You either get it now - whether you agree or not - or you don't.
Cat Chant
14:37 / 07.07.04
If I'd bothered to read this thread I would have been digging in too but this is 5 pages long now and I'm certain that Mink and NG are uncomfortable because it's more a witch hunt than an attempt to fight aggression with aggression.

On the other hand, if you'd bothered to read it, you might have noticed that many of the posts stopped engaging with JAMM on about the second page. A few of them continue to engage with his posts (mostly presenting counter-arguments, pointing out factual errors or flaws in the argument), and much of the rest of this thread has been a pretty interesting discussion about different strategies for responding to threads like this. I was just thinking that this is an excellent example of how Barbelith sometimes has the ability to spin gold out of straw.

Anyway, we know who the witch is. What's to hunt?

Frankly all you lot are doing is asking for idiots to google it and come to the board.

I don't agree about that, either. Firstly because I'm not quite sure how we're making ourselves more vulnerable to googling by bumping the thread, or what specific searches you're worried we're laying ourselves open to; and secondly because this thread has reminded me about the time I first joined the board - I nearly left again immediately because one of the Greenland Posse was talking sexist/racist crap and no-one called them on it. (Later I found out it was because everyone was tired, of course, but I think leaving a googlable thread that condones homophobia/transphobia is less risky in terms of idiot-attraction than leaving one that comes down on it pretty hard.)
14:50 / 07.07.04
To be clear, "quite so" was aimed at: It's important to me that Barbelith is demonstrably safe(as can be) space for queers.

First up, googling. No idea why that should be an issue. "Homophobia", "transphobia", "transexual", "chromosome" "Gay Pride" - if somebody is looking for keywords like that they are going to find threads on Barbelith anyway, and since entry to the place is currently closed they're going to struggle to burst in. Let's try to maintain a bit of perspective.

Now, let's clarify. I don't think I am expecting anyone to "back down", only suggesting that I personally would have more respect for JAMM if he showed any interest in examining why his ignorance has caused irritation, and the significant corpus of discussion even just on Barbelith on both sides of the various arguments. He appears to lack that level of interest. It was round about post 69 (snork) that, having provided links to a series of threads on Barbelith that explain some of these issues in layman's terms and in greater detail, I aked if he had felt any desire to consider why he had caused such annoyance. He had not.

While I see this thread as neither a "witch hunt" nor a "hounding out", somebody who has no desire to learn how to play with the other people who make up this space as anything other than an audience or punchbag is not somebody I'm going to shag my leg off to keep on Barbelith. I'm pretty easy either way on that.

Nobody's girl - Quite right, it was a terribly impertinent suggestion, for which I apologise, and perhaps kindness and patience are the best ways you have found to combat intolerance. That's great. However, they are not the only ways to combat intolerance. As Ganesh mentioned above, we kick out people with anti-Semitic views, but we don't as a matter of policy kick out people with homophobic or transphobic views, so we have to decide our own response to them.

I think mockery, outright rejection and accusations of being full of shit fall quite firmly into the field of acceptable responses. "Let me give you these links to discussions on the issues" is an acceptable response, IMHO. "Let me give you this lovely warm hug while I explain patiently to you why Pride is an important and valuable thing" is also an acceptable response (although note that CM and NG are not actually talking *to* JAMM, but rather *about* how others *should* talk to JAMM). "You're fat and have a beard, so nobody will sex you" was, I thought, although no doubt honest also offtopic, and was not picked up on going forwards. I don't think how "nasty" a response is is necessarily relevant, only how germaine.
15:01 / 07.07.04
CM - I find that the "peaches and cream" approach has worked very well for me in real life, but it frequently fails online. Limitations of a text based medium and all that. Winding people up and being rude is arguably a lot worse, but I can't say that JAMMSs inital post made me think the former was ever going to be a viable strategy.
15:21 / 07.07.04
Mink, you know it *really* doesn't do you any favours when you make these terribly world-weary statements like:

I just can't keep saying this in different words. You either get it now - whether you agree or not - or you don't.

Have you considered, rather than saying it in different words, addressing people's concerns and responding to them as if they were adults to be discussed with rather than children to be explained to? I don't think anyone here doesn't "get it". I think, conversely, that you have fallen into the Platonic trap of believing that if somebody is disagreeing, it is probably because they do not get it, rather than because they do not think it is right.

Now, it strikes me that Deva has nailed it. Since JAMM demonstrated that he was not interested in becoming in any way better informed on the issues, we have pretty much forgotten about him as anything other than an example for discussion of how best to handle posts which, if left unchallenged, would potentially upset and alienate people we want very much to have on Barbelith. This strikes me as a more useful exertion of energy than engaging further with JAMM. If he wants to add anything, to ask for some more information, or to call us all PC wankers again he knows where we are.

As for emotional infancy - I think it is pretty patronising to assume that somebody is expressing views for no other reason than this; even if it is true, we must presumably assume that somebody on Barbelith has signed a hypothetical tick box saying "I am an adult and am generally happy to be treated as such". Again, I think there is plenty of *understanding* of JAMM. Peple have understood his position, disagreed with it, explained why they disagree with it, provided references. People have understood that his opinions might be ill-understood, might be poorly thought out, might be attention-seeking, and have reacted in kind. If you mean that we cannot possibly be mean to somebody in their 30s or 40s until we have ascertained that they are completely emotionally robust and able to cope in a mature and sensible fashion with criticism, then we can try, but I suspect that right now the population of Barbelith would stand at Torquemada, Leap, JAMM, Sirius, Laila and the Fetch. Although Barbelith can be therapeutic, it canot be relied upon as a therapeutic space.

But we are talking about two separate objectives. You want to stop JAMM thinking this way. I think that many others would certainly like this very much, but acknowledge also that JAMM poses little physical threat to Pride marches or transpeople, and is unlikely actually to meet many or be able to think of anything to say if and when he does, so although it would be very nice if he had a think and some more information (see those threads I linked to), to root out every hint of prejudice from his mind is not the only objective of worth, and may in fact detract, at least int he short term, from other objectives, such as making clear that this is the language of prejudice, and that we are not as a group going to create a safe space for that prejudice to be proposed or postulated.

So, different aims. If anyone wants to give JAMM some huggles and draw him out on this, rather than just tell us all that we have handled him all wrong, I think PMs might be the way forward, since there is no way to certificate that he is not going to get called a tosser by one of Barbelith's members in the open field. However, since it has been established that he has no interest in changing, examining or supplementing his opinions with fact, you might be in for a lengthy period of coddling to no great effect. It's your right, however, to take the actions you deem appropriate.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
16:54 / 07.07.04

I am tired, mate. I just am. I don't know when it became more important that Barbelith be safe than that it be transformative. I don't know why I feel compelled to suggest discussion with rather than denunciation of people whose views I despise. I didn't want to make a big thing of this. The only reason I'm still in the thread is that people I trust intellectually seem to be wildly misinterpreting what I'm saying. But I'm done with it. I can't make it any clearer, so if I'm not being misunderstood, I'm wrong, or I'm not getting it myself. In any case, it's not worth the grief.

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