Jim-Jamm, you got a real raw deal with your post. It was an honest attempt at a statement of personal believe and you got slammed for it. But I still hate you.
Not because of the Bush stuff. I agree, the current administration at the reins in America is probably one of the most dangerous coalitions organized in a long time.
I don't hate you because of the environment stuff. Short of nuclear holocaust the environment and its respective fuzzywuzzies are probably going to outlive the human race by a few good millenia no matter how badly we fuck up.
I don't hate you for the Gay/Lesbian/Tran stuff, although you should really know better. You just can't say shit like that for the same reason that I just can't make jokes about jews and money (no matter how funny the joke may be): when you're part of a subcultural minority like that you have to jump up EVERYONE'S ass who even comes close to bigotry because otherwise the genuinely dangerous wankers will slip through and fuck up your shit royal. And since, for now, all that the gays/lesbians/trannies/etc. are using is sharp invective that's just fine by me.
No, I hate you for one simple reason. Goddammit, you despoiled the Conversation forum! Typically the only forum on this message-board where people don't shout at each other about the right/wrong nature of their beliefs; whether that belief be that Cartesian dualism is idle twaddle, Anarcho-syndicalism is the way of the future, or Xorn was a better character before he was Magneto. In most fora they state their belief and then shout at each other for a few posts before they calm down (or don't calm down as the case may be). But not in Conversation, dammit! This is where they talk about secret beards, barbecrushes, dates with Eminem, and blessed,blessed drink before they all break down giggling. If you're going to make a shouty post put it in one of the shouty forums, but leave my silly and somewhat pointless Conversation alone and until you do I hateyouhateyouhateyou.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to start a thread about the need for slash fiction about Errol Flynn and Basil Rathbone. |