According to the Bush administration, anyone who aspires to have so much as a minimal percentange of the number of "Weapons Of Mass Destruction'" that the USA has is evil. North Korea, because of their nuclear weapon development has been branded part of the "Axis of Evil". And they, quite rightly, object to this tag. Not so long ago a now famous dictator named Suddam Hussein was painted with the same brush and had his dictatorship bombed to buggery, only to discover that he didn't even have any WOMD. Have we heard an apology from the Bush administration? No. OK, he was a complete and utter cunt, so are lots of people, so are lots of world leaders. Take Bush Jr for example. For months the news was full of "Suddam iasn't co-operating, we want to send in Weapons Inspectors", "OK, send them!", "We can't find these WOMD, he's lying to us", "No I'm not, I haven't got any!", "Yes he does, we need to drag his scientists to America to interrogate them", "Go ahead", "His scientists are lying to us, Suddam isn't being striaght with the rest of the world", "Yes I bloody am!", "No you're fucking not, we'll bomb you, see if we don't", "Why? I'm not teling porkies, honest..."
"I think I'd better hide in this hole for a bit"...
Have you got a minute for Greenpeace?
No, it's too nice a day for an argument.
Why would we have an argument? I just want to answer any questions about Greenpeace you might have and explain how you can help to save the planet.
Oh God, we are going to have an argument aren't we?
Well because, for a start, the planet doesn't need saving. It's just a huge compressed mass surrounded by molten rock with a crust on top. It's fine, been fine for billions of years and will continue to be fine for billions more. It's the environment that surrounds the planet that's in trouble and, quite frankly, I don't consider it worth saving.
Um, oh. What?. Why not?
Look, Greenpeace and almost everyone else takes this incredibly narrow view of things that says that what we have is worth saving. I don't. You know of the thing where you compress the entire history of the planet into the timescale of a single year? Earth somehow magically appears on the instant of New Years Day, becomes habitable somewhere on Christmas Eve and Human Beings don't show up until a few minutes before midnight on News Years Eve at the end of the year. The entire recorded history as we know it covers only the last few seconds and each of our lifetimes last less than the time it takes to even think about blinking, let alone carry out the action. And Greenpeace seems to think that these last few seconds are all that matters. As I said, I don't agree.
But what about the animals? What about the rainforests which mankind is wiping out at a rate of...
Sorry but I'm not interested in your statistics about how the rainforests or the animals are doing. They are doing badly, I know! Everyone knows. I simply have a different way of thinking about this that tells me that it's pointless trying to clean up the mess. It's a waste of time taking actions under the expectaion that mankind will somehow stop fucking everything up. We won't! As far as I'm concerned, mankind is a virus. A virus with a finite future and the quicker we destroy everything in sight and make the environment unlivable, thereby making ourselves and, admittedly, everything else, extinct, the better. In a million or so years from now everything will be fine and lovely again with a whole new set of, hopefully, more viable species than the lot we currently have running around killing, eating and flattening everything in sight. THEN the environment will no longer be under threat and the planet, which will have been fine throughout this whole process, can continue to be so without the need of Greenpeace going about telling everyone it's in danger when in fact it never was in the first place.
*The sound of a Greenpeace volunteer walking away*
John Howard, the Australian Prime Minister, the leader of the country wot I live in, is an absolute bloody embarrasment. I wish someone would accuse him of something as interesting as developing WOMD. I really do! Sadly, the most serious thing he'll ever have thrown at him is a proclivity for sleeping with a fluffy teddy bear and having bushy eyebrows.
I'm sick of "Gays and Lesbians", on lots of levels. I couldn't give a rats who they sleep with, I don't care who they fuck or who fucks them. I just don't. I object to Lesbians not allowing themselves to simply fall under the blanket heading of "gay". Lesbians are gay, why do they need a whole separate word? Blokes that fuck blokes are "gay", women who fuck women are "gay" too, why do we need the expression "gays AND lesbians"? Why doesn't "gay" mean lesbians as well? Coz it does! Why do "gays AND lesbians" have to hold marches in the streets, why do they need parades in Sydney and San Francisco garnering world coverage to attract sympathy to "their cause"? Why do we have to care? Can't they just get on with it without a group hug from the rest of us straight people? I have no problem with anyone doing anything to anyone else, whatever sexes are involved, whatever species are involved for that matter, as long as everyone is enjoying themselves and nobody, or no thing, is having a bad time in the process. Why do gay people need me to say "yay, GO Girl/Boy/Shemale/Transexual/Hermaphrodite" on their behalf? Why don't you all shut the fuck up and just get on with it and stop asking me to sign patitions to allow you to get married to each other? Why the hell would you even WANT to get married? Marriage is a patriarchal ceremony designed and performed within the confines of a religiously based social model. Why the hell are you interested in THAT anyway?
Why do men who have sex change operations expect to be recognised as women? If there's a Y-Chromosome in your blood, you're a guy. I could stick Porsche headlights on my pushbike but that won't make it a car, let alone a Porsche. Nadia on UKBB is a man. I don't care if he's had his dick sliced and diced and turned inside out and shoved back up into his abdomen, he's still got Y-Chromosomes so he's still a bloke. He didn't "used to be a man", he's just a bloke with his dick sliced and diced and turned inside out and shoved back up into his abdomen. Get over it. It doesn't matter. Yes, there is "Something About Miriam", he makes a not very attractive man trying to pass as a woman. He still HAS a dick. Why should I care? Why am I expected to go "OOOOOHHHHHH!" and "AAAAHHHHHH" and "EEEEWWWWWW" when he tricks other guys into thinking he's a she and still, not surprisingly, fails to find true love in the process.
I'm just getting started... there will (probably) be more. I'm on a roll. I'm in a BAD mood. |