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The Obviously One Or The Other Game.


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08:27 / 20.07.04

Doonesbury or Ted Rall?
Jack Vincennes
09:41 / 20.07.04
Doonesbury, for kind-of spawning Bloom County. But thanks for making me Google Ted Rall just to check. More comic archives to read, hurrah!

A pet slavering hound with a penchat for occasional violence or a pet tiny lapdog with a tendency towards continual yapping?
10:22 / 20.07.04
violent dogs all the time

Harry or sally?
Grey Area
10:28 / 20.07.04
sally with a small s.

Kiwi or Orange?
17:43 / 20.07.04
Oranges. They don't get huffy when you accuse them of being Australian.

Beer or wine? I need a response soon, as I'm heading up to the offy.
Bed Head
17:55 / 20.07.04
Always the wine.

Sailing By, or UK Theme?
22:39 / 20.07.04
[Gulls crying]
[Guitar plunk-plunking]
[Sea washing]
[Violins caressing]

Sailing By. Every time.
I feel sleepy at the very thought.

So to continue the sleep theme:
Big pillows or thin/no pillows?
the cat's iao
22:49 / 20.07.04
BIG pillows.

Theme, eh?

Sleep talker or sleep walker?
Alex's Grandma
23:27 / 20.07.04

I Saw The Cure At The Reading Festival, or, I'm Just Struggling A Bit.
unheimlich manoeuvre
22:45 / 21.07.04
the cure, wish i could have gone.


more police on the streets or less.
23:47 / 21.07.04

more graffiti (artistic/politcal of course) on the streets, or less?
Saint Keggers
23:54 / 21.07.04
less...the only political graffiti we get here is F.L.Q! and Anglo Go Home!

Physical Graffiti or Pornograffiti?
the cat's iao
01:02 / 22.07.04
I suppose the lesser of two evil would be Physical Graffiti...

Soup or salad?
the Fool
01:06 / 22.07.04
soup - its winter here!!!

Beatles or Stones?
Saint Keggers
01:08 / 22.07.04
Soup, because as the Simpsons will tell you, "You dont make friends with salad"

Is it Cajun Style or Just Plain Burnt?
the cat's iao
01:18 / 22.07.04
Cajun style Beatles?

08:16 / 22.07.04

Buried alive or eaten alive?
10:43 / 22.07.04
eaten alive (suffocation sucks)

onion rings or french fries?
the cat's iao
20:26 / 22.07.04
Onion Rings--especially with vinegar!

Regret something you have done or regret something you haven't done?
22:38 / 22.07.04
Something you have done. And by the way when you see your mother, be sure to tell her.....

SATAN! or Chime?
Alex's Grandma
00:41 / 23.07.04

And on that subject,

Reign In Hell, or Serve In Heaven ?
Saint Keggers
00:52 / 23.07.04
Serve in Heaven...ya gotta start somewhere.

The Hare or the Tortoise?
the cat's iao
00:56 / 23.07.04
Well, part of me sure wants to say reign in hell, but then, I don't think it'd be too satisfying to reign over a plcae that is intended to inflict eternal misery on fragile, misguided, falible human beings; thus, I'll have to say serve in heaven.

Small room with a big view or big room with a small view?
the cat's iao
00:58 / 23.07.04
Ah fuck. The tortise. Last question still stands.
Saint Keggers
01:05 / 23.07.04
Big room with a small view. Im living in the small room option. Believe me you dont want that option.

Molson or Coors (cause you cant have them both...oh wait now you can Bastards!!!
01:50 / 23.07.04

Hotdog or hamburger?
the cat's iao
02:00 / 23.07.04
Hamburger--especially if it's steamed.

Total nuclear holocaust or total viral holocaust?
pointless and uncalled for
07:16 / 23.07.04
Total nuclear holocaust, quick and to the point, no messing around.

Short or long to goblin city, the short way's quick, the long way's pretty.
the cat's iao
20:53 / 23.07.04
Long way--I'm in no hurry.

Salary or hourly?
Alex's Grandma
03:11 / 24.07.04

Lemsip Ultra, or just lying about the place, not showing up.
D Terminator XXXIII
03:21 / 24.07.04

My feet or yours. Smelly, and all.
the cat's iao
03:35 / 24.07.04

Shower or bath?
Alex's Grandma
03:38 / 24.07.04
The former. Whatever the alternative to the later is.

Cartman or Descartes ?
Lord Morgue
05:37 / 24.07.04
Rene Descartes was a drunken fart: "I drink, therefore I am."

Bananarama or Wang Chun?
15:28 / 24.07.04
Wang Chun.

Nose picker or nail biter?

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