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The Obviously One Or The Other Game.


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22:51 / 14.07.04
Dr Who.

Love or happiness?
23:42 / 14.07.04
On balance? Happiness. Love has a horrible habit of making one sad.

Being old, wearing purple velvet, being called The-Mad-Witch-Of-Wherever and puncturing small children's footballs when they accidentally kick them into your garden...


Being old, wearing Crimplene, living in Wherever-On-Sea and holding hands with someone equally wrinkly?

(Or is that the same thing as love or happiness?)
Alex's Grandma
03:23 / 17.07.04

The complete works of Billy Bragg, or a mouthful of rat poison ?
pointless and uncalled for
18:00 / 17.07.04
The complete works of Billy Bragg. Whilst the affects on humans are similar, the works can be reused and are just as effective on rats.

Single Lense Reflex or Twin Lense Reflex?
the cat's iao
19:10 / 17.07.04

SRL or robot wars?
Alex's Grandma
22:05 / 17.07.04
Robot Wars.

Robbie Williams, or the worst thing you could possibly imagine ?

For the sake of argument there's a difference.
Charlie's Horse
22:39 / 17.07.04

That's waay too easy. Robbie. Kenny G is much, much worse.

In a fight, who would win:

a)A shark with a jet engine strapped on

b)An alligator with eagle wings

(PS - the 'An Alligator with Eagle Wings' bit is the future title of my autohagiography, so don't even think about swiping it)
Bed Head
22:52 / 17.07.04
Wings beat jet engine.

Black olives or green olives?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:03 / 17.07.04
Green olives (marinaded with garlic and chilli).

Chips or onion rings?
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
23:35 / 17.07.04

Sex or Death.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:57 / 17.07.04
Sex, coz you can do that more than once (I've heard).

Burnt or lightly toasted?
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:13 / 18.07.04
And? Don't you have to give another duality to choose from? Ok, I'll give another.

Cops or Robbers?
the cat's iao
00:36 / 18.07.04
What someone picked robot wars over SRL?!?! I can't believe that shit. I bet you don't even know what SRL stands for--did you even think to try ta' google it? Man.

Slightly burnt cops.

The end of the world or the end of the world as we know it?
Charlie's Horse
06:54 / 18.07.04
And I feeel fiiiiiiiine...

Roommate's annoying, argumentative lover who screams during sex


Single roommate constantly complaining of loneliness, randomly asking for handjob
the cat's iao
07:19 / 18.07.04
I'd probably be inclined to go for the latter 'cause you can always ignore the whining and politely say "no" to his query.

A doorknob or a sack of hammers?
Alex's Grandma
22:19 / 18.07.04
Hammers, I suppose.

Carpets or drugs ?
the cat's iao
00:22 / 19.07.04
Drugs--unless you are talking about a good shag.


Dreams of tomorrows or memories of yesterdays?
pointless and uncalled for
07:06 / 19.07.04
Memories of yesterday or photographs as I like to call them.

stream of conciousness or train of thought?
13:05 / 19.07.04
stream of conciousness

blissful ignorance? or the burden of awareness?

(Has this been said before? I imagine there should be repeats soon.)
pointless and uncalled for
13:37 / 19.07.04
Burden of awareness.

shovel or spade?
13:39 / 19.07.04

now or then?
14:33 / 19.07.04
I chose now but it became then.

Cinema snacks:- Poppets or popcorn?
14:36 / 19.07.04
Popcorn. Salted.

Barbelith or real life?
Saint Keggers
14:49 / 19.07.04
"Barbelith or real life?"

Does not compute..divide by zero error!!!
Barbelith is real life.

Real Life.

Rootbeer or spruce beer?
Alex's Grandma
15:21 / 19.07.04
Root beer, for now.

Ryan or Bryan. Adams that is.
Madman in the ruins.
17:53 / 19.07.04

CD's or Vynil?
Alex's Grandma
18:14 / 19.07.04
CD's, sadly - Vinyl these days is just too much trouble.

But I am mildly horrified that you chose Bryan - I mean for fuck's sake man, Brian Adams is evil, EVIL, whereas Ryan's a genius, IMHO. Try Heartbreaker or Love Is Hell ( Pt's 1 & 2, ) and then compare those with " Everything I Do... "

I used to think I was unshockable, but John, honestly...


A night of passionate, beautiful, meaningful, drugged-up sex with your heart's true desire, or sitting round waiting for a bus in the rain, having been sick on your clothes ?
Madman in the ruins.
19:11 / 19.07.04
eh and theres a choice,

Passionate sex obviosly.

(Ry and Bri are follwing simiar careers, before the digre that was Everthing I do. Bir relases "Reckless". Didn't Ry do the " I Love New York" song, apolgies if i'm wrong but comapre I Love NY with any one of Bir's early works)

OK question.

Doing a favor for somone you love for no money, Or working for someone you hate but being rewarded with cash?
unheimlich manoeuvre
19:26 / 19.07.04
obviously, no money and out of love.


Jesus or Dionysus
19:35 / 19.07.04
Setting aside that they're both representations of the exact same archetype... Dionysus, because his followers are usually more fun to hang out with.

Spidey Sense or Sixth Sense?
Saint Keggers
20:02 / 19.07.04
Spidey...I cant stand that I hear dead people kid.

train or plane?
20:15 / 19.07.04

haha, just kidding.

train. (I like the seats better... and not having my ears pop)

original novel or film adaptation?
Saint Keggers
20:23 / 19.07.04
Original novel

Waiting for the lith to update or getting a life?
Alex's Grandma
21:41 / 19.07.04
How can you ask that ?

The former.

Pamela Anderson or Kenneth Williams ?
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
22:48 / 19.07.04
Kenneth Williams - can you imagine the brain-death that would be reading Pamela Anderson's diaries?

Weebl or Bob?

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