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The Obviously One Or The Other Game.


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Bastard Tweed
04:21 / 17.08.04
Poetry, cuz it can be prophecy too. And a great big wrath is come . . .

Unjustified self satisfaction
Unjustified self loathing?
Madman in the ruins.
06:16 / 17.08.04
Self loathing-It will lead to self improvment (hopefully)


Petrol Powered or Diesel engine?
Spyder Todd 2008
14:17 / 17.08.04
Not that I have one, but-

Boy Meets World or Saved By The Bell?
Alex's Grandma
21:52 / 17.08.04
" Big ideas, guy stuff, boy meets the world, boy gets it. "

Full drag or a kilt ?
22:31 / 17.08.04

grease or soap
the cat's iao
03:32 / 18.08.04

90210 or The OC?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:52 / 18.08.04
Too bad I can't choose between Soap, 90210 or The OC, since Soap would win in a heartbeat. But, Mindy Clarke from Return of the Living Dead 3 is in The OC, so it wins.

Pretzels or lime flavored tortilla chips?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:18 / 18.08.04
Lime flavored tortilla chips.

Increasing exasperation (vermillion) or wistful regret (eau-de-nil)?
Benny the Ball
10:51 / 22.08.04
Wistful regret *sigh*

Gary Oldman or Tim Roth?
Saint Keggers
14:00 / 22.08.04
Well I can't stand either... but Tim Roth

Tomax or Xamot?
Char Aina
18:30 / 22.08.04

rodney mullen or daewon song?
the cat's iao
18:43 / 22.08.04
Well, I'm gonna' have to say Mullen. I mean, he's been such a creative force in the scene and one of the few who does darkslides, which is damn cool. Plus, I have to admit, I've seen more of Mullen than of Song, so that might bias my choice.

With protective gear or without?
waxy dan
20:09 / 22.08.04

Chocolate fudge cake or cheeseboard?
Benny the Ball
20:16 / 22.08.04
Wow, if the fuge cake is warm and the ice cream accompanying melting, then...

Also, some places skank on the cheese board (chedder and something blue do not a board make)...

But, cheese board (I'm feeling sweet porky rather than afters porky at the moment)

Black or white russian?
the cat's iao
23:57 / 22.08.04
White Russian. Mmmmilk drinks.

Music videos or only the music please?
Lord Morgue
05:24 / 23.08.04
The music video, if there are boobies.

Alex's Grandma
06:41 / 23.08.04
The former.

Sitting there for eight hours feeling a vampire, or not showing up in the first place ?
Char Aina
06:42 / 23.08.04

victor hugo or jd salinger?
Alex's Grandma
06:57 / 23.08.04
Salinger, by a country mile.

The police, or thieves ?
The Puck
11:47 / 23.08.04
tea leaves

olympics or indifferance?
Spyder Todd 2008
12:03 / 23.08.04
indifference. Or not. Whatever.

brown sugar or carmel?
the cat's iao
01:12 / 24.08.04
I'll take that fine brown sugar any day, honey!

Insolence or insidiousness?
Madman in the ruins.
05:47 / 24.08.04

and as i'm having my breakfast at the mo.

Jam or Marmalade?
Char Aina
07:09 / 24.08.04

milky tea or weak coffee?
Whale... Whale... Fish!
08:44 / 24.08.04
tea always wins.

But what biscuit goes in the tea?

Half coated plain chocolate digestive or plain, boring digestive?
the cat's iao
02:23 / 26.08.04
Half coated digestive.

Plants or pets?
waxy dan
07:29 / 26.08.04
Pets if I had the space, so plants'll do... shame though, I miss the cuddles and the easy disposal of table scraps.

Lost or found?
Madman in the ruins.
08:24 / 26.08.04

Comics or Books?
10:44 / 26.08.04

Sweet or savoury?
the cat's iao
02:46 / 27.08.04
While Sweet have the classic song, "Ballroom Blitz," I feel that the song "Savory," by Jawbox, is far superiour to anything that Sweet ever put out. Indeed, I feel that much of Jawbox's music is better than that of many other bands. So, I'd say savoury.

You think most often of the past, the present, or the future?

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