Well seeing as how I've met females named Tony, Im going to assume there is at least one female with the name of Tony Blair. Secondly, seeing as how I have no idea what priapic means and that Im also straight that rules the second option right out. So im looking for suicide after sleeping with some woman named Tony Blair. (hey, if you're not specific I'll call'em as I want to see'em!)
may be ze means the Weeping Wall in Jerusalem?
personally i'm a brooding-into-a-log-fire kind of person so it's a fireplace (rather than the Fireplace) for me.
artificial Global Warming or natural climate change (ice age anyone?)
Well, I'd say the two could be seen as the same, if what humans do is considered part of nature; however, to leave that aside, I'd guess I'd say natural climate change.
Superheterodyne, 'cause the other seems likely to create plenty of opportunity for misery, identity crisis, and likely some sort of surgical remedy. Although, I don't really muck around with radio receivers much...
Black Magic because the secrets of the Black Magic box lent lots of sniggers to playtime at primary school (British chocolate childhood confused anal humour, sorry).
True, dare, double dare, love, kiss or promise?
(Look, we had more choices in our playground than most!)
Keggers, 'Daddy or chips' refers to a UK advert for oven chips (french fries) which features a little girl musing over whether she likes her Daddy or chips best of all. She chooses chips because Daddy steals her last chip.