I've been running around in circles on this board for a good long while. In that time I'm sure I've formed a similar reputation to that which the Teh Dark Magus epithet describes, though I think I tend to be a little more low key about my issues (aside, of course from the littany of confusion that graced/tainted the Maladaptive thread).
That aside, I have a random question about chakras and dreams.
Last night I had a dream that was the most coninuous and lucid that I have experienced. I remember falling into the dream from, that point before sleep (semi-consiousness) and literally felt like i was falling back into my body lying on my bed at it's extravagant conclusion. I understand the highly subjective nature of everything that happened, so I'm not going to go into details, but one thing seemed to hold my attention more than anything else as I was recalling the experience.
During the dream, it felt like I was being "told" or "shown" the various stages of a neophyte's developement (using radically different allegorical scenarios), specifically with regards to the chakras. A few weeks ago, I was speaking a self-styled shaman/pyschic/cyrstal practitioner. Much of the stuff she went over I disagreed with (here idea of shamanism, as expressed to me, was very shallow) but I did find it interesting when she mentioned the rotation of the chakras. (muladhara, sacral, etc.) She stated that all the chakras rotate in a clockwise direction.
In the dream my temporary "guide" drew my attention, quite intensly to the fact that the chakras alternation, there rotation rising from the root, to the sacral, to the naval, etc; each rotating the opposite way of the one preceeding it. I check this online, and found this to line up prefectly with my dream experience of the chakras, except for one thing: my root chakra (red) was spinning counter-clockwise, and my sacral (orange) was spinning clockwise. (these were the only two that I perceived in the dream, and the two which are causing the most problems in waking life.
So, I ask, what could this indicate? Does it have something to do with some conception of an astral body being the opposite of corporeal one, thus the opposite chakra rotation? Or is there something completely out of wack with my subtle body? Is this even something someone else can answer, or should I seriously pursue (like I'm planning) and relationship with the "guide" in my dream?
Any speculations for the wise are appreciated, and thanks for continuing the highest level of discussion I've found on the net. |