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Lateshift...with pie and cake and huggles and tarot and animal fights and ...


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23:05 / 16.03.04
I really need to watch some of these films I keep seeing people post about that I've never really heard of but always vaguely recognise. But when I see that, I just think that, and leave it. If only I was a man of action!
Ethan Hawke
23:05 / 16.03.04
This list is all tiny things. Mostly, it's locating various bills and other pieces of paper in my apartment, and taking care of them. It really shouldn't take me more than an hour to finish everything on it. Yet...I'm lazzzzyyyyyy.
23:09 / 16.03.04
Evening shifters.
How was the Bopmeet, Bear? A good turn out I hope. I might have gone myself if I'd known in advance that my plans would fall through, or could muster the gumption to drag my skinny arse to Kings X at the last minute.

Todd, a friend of mine has just moved to NY. Brooklyn, near Prospect Park I think. What's it like around there? Shitsville?
By the way, making a list is, in my book, quite an achievment in itself you know.
23:12 / 16.03.04
Todd, seriously... that would take me weeks. On my list recently was "arrange bits of paper" which involved me picking up bits of paper off my floor and putting them in a drawer downstairs.

I finally managed it today. They'd been there for a week at least. And then when I start talking to people about my daily achievements they look upon me with scorn.

This means I have now moved on to my *proper* list...
Ethan Hawke
23:19 / 16.03.04
Hey, Smoothly, that where I live. Prospect Heights is the neighborhood. Prospect Park is huge, so s/he could be living in any number of neighborhoods, most of them not particularly shitty. I would guess park slope, because that's where people who move to brooklyn tend to move.
Ethan Hawke
23:21 / 16.03.04
I made TWO lists today. Well, one was a grocery list. Does that count?

I tend to make lists on post-it notes a few hours before I leave work. The post-its I have now are bright pink, which adds to the officialness of the list.

When I was writing out my grovery list, I wrote "wood" when I meant to write "bread." Can someone explain what sort of disorder would lead to that happening?
23:23 / 16.03.04
The same disorder that makes you think you wrote a grovery list, man.

Was that intentional? Or do you shop in a grove?
23:25 / 16.03.04
I tend to make lists in among all my notes for "work" (note: not real work) and so they blend in to one. Unfortunately it seems the things that seem most important are those to do with comics/trying to be creative rather than, say, "getting a job".

I can carry out things like "Doctor, 2.40 Thurs" easily, though.
23:27 / 16.03.04
Incidentally Todd, I think I'd be really worried if you'd written: grovery/wood/beard because that would imply you want to be a lumberjack.

As it is I think you just miss nature.
23:38 / 16.03.04
That sounds about right, Todd. I don't have her address to hand but she's somewhere off Flatbush Ave. Sort of on the North-east side of the park I think. She didn't know Brooklyn at all when she arranged her accommodation from England, so I'm pleased she hasn't done too badly.

List-making does seem to be one of those things that divides people into two distinct camps. I never make lists, but I know people who do it almost obsessively. I remember a thread on Notebooks making me think: 'Barbelith. A lot of list-makers'. Not sure what common characteristic cleaves those who don't from those who do, though.
Ethan Hawke
23:43 / 16.03.04
Fluxington is an obsessive list maker. It's relaxing for him.

I live right off of Flatbush on the north end of the park. I really like the neighborhood. Did your friend come here for work or something?
23:45 / 16.03.04
I love Todd's list. My list says: (*looks to left*)

Windsor Blue.
23:48 / 16.03.04
I just tried to make a list of specific song lyrics/turns of phrase to draw in a supposedly spontaneous off the cuff sketching way.

Ha, I'm so scheming!
23:48 / 16.03.04
Yeah Todd. She just transferred last weekend. Should be going to visit her in a couple of months. Maybe a miniature Barbemeet if I do?

Hmmm. Maybe we should wile away the hours identifying likely 'Listers'. No. Probably not Perhaps instead we could address this question: Does Britney Spears's pearly bodystocking in the Toxic video have intentional bukkake overtones, or am I a sick fuck for it even to occur to me?
23:52 / 16.03.04
I think you are supposed to think that. Sex sells don't you know.
Bed Head
23:58 / 16.03.04
What is bukkake? It sounds so dodgy I'm scared to google for it lest I set off an alarm. And have my computer extend a gloved hand and slap my face, Ludwig-style.
00:00 / 17.03.04
So now I feel like a sick fuck for knowing what bukkake is. I perhaps should at least have affected a misspelling.
Evening Bed Head.
00:07 / 17.03.04
I'm trying for an unfashionable early night, so good night all.


Back in say... 30 mins then?
Bed Head
00:07 / 17.03.04
Sorry Smoothly, was more pointing out my terminally wussy cluelessness than any sick-fuckedness on your part. I haven’t even seen the video.

I’ve had another uselessly nonproductive yet fun day. It’s been sunny and mild, T-shirt weather. Spent the afternoon in my brothers garden babysitting my niece. Played records. Looked at a book without reading it. Just cooked something amazing. Now I’m online again. I refuse to feel guilty for any of this, although I should.
Ethan Hawke
00:34 / 17.03.04
Here's a list I just found while cleaning up. It's from my trip to Boston this weekend, when I visited the Museum of Fine Arts.

Charles deMuth
reverse painting on glass
Charles Caryl Coleman
Bed Head
00:39 / 17.03.04
You’re just showing off now. Is there a lot of Whistler in Boston? I suppose Massachusetts can claim him as their own if they want.
00:48 / 17.03.04
It's okay, Smoothly, I know what it is too.
Ethan Hawke
00:56 / 17.03.04
There weren't too many Whistler paintings, but the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum has an astonishing collection of his etchings. If you do get to the Isabella Stewart Garnder museum and locate the etchings, DON'T, as I unfortunately did, miss the Michaelangelo drawing located in the same area that my teacher described to me yesterday as the most perverted drawing ever. It's of the the virgin and child, too. I suspect my instructor might be slightly prudish, but I'm kicking myself...

Whistler might be my favorite "American" painter ever. The best painting I saw all weekend was by Sargent (at the MFA), titled "The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit." I'm gonna post it to the paintings thread tomorrow.

Everyone knows what bukakke is, and Smoothly, a barbemeet would be awesome. Just, um, don't connect those two clauses.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:56 / 17.03.04
'Lo. Anyone about?
22:03 / 17.03.04
yep i'm about if you still are mordant...
22:09 / 17.03.04
I'm about... just went to see the ENO doing The Rheingold... fucking Wagner-tastic, although the "clever" modern staging was a bit... weird. (The Rheinmaidens as poledancers? The giants just builders who get arsey about their fee?) Admittedly it all got much more... well, Wagnerian... when Wotan and Loge descended into Nibelheim... but still, it was a little weird. Very good, though. But I don't recommend the cheap seats- when the longer acts come around, I'm shelling out good money for something that won't kill my arse.

(Although the guy I went with, bless 'im, seemed surprised when I mentioned that it was St Patrick's Day. "Oh right... I thought everyone was wearing silly hats for the Budget!")

Just bumped into lilly in the pub as well... haven't seen her for ages (despite living across the road) so that was really cool, and now I feel all nice, as well as all Wagnered up.
15:59 / 18.03.04
Are we evening yet? Night? Oh fuck it, is anyone around?
This is a strange internet cafe. Everytime a tube goes, everyone gets vibrated.
16:12 / 18.03.04
Which post reminds me that I intended to set up a "location boasting" thread.
I was inspired by the idea of logging on in the lobby of the ICA outside the Bill Viola et al film art retrospective, just to gloat. Geeks could log in from various improbable wireless networks (eg Brighton's famed but ill-founded Networked Beach). And gloat.
Or should we just stick to gloating about our penii?
Welcome to London, incidentally. No, you're really entirely welcome to it. Help y'self.
16:20 / 18.03.04
Oh I have.
What location could be better than a vibrating chair in front of a computer? And my penii is bigger than yours.
16:30 / 18.03.04
I'm in an ace location. When I want to pass out and go to bed, I only have to walk a few feet. Pah! Take that, night bus! And my dog lives here, too, which is cool.
16:37 / 18.03.04
You're in a kennel?
Saint Keggers
17:28 / 18.03.04
Just checking to see what time it is....
17:44 / 18.03.04
I'm not in a kennel... but I have a dog who is convinced (rightly, I sometimes think) that this is HER house, and she just lets us humans live in it.
Saint Keggers
17:48 / 18.03.04
My cat feels the same way. I just glad he cant work the tv remote.
22:17 / 18.03.04
Ah, and before you know it we are

Human slaves.... of an insect nation!


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