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Lateshift...with pie and cake and huggles and tarot and animal fights and ...


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00:07 / 15.03.04
G'night. Enjoy!
Bed Head
00:09 / 15.03.04
Good night, enjoy, etc. Lucky sod. I wish I could watch the Wicker Man for the first time again.

Something weird with my computer tonight. The ‘preview post’ button isn’t working for me, although the ‘post message’ button is okay. I’m assuming this is down to something going wrong this end, rather than with the ‘Lith At Large, but I haven’t really got a prayer of figuring out what it is.
00:10 / 15.03.04
You're asking the wrong Luddite, mate!
Bed Head
00:16 / 15.03.04
Dude, I wasn’t asking, I was whingeing. I’ve been fiddling around with the ‘settings’ all afternoon, started off following clear instructions for a specific adjustment from my tech-y chum. I somehow ended up just clicking boxes according to some kind of instinct. I’m going to have to come up with a way of explaining what it is I’ve done, how I’ve done it, and why I’ve done it, before I can ask for help putting it right.
00:26 / 15.03.04
Yeah, I managed to fix the central heaing in our house by a combinaton of drunkenness and a determination to try everything possible. Could have died, I suppose, but I didn't, fortunately, and now my house is toasty warm. Too bad I'm sat in an office.
Bed Head
01:30 / 15.03.04
I think maybe different rules apply if you’re fixing things in the real world: keep fiddling and you’ll arrange the atoms in the right order sooner or later. Computers don’t ever seem willing to put up with the kind of treatment a central heating system or a car engine or flatpack furniture will endure, y’know? I’ve made a big mistake tangling with my computer, I just know it. Still, nice one for fixing your central heating, man - although I’ve just been for a walk around the block and I have to tell you, it’s ever so mild out tonight. You don’t even need a coat, really.

Pah. The walk has totally failed to clear my head. And the fairies didn’t fix my computer while I was out, the little sods. I’m going to bed, hope for a better one tomorrow. Don’t work too hard, Stoatie, enjoy the rest of your night.
01:44 / 15.03.04
Night, BH.
22:53 / 15.03.04
Fneeeeeh. The past three days were lame. Let me live vicariously through all of you. Go on, tell me of your interesting lives.

You can't, can you? You're too busy out having them. You fascinating bastards. -grumbles disconsolately-
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:02 / 15.03.04
naaa. i'm here, being unfascinating and homebound.

hows ting?
23:11 / 15.03.04
I'm always here!
23:25 / 15.03.04
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:26 / 15.03.04
My god. you really are aren't you?

how did you find the Wickerman?
23:30 / 15.03.04
It was alright. I'm not sure if it's my thing... it did freak me out a little.

I apologise for posting - what is at present - an unviewable picture.

How are you, anyway? Hows your ziiiine?
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:30 / 15.03.04
my weekend was faaaab. Starsky and Hutch, seeing a friend who's off to California for 3 weeks, Quantum's birthday bash. Drinking, chatting, new people, old friends, quality time with Jack the Bod and Spooky. Drugs. Dancing. Welcoming someone else to their 29th year....

Sunday: less fab. Several rather broken humans shambling around my flat. fixed the situation with booooze.

hmm. so i'm not hungover, really, but drained
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:31 / 15.03.04
zine? I think yr mistaking me for someone creative.
Bed Head
23:33 / 15.03.04
What have you done to the thread, suede? You’ve broken Barbelith! You clot!

Heh heh... Good evening all, by the way.
23:34 / 15.03.04
How was Starsky and Hutch? I'm trying to coax my fiance into seeing it.
23:36 / 15.03.04
Oh no! Sorry. I was certain I heard it said that you'd made a little sumptin' for lo-res... (checks facts)

Oops, appears I was mistaken. You're all the same down there! Unless I've got that wrong, too. I'm not being very smart these days.

Anyway - Starksy and Hutch! I so want to see that film!

"Go to sleep, tiny dancer". Why, those words would always soothe me to sleep... Obviously, I haven't seen it so those words may be slightly wrong. But still.

Your weekend sounds fun, I still don't feel fully recovered from my own escapades. I'm super-lame like that. Or it may just be I slept so long today that I haven't fully embraced the awake-ness of life.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:36 / 15.03.04

can i just mention that i hatesssss football. Well, specfically, my Muppetmelange of a 'team'.
23:36 / 15.03.04
Likewise, I was celebrating a friend's 18th on saturday. An interesting night was had by all, in a most enjoyable way. What was less enjoyable was having to do a 3 mile fun-run on a stinking hangover and an hours sleep. But I tumbled at the end, and might be famous in the paper again for that.

Im muchly muchly excited, and if I go to bed, probably wont sleep anyway. This is the best waste of my time.
23:38 / 15.03.04
It's true BH, I did break the thread. And I'd do it again, dammit!

Moderation should be forthcoming. I'm all over the shop, presently.

Goodness Gracious Meme
23:39 / 15.03.04
I really enjoyed S&H. It's dumb, but it made me laugh and laugh. Friend and i came out aned found ourselves doing competing Huggy walking along the seafront.

Crikey Suede, are you a delicate flower or were you on a binge of brendan behan-like proportions?
23:40 / 15.03.04
well, this is a fresh page, so as long as no one breaks this one, we should be okay.

As long as that sandwich isn't made of macaroni and cheese loaf.
Bed Head
23:42 / 15.03.04
BiP’s right suede, this booze-wussiness really isn't good enough. You’re young, too. Hangovers are so for old people. Your parents get hangovers.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:45 / 15.03.04
ex-actly. Yr hangovers are just going to get worse, it's downhill from here.

I think I need a weekend of non-brokenness. It's fun and all, but I'm tired now.
23:45 / 15.03.04
Um, I think I'm a bit of a delicate flower. No, I just feel weird - I can't actually attribute this to alcohol. More sleep deprivation. Just my general lifestyle - or lack thereof. It's purely self inflicted.

Ok. I am Brendan. They plagiarised my life.

I have a terrible fear of posting things that aren't factually right, lately, but I keep doing it!
23:46 / 15.03.04
I have drunk enough in my lifetime to get the hangovers of an old, old man. This is true. I do not fear posting this!
Bed Head
23:47 / 15.03.04
Yeah, right So you say.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:49 / 15.03.04
*makes 'chinny reckon' gesture in Suede's direction*
23:49 / 15.03.04
It's ok because I know. You can't intimidate me! I'm not backing down!
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:52 / 15.03.04
ooohhhh I think we can, 'brendan'.

Oh, and I am indeed 'down here' but generally saying I'm going to do something for Low-res was about as far as i ever got. and now it's deid.
23:56 / 15.03.04
Ah, that must be where my confusion set in. I'm glad it had some basis in actual reality.

I think I am now "doing smething" for "lo-res" but fortunately this involves me not doing anything I haven't already done.
Bed Head
23:56 / 15.03.04
What was Low-Res, before it died?

And don’t worry about Leeds, they might do it yet. And besides, I predict Alan Smith is going to have a great summer with England.
23:57 / 15.03.04
Brendan is like a lo-fi version of myself. I just happen to be computer litterate. Which is no way mean I am actaly literat.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:00 / 16.03.04
bless you, bedhead. but we're fucked. away matches at crewe, here we come. are you a follower of the Beautiful Game? there are about 3 of us round here.

Low-res was a pub/dj/artskool nite run by the ItCameFromTheSea boys. It rocked, tho' i didn't, as i say, contribute anything beyond turning up now and then.

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