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Through the Lateshift; with Julian Grant.


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Ethan Hawke
23:09 / 03.03.04
The "1" key on my phone receiver has become uncooperative lately. I need to press on it hard for it to register. The other day, I was dialing a number with the prefix 917, and wouldn't you know it, the 1 key stuck, making me dial 911! I was so flustered I hung up on the police operator. Embarrassing!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:16 / 03.03.04
That's happened to me, sort of. One place I was living I programmed my then boyfriend's number into the house phone, but when I next went to call him one of my housemates had decided that it would be REALLY funny to make the phone dial 999 instead of his number.

"Hello, emergency. Which service do you require?"

"Oh SHITfuckbuggersorry *CLICK*."
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:26 / 03.03.04
And now I can't get the idea of a Loveraft out of my head. "The looooveraft..."
Ethan Hawke
23:33 / 03.03.04
I'm imagining a Gericault-esque zombie-orgy happening on it.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:39 / 03.03.04
Yeah, me too.

I could do without imagining that sort of thing, but there you go. I'm at the mercy of my visual cortex.
23:51 / 03.03.04
Woah, I must have been gone longer than I thought.
That was the worst paid one, that was £50 a day. The bra one is £600 a week, which sounds pretty damned shiny to me. But scary bras they are.

And now I have Loveshack in my head, which I know, eh, 3 words from; but they're all very high pitched words.
23:53 / 03.03.04
I dont know why my links have all turned double-barrelled, with barbelith address at the start. Any explainations, or am I doing it wrong again? It would suprise me little.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:54 / 03.03.04
Did you remember the 'http://' thingy before the address, gingerbop?
00:01 / 04.03.04
Can I give an excuse? My lazy-assed ctrl+c/v for copy and paste isnt working. But that'd probably be why my links are all shite, well done detective dubplate.

MC- I'm currently rejoicing in what you put as a lady-like rounded tummy. It's currently being invaded by oodles of chocolate spread, so just as well a round tummy is ladylike.
00:43 / 04.03.04
lady-like rounded tummy

Saint Keggers
18:25 / 04.03.04
20:16 / 04.03.04
20:21 / 04.03.04
Late on the weekday, whatever and smoke and download ROH what could be better??
22:23 / 04.03.04
Is Barbelith dying?
I come here to find one thread has been posted in since I was last here, nearly a whole day ago. One! Has there been a mass kidnapping or suicide?
23:45 / 04.03.04
Ahem. I absolutely didnt just get confused with the dates there, and think it was today, yesterday. Barbelith isnt dying anymore.

Cant I tempt anyone to lateshift with baked good?
How was your day?
Saint Keggers
18:25 / 06.03.04
Tadah! (Im here so infrequently now I feel there should be fanfare when I am here)

What kind of baked goods?
Bed Head
18:28 / 06.03.04
Hey you. It’s baked good, singular I think. We’ll have to share, whatever it is.

Why have you forsaken us, anyway, KB?
Saint Keggers
18:31 / 06.03.04
No computer at night.

And if GeeBee is making A baked good for all of us, what is is and how big does it have to be?
18:37 / 06.03.04
Well actually, all I've got is yesterday's pancakes, seeing as you didnt eat them then. And I thought a mod request for a missing "s" was perhaps a little lame.

Yes, where have you been Keggers?

And once again I've decided what to do with myself. Fuck sake, one of these times I might actually get round to doing it. Im gonna apply for a BA in Circus Arts.

I passed my gym exam today, which was most splendid. I wore a tiara in Macdonalds to celebrate.
Saint Keggers
18:41 / 06.03.04
I've been at May's place minding her kid while she's off to work. I put the kid to bed, I watch tv. But soon, after a trip to the local arts and craft shop, I will be using the place to work on my tarot cards too.
Saint Keggers
18:42 / 06.03.04
Oh and Congrats on the gym exam. Yay! for the tiara and Boo! for McDonalds. (I cant stands them...hates them he does, Hates them fro ever!)
Bed Head
18:49 / 06.03.04
Hurrah, excellent plan ‘bop. And congrats on the exam/tiara combo. If you’re still wearing it, then tonight you shall be Princess Bop.

Umm.. Reluctant as I am to question the proclamation of a princess, shouldn’t one fry pancakes? After all, frying is fab and sizzly and exciting. Baking is the cookery of the elderly and infirm.
18:50 / 06.03.04
Congrats, ging. Spin a plate for me, won't you?

Dull day, dull, drippy day. One of those where I'm hungry and I don't know what to eat, where I have plenty of schoolwork to do but it's still too far from the deadline to provide any real motivation. Bored bored.
Saint Keggers
18:54 / 06.03.04
I agree..its quite the dull day. Hohum.
19:36 / 06.03.04
Well done, Princess Bop.
I'm home alone on a Saturday night, my lover being out getting pissed on a stag night. I rode a long way today and wore SPDs (those things that clip your foot to the pedal) for the first time, which was very scary indeed. I think I'm still recovering, keep twising my feet nervously as if trying to escape.
19:39 / 06.03.04
Oh, and GB - that site looks entirely dodgy. How and where do they envisage you demonstrating these bras?
Saint Keggers
19:45 / 06.03.04
I cant recall if I've asked yet or not..who the heck is Julian Grant?
Bed Head
19:53 / 06.03.04
Oh, hey Ariadne, thanks for replying earlier to my dopey TV licence query. Feel less strange now.
And Keggers, which particular card are you working on at the mo? If that’s not too personal a question.

I think Julian Grant is some kind of Scottish radio blokey, though I’m not absolutely sure. I am right now listening to possibly the greatest radio documentary programme my little ears have ever heard. By the way.
19:59 / 06.03.04
What station, Bed Head? And glad to help. The TV folk came round a month ago when a friend was here and she refused to let them in - she's Australian and had never even heard of a TV licence. I suspect that's gone down in a nasty little file somewhere. But nothing has happened since, so...
Saint Keggers
20:02 / 06.03.04
Julian Grant sounds like money the govt. would give you if you came up with the best machine to julianne(sp?) potatoes.

Right now Im working on the Ace of Cups. I figure If I start one of the Minor arcana its going to force me to do the complete series and not be satisfied with only the Majors. Ive also got other cards on the go but right now thats the one im starting.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:08 / 06.03.04

Gradually preparing for a night out at a Goth bar (Goth bar Goth bar), and trying to come down from my usual post-submission anxiety. I'm attempting to beat to death the deranged but insistant corner of my brain which is insisting that the Van Zorn compo is really a strange and horrid prank.

I'm not even sped. I hate my brain.
20:18 / 06.03.04
Oh hello again. I went to watch Regency House Party.

Julian Grant is the through the night presenter (usually) on Moray Firth Radio; mine and specofdusts local station, and used to be Brother Bears. Aaages ago I made a brief reference to mfr and bear sent me a very excited email, saying it reminded him of back in the day (I dont think you can call being in Elgin back-in-the-day, though).

Ariadne- The Ideal Home Exhibition, the wifey hasnt got back to me yet (grr), and yes it's dodgy, but it's a change of scenery with £600 a week- do I care that my tits are on display? Im sure most people are quite aware that they're there anyway. Actually come in very handy in gym- theres a thing to get up onto the bars that Im not great at, but if I think Im not gonna make it, stick them over the top of the bar and Im not going anywhere.

Macdonalds is evil, but seems to be the only place that sells only semi-poisonous food in Perth. And they've seen me only in strange guises- mostly Bollywood and Moulin Rouge costumes.
Saint Keggers
20:23 / 06.03.04
(I dont think you can call being in Elgin back-in-the-day, though)
I cant. Never been in Elgin. Not even back in MY day.

And they've seen me only in strange guises- mostly Bollywood and Moulin Rouge costumes
Do you always dress-up to go to McDonalds?
Bed Head
20:26 / 06.03.04
Curses. Too late for the programme I’m afraid, Ariadne. I should have piped up earlier. Although I think it’s still available to listen to online, if you know how to do that kind of techy stuff. A dial on a radio is about as technical as I ever get. Anyway, it was only a little thing about the very earliest days of punk, and it was on (whispers) Radio 2. Not that I generally listen to Radio 2, of course. But I’ll make an exception for lots of frizzly old guys going “yeah...maan. It was..uh........ yeah. Wow.” over and over. Everyone sounded fried. And they played the original Louie Louie, followed by the Kingsmans’ version, followed by the ultra-screamy Sonics, all in a row. I’ll admit to dancing around the room. Why not?
20:30 / 06.03.04
Ooh, I'm sure I can track that down Bed Head - most stuff is available on their site now. I turned on radio 4 to see if it was there, and that's all very interesting but ... a bit dull. I'll have a look.

And gingerbop - Earl's Court is West London but fairly central, and if you must flash your boobs about then at least I feel you'll be relatively safe at Earl's Court convention centre! I'm in a tizz imagining how you use them on the bars, mind you.

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