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Through the Lateshift; with Julian Grant.


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22:59 / 29.02.04
Yup, the other day the Express were pissed off that migrants were refusing to use the NHS cos it's shit.
22:59 / 29.02.04
Oh, dude - on a tangent, there was a Sunday Telegraph article about somebody I vaguely knew today. Terrifying - Meg talking about her five partners. I don't know where she gets the energy from.

I'd like to point out that I don't normally read the Sunday Telegraph. Honest.
23:00 / 29.02.04
next year at the oscars the only item of clothing allowed will be different styles of strap-on - lets see how far we can push it people...
23:01 / 29.02.04
And I just read "Versace dresses are like constructions" as "Versace dresses are like Constructicons". Time for bed, I think.

Night all. Enjoy the oscars.
23:01 / 29.02.04
Night, Haus.
Tryphena Absent
23:01 / 29.02.04
Best night of the year.
Mourne Kransky
23:02 / 29.02.04
Yeah, we believe you, H. Honest. Nice to see you roaming these prairies again. I may start to pop in for diversion once more now the ante has been upped.
23:03 / 29.02.04
"this year no one who is anyone can be seen without their versace cock ring"
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:03 / 29.02.04
Yeah? Well, I found myself imagining a ballgown made out of Construct-O-Straws, which is arguably stupider. But which I now have to go out and design, build, and quite possibly wear.
Tryphena Absent
23:06 / 29.02.04
I'll give you 20 quid for the finished frock Mordant.
23:09 / 29.02.04
decepticons'd be good.
23:11 / 29.02.04
stoatie - surely the decepticons would be bad - isn't it in their contract?
Mourne Kransky
23:14 / 29.02.04
Peter Jackson bestrides this gobsmacked planet like a colossus. Give him all the Oscars going and have done with it. I have to work tomorrow so I can't stay up to see Gollum's acceptance speech. Grrrrrrrrr.

(This is entirely sleazenation's fault, buying me doubles...)
23:15 / 29.02.04
Ah, but sleaze- they're deceptive, you see? Do you? Do you see? Aha!
23:17 / 29.02.04
xoc - i'm evil that way
23:18 / 29.02.04
stoatie so all along the decpticons were deciving us into believing they were plundering the earth's resources - what they were actually doing was researching renowable energy sources...
23:36 / 29.02.04
Evening all. I've still not got my donuts. I realize this is a priority chunk of information for your evenings.

I hate to admit it, but Gollum's acceptance speech for "Best CGI character" at the MTV movie awards was hilarious, especially with the one man (um... hobbit thing former) dialogue:

"Nobody likes us!"
"Dobby likes us!"
"Dobby?!! Dobby's a fucking fuck!"

Ahh, profanity. Good times.
23:38 / 29.02.04
sleaze- of course. And making themselves into dresses.

Yeah, that MTV awards thingy was fucking wicked.
Mourne Kransky
23:41 / 29.02.04
Got to go, let the elephant have his allotted spot. Billy Crystal, you're doing a fine job so far. Johnny Depp is the sexiest man alive. Mazarine, once more we pass like strangers in the night [/Sinatra]. 'Tis fate.
Tryphena Absent
23:53 / 29.02.04
Depp is HOTT and Tim Robbins is wearing a CND badge on his lapel. Good man. He just never bloody stops.
Jack Denfeld
23:55 / 29.02.04
Hey everyone. What's shakin'?
00:05 / 01.03.04
Hey, Mike.

So, who's won what so far?
00:07 / 01.03.04
-weeps and waves a hanky as Xoc vanishes into the mist-

*Heaves a deep sigh* No donuts and now no Xoc either. I am truly fortune's fool.

I saw a preview for Inside the Actor's Studio with Johnny Depp, and he was making some comment about how his career has basically consisted of him acting like a geek or something to that effect. It makes me want to pat him and say, "Sweetie. You're also spectacularly beautiful." And then keep patting him until James Lipton beckons someone to drag me outside and beat me.
Tryphena Absent
00:08 / 01.03.04
You only want to pat him?
00:33 / 01.03.04
Well, I am engaged. If I could kidnap him and bring him home and make a sandwich out of him, then I suppose that would be all right.
00:37 / 01.03.04
Hey... the Oscars are on... how did this get past me?
Tryphena Absent
00:58 / 01.03.04
Hmmm... JohnnyDeppSandwich.
01:42 / 01.03.04
Fuckers better not overlook me for Best Actress again.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:17 / 01.03.04
"Versace dresses are like Constructicons".

Exactly. Exactly like Constructicons. And the Constructicons are exactly like Versace. Yr man Depp was wearing this under his tux, y'know:

Saint Keggers
14:48 / 01.03.04
Tim Robbins is wearing a CND badge on his lapel

21:05 / 01.03.04
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Fly: If I track down that man, I'm going to make him marry Peter Jackson. They *will* have babies.

On deceptive Decepticons - remember the "spies", such as Punch/Counterpunch, who coudl transform into either an evil D. or a heroic A. What they actually were I'm not sure, which must have led to the odd identity crisis. Maybe, in the interests of fairness, they just took whichever side had fewer members, in order to balance things out.

The other problem with the spy idea was that the three or four spies would presumably be identified pretty quickly by even the dumbest enemy force. Also, since most Autobot/Decepticon encounters were in the way of pitched battles, how exactly the rubbery hell would being able to disguise oneself as the other side help? You'd just end up being shot at by a slightly better class of person (from your point of view).

Good to see you as well, Xoc.
Saint Keggers
15:42 / 02.03.04
Just got the wandering notebook!!! Its fab!!!
Abigail Blue has the prettiest handwritting ever!!!

How's everyone doing?
21:47 / 02.03.04
Evening all. How was Tuesday?
Ethan Hawke
21:54 / 02.03.04
Returned from the gym, drinking a beer, waiting for sushi. My apartment slightly reeks of plastic from unanticipated aftereffects from an ill-fated art project attempted this weekend. Well, so far ill-fated. It may pull through, sort of.
21:56 / 02.03.04
OK - lots of worky stuff, but it wasn't too high-stress. Am watching my way through Angel Series 4 and reading *awful* books. Otherwise, well.

Oh, and I'm thinking of getting a livejournal, which is odd given how little I blog at present, but I quite like the sheer clannishness of the LJ community. Also, it would allow me to meet lots of hot goths.

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