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Stupid theory (or politics) questions


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Jackie Susann
04:41 / 08.05.08
Fervi, I don't know if it's the first place, but I'm pretty sure at least one place is in Questions Of Lay Analysis - the specific phrase is, he calls women's sexuality a "dark continent", meaning "murky and obscure like Africa". (Dark continent = eurocentric term for Africa, I think coined by some English explorer.)
Phex: Dorset Doom
16:09 / 11.05.08
Okay, here's a stupid question: how do you pronounce 'Badiou', as in Alain Badiou?
All Acting Regiment
17:22 / 11.05.08
I thought it was 'Baddy-oo', but I may be mistaken.
Albert Most
16:31 / 06.06.08
I always say Bad-dew
22:53 / 07.06.08
Cheers grant/Susann, but I meant Susann's deal.

Is that one sentence all? I was just wondering whether it might be useful to put that explicit comparison to work by putting it up against some of the colonial and gender issues in the works I'm (supposedly) being lectured about in a post-colonial studies context; how the two categories overlap or are even confused in symbolical constructions in travel writing re: Africa, specifically.

So I guess the second question would be, a) would that text be useful for this and b) is this in itself a useful angle?
13:27 / 18.06.08
That stupid, huh?
15:34 / 18.06.08
Well, I don't know that text, so I'm the stupid one in this case.

It seems like a useful angle, sure.
15:34 / 10.11.08
Is there any treatise on the subject experience / ideological appeal of different forms of photographs / photography? As documents of truth, evidence, misinforming, etc?
Covering portraiture, snapshots, candid shots, newspaper photography.....

I'm writing about documentary at the moment and the inclusion of varying pieces of photographic evidence intersped in certain pieces.....

Um... any clue?
17:06 / 10.11.08
Susan Sontag?
17:41 / 10.11.08
Hmmm, maybe.
I could look through "Regarding the Pain of Others" (I haven't read it in a bit) but I think it more particularly deals with images / reportages of war, genocide etc. Also found a small essay in the "Where the Stress Falls" collection called "A Photograph is not an opinion or is it?".
Oh wait googled Sontag and she actually has a collection called "On Photography". I am ill-informed.
Yes, a good place to start!

Thanks Grant!
17:43 / 10.11.08
*Looks up*
I have sullied the head-shop with smileys.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:58 / 04.01.09
Hey, I've got a question. Why don't smart, likeable, well-informed people like Cat Chant post on Barbelith anymore? Is it because it's now full of fuckwitted refugees from the Nuts demographic who got here by Googling for comic titles and/or chaos magic?
17:55 / 04.01.09
22:58 / 05.01.09
I guess you'd have to ask Cat Chant to really find out.
Alex's Grandma
23:07 / 05.01.09
Hey, I've got a question too! Why don't people who apparently don't have much else to contribute apart from foul-mouthed insanity take it somewhere else? Byrne Robotics might be a good place to start.
Alex's Grandma
23:16 / 05.01.09
I don't mean to be a drag, Mordant, but you're at least as guilty as I am of killing Barbelith - seeing as it's something that people do still seem to enjoy, you might want to lay off a bit, you know?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:31 / 14.09.11
Bumping for awesome.

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