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Late Shift- Postcards from a comfortable distance from the edge.


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Baz Auckland
02:38 / 10.02.04 everyone should! I still like seeing small dogs being carried around in purses and backpacks...

Ay! How can you write a book report on Invisible Cities? It's too good! And too...plotless! Oh writer's block! How can I even begin to describe it?

Offhand, does anyone know how many volumes the Akira comic book was? I downloaded vol.1 yesterday and it's about 350 pages!
Ethan Hawke
02:41 / 10.02.04
Gosh, you know, I used to collect the colorized "Epic" Akira books, but - I never read the end of the story! I hear it's much different than the movie. I'd like to pick up the graphic novels but the colorized ones were sooo nice.
Saint Keggers
02:44 / 10.02.04
How big is it Baz? Is it emailable?
02:47 / 10.02.04
How can you write a book report on Invisible Cities?
We used that book as a basis for my print making class, it was lovely. You could always look up some of Marco Polo's actual expiditions (it is Marco Polo, in Invisible Cities, yes?) and juxtapose the real places with the fantastic. Or try to find an element that runs through all the different descriptions. Or analyze why Marco Polo is telling the emperor (was it Kubla Khan? I'm sorry, I haven't the book on me) about these places when the emperor says he knows very well that there is no such place.

Anyway. That probably didn't help.
Baz Auckland
02:51 / 10.02.04
No, it did... I'm already trying the theme of personalising cities and memory found throughout... it's just such a minor (4 page) assignment, I'm spending way too much time worrying about it...

I'm afraid the Akira comic is about 100MB! Each page is about 300KB... quite nice really. I love the whole comic book reader program... this one is coloured.. is it not the original, then? I downloaded it with the DC++ program if that's any help...
Saint Keggers
03:00 / 10.02.04
Nope, no help.

Oh well...
03:02 / 10.02.04
I'm off. Night darlings.
Baz Auckland
03:06 / 10.02.04
Night! I should focus on MSWord for the next couple of hours, so adios to you all too!

The files are physically mailable if you'd like. Just PM me your address...
03:33 / 10.02.04
Word on the street is that I have my first job in my field coming up. Soon I will be working on an animated televison program for very young children. This fills me with unimaginable glee, and I've been completely emotional all weekend. There are many people who helped me through those crazy all-nighters, and those of you who partake of the Late Shift will remember that I have often come here to vent and/or take a break when things got rough. Thank you, all.

One day people will come up to me and tell me that something I worked on fucked them up for life. Consider yourselves partially responsible.
09:28 / 10.02.04
(early gate crasher)

Well done, man! I shall now endeavor to create a child who can be duly fucked up by your animation! Hurrah!
18:02 / 10.02.04
Anybody around?

I'm home from work sick, and looking for some distraction...

(The shoes are all very pretty, but right now I'm tottering when barefoot! Heels would be a very bad thing.)
Saint Keggers
18:51 / 10.02.04
Hey there Isz!

Im around. I too am not ging to work due to sickness. Im suffering from the stomach flu. Oh JOY! Although I find the rosehip tea has helped quite alot.
18:59 / 10.02.04
Oh Keggers, ya big Fakir!

hehehe...get better, sweetie.
19:00 / 10.02.04
Dude! Well done, moriarty - that's great news.

I'm around, although off for a bit of a lie down and maybe to watch 6 Feet Under. It's odd to be home - nice, but odd...
19:03 / 10.02.04
Oh Iszabelle! Gawd woman, I never thanked you for that day you spent some time talking to me on the phone. Bless you for taking the time to talk to me.

Yes, yes Kegs, rosehip tea is full of vitamin C. Good choice!
19:06 / 10.02.04
anna, did you know that some women still do that? there's truly a fetish for everything.

I'm not sure it's as severe as it was back inna day (mainly because these are grown women starting off with normally developed feet), but it's pretty bad.

congratulations, moriarty! I'll be able to say I knew you when you were a regular canuck in a candy store.
Saint Keggers
19:09 / 10.02.04
Yes I am a big Fakir! Watch while I climb this freestanding rope!

This seems soo strange, a daytime lateshift. Like all is topsyturvy. There's gonna be some karmic reprecussions, I just know it.
19:36 / 10.02.04
nah. those of us who are truly ill are already suffering repercussions, so it's completely in balance for us to go and muck up something else.

I don't have stomach flu, but some bug that's packed my head with wet wool and snot and is trying to do the same to my lungs. ugh.
Saint Keggers
19:45 / 10.02.04
What a lovely visual there Isz, Now I want some oysters.
20:17 / 10.02.04
I am confused. Oysters?

Somehow wool and snot does not dredge up this image for me. Then again, I LURVE oysters. Raw with horseradish, please!
Saint Keggers
20:20 / 10.02.04
raw oysters do look quite snotlike. IMHO
20:26 / 10.02.04
OKay, snot is usually green when we get a chance to bow it out an d look at it. If you are eating green raw oysters, I am not too surprised you have the stomach flu my dear.

I mean, ouch, and yuck!
Saint Keggers
20:33 / 10.02.04
Actually Snot should be a yellowish grey..if it is truelly green its a sign you may have something wrong with you. This is acccording to one of my friends who is working in medical research in some bigwig american university (posibly harvard).

Yes, green oysters = bad idea.
Green Eggs and Ham = good idea.

I think I may have gotten the flue from one of my friends from Ottawa. Damn foreigners!
20:36 / 10.02.04
The phrase "raw oysters" suggests that somewhere out there there are *cooked* oysters. This seems a terrible shame.
Bed Head
20:41 / 10.02.04
Doesn’t one poach oysters, or something? If the gamekeeper doesn’t ‘rumble’ you, that is.
Cat Chant
20:45 / 10.02.04
I am so tired. Why am I even bothering to post here? I am about to go to bed.

God, I'm tired. Tuesdays are knackering. I teach 9-11 and then 4-6 and then I have to be at T's in time to watch Angel, which would be refreshing were the people I'm watching it with not mad in the head.
Saint Keggers
20:45 / 10.02.04
Yeah I think so. I think they can also be steamed like clams or mussels.
20:46 / 10.02.04
Oh Haus! My gawd, the implications could nauseate one if the alternatives are considered. I believe they are called "battered and deep fried" oysters.

*stomach churns*
20:47 / 10.02.04
Anna, once again, has made me feel guilty. Last night, because Im a size 5 but dont like those shoes. Now she likes tapshoes- My sister just gave a pair my size to the charity shop. Ho hum.

They were fun though. I used them for a dance week I went to a year past summer, and because I had tapshoes the people running the course thought I'd done tap. Out of the 70 people, they chose 4 to do a tap routine at the front, by ourselves. The other 3 do or had done tap and/or highland dancing. I felt a complete numpty and looked like a rabbit in the stage-lights.
But the shoes were fun. Tappitytappitytappitytap!
20:50 / 10.02.04
Actually, according to my own personal research in wholistic therapies, (which my not mean mean much set up against conventional medicine), mucus, a.k.a: snot, should in healthy circumstances be clear.
Cat Chant
20:50 / 10.02.04
Oh, God, and I had a real-time "teaching horrors and lies" thing today when I arrived on campus at 8:30 to discover that the article my fellow TA (she takes half the first years for tutorials, I take the other half) had photocopied & left for me as "teaching material" for today's Judith-Butler themed tutorials was some of the most violently bigoted, ignorant and vile transphobic bollocks I'd seen in a long time. (here, if you're interested, but don't, it's horrible)

So now I have to work out what to say to her next time I see her.
Saint Keggers
20:50 / 10.02.04
Angel is only on tommorow night out here.

Tap shoes are great

oysters are good.

wine is great for an upset stomach.
20:53 / 10.02.04
wine is great for an upset stomach.

Yeah! I am drinking red wine and I am not upset...nor is my tummy.
Saint Keggers
20:59 / 10.02.04
Im having white wine with lemon dilled salmon, mashed potatoes and green beans.

Although I have a pounds weight of camomille teabags being brought to me. That should have any ailments either me or my stomach are going through completly eliminated asap.

Im thinking about buying a portable dvd player. 5inch screen..200$
Bed Head
21:04 / 10.02.04
Unbelievably, I recently tried to convince my sister-in-law that oranges were good for a cold. She looked at me like I was completely insane: “why?”.

“Because they’re full of vitamin C!”, I say. “So?”, she says “Why should oranges be better than medicine? How can vitamin C do anything? How can oranges possibly make you better?”, and I just couldn’t explain because I don’t know *how* or *why*. It was quite a shock to realise that.

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