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Late Shift- Postcards from a comfortable distance from the edge.


Page: 123(4)56789

23:59 / 09.02.04
I think I am also sad that the shoes Anna has a picture of aren't in an 8. But I am going to ask her about her secret shoe finding techniques, yes I am.
Tryphena Absent
00:03 / 10.02.04
Ebay and a shop called Mistress in Covent Garden. God if I made a bit more money I'd buy so many pairs from that shop. I itch for it.
00:06 / 10.02.04
You remind me of someone I know! If I can utilise your shoe finding talents for myself, I will be the most popular person ever.
Bed Head
00:09 / 10.02.04
Sounds a bit rubbish Suede, but all is not lost, you can still weave a short comic out of this night’s mix of misadventure and fine music. Why write a review with words alone when you can do it with words and pictures! And then you can sell it. Your review will trounce all the other reviews on the block.

Your yearning for ruby-red slippers might make for an extra-poignant final panel. Depends who you're going to try to sell it to.
00:13 / 10.02.04
It might be quite fitting actually.

I like your review idea, although I actually jotted down around 3 story ideas when I got home. I kinda wish I'd taken a note book!

I'm becoming more glad I went now, I'm just personally a little fed up. But I think it will make the album more enjoyable for me.

Anna needs to tell me how she finds such pretties on e-bay.
Saint Keggers
00:18 / 10.02.04
Thank goodness anna uses her power for good instead of evil.
Bed Head
00:20 / 10.02.04
Those shoes might be evil, for all you know. And you won’t know unless you try them on.
Tryphena Absent
00:21 / 10.02.04
omygod, someone's selling tap shoes. I loooovvveeee tap shoes but I'd be prone to wearing them everywhere. Look at them. Loooook at them...


Size fucking 7.
00:23 / 10.02.04
I'm afraid I have now lost faith in your powers.

Although all I'm getting here are kids ballet shoes... that's not what I want! They have to SPARKLE!
Bed Head
00:27 / 10.02.04
What’s wrong with you? Your trainers+glue+glitter = sparkly shoes. It’s perfectly do-able. You can pick your own colours, and be the envy of all the other boys on your street.
Saint Keggers
00:32 / 10.02.04
I had to stop myself, I almost went googling for footwear. Thatway lies madness.
Tryphena Absent
00:37 / 10.02.04
Buffalo are selling sparkly black or white platform trainers at the moment.
00:37 / 10.02.04
Oh, but they're not for me. If only I had the dainty feet and figure for such sparkly shoes!

'tis not so, unfortunately.

Bed for me soon. I must merely decide what to listen to as I dream. It's between Stephen Malkmus, Jesus and Mary Chain (Darklands) and Pavement (Terror Twilight) right now. I'm just not sure! I wanted "brighten the corners" on, but I left it downstairs and yes, I am that lazy.
00:38 / 10.02.04
Hi all. Ginger, because of your nifty prom dress, I started looking for vintage dresses on Ebay, and now I'm hovering around about four scooter dresses. I was so close to buying grown up clothes, but oh well.
00:38 / 10.02.04
Mary Chain! Mary Chain!
00:48 / 10.02.04
The stoat has it. I would like to let it be known, however, the choice could have been much more varied. But they are nearest to reach from my "lying in bed" music. Well, top of the piles anyway.
Saint Keggers
00:52 / 10.02.04

Fluevog's Vision.
01:00 / 10.02.04
I can hold on no more. My legs are weak.

However, in a strange twist of fate, I had to go downstairs to get the hot water working again. So "brighten the corners" it is! I think I need something like "Shady Lane" to whisk me off rather than "Darklands", too...
01:07 / 10.02.04
you could put out a few eyes with that contraption.
01:10 / 10.02.04
I'm imagining it doing a telescoping/springing thing...
Saint Keggers
01:14 / 10.02.04
If the tinman was a woman, that what she'd be wearing.
Tryphena Absent
01:21 / 10.02.04

Saint Keggers
01:28 / 10.02.04
Needs straps and buckles
Baz Auckland
01:41 / 10.02.04
'morning all! I'm stuck in the library trying to write a book report on Invisible Cities.... which of course has given me writer's block to no end (what do I say????)..

How are you all this evening?
Baz Auckland
01:45 / 10.02.04
Come on! I know you're out there! Mega Tokyo is a good procrastination tool...
Saint Keggers
01:45 / 10.02.04
Im absolutly wonderful and amazing. Not really, im just sublimating. This thread will result in me having a footwear fetish if I aint careful.

How are you Baz!
Baz Auckland
01:49 / 10.02.04
ah, not bad! A bit Japan-obsessed, and school er... not-obsessed? Those shoes are quite nice, especially the second last ones. Like a piece of modern architechture they are...
01:56 / 10.02.04
Lately I feel like I don't play enough (i.e. any) video games to get all the megatokyo references. But Scarygoround is always there for me!

Oooh, "I'm just sublimating." That's a damn fine turn of phrase, I like that.
Tryphena Absent
02:00 / 10.02.04
They're almost as nice as the black patent Vivienne Westwood's that have 6" heels and make you stand on your tip toes. I'd kill for a pair, I'm really not kidding. If I could find an image of them online they'd be my wallpaper.

To incorporate any oriental obsession with shoe obsession, these are lotus shoes. They were worn by Chinese women whose feet were bound from early childhood, I won't describe the process because it's truly horrific. The Japanese also adopted the trend I believe but eventually rejected it.

Baz Auckland
02:02 / 10.02.04
I just found it for the first time the other day (up to #361 now...), so it was more the jokes about Deus Ex and Neverwinter Nights that I were going over my head...
Saint Keggers
02:03 / 10.02.04
Thank you. You may use it as necessary.

As for webcomics I like:
bob the angry flower
megatokyo (although im just now reading the archives from the start)
Ethan Hawke
02:05 / 10.02.04
Good evening. I've just returned from my painting class, and I need a back rub. Unfortunately, there is no one here to avail me. I might just have to lie on the floor and crack things.
Saint Keggers
02:17 / 10.02.04
Oh, and I hear Danger! Mages in Training is a decent comic.

Hi Todd.
I might just have to lie on the floor and crack things.
I can just picture Todd waking up on the floor tommorow morning and the floor is covered in cracked eggshells.
02:24 / 10.02.04
I find it's useful to have a little woman, (120 pounds or less in my case, your usable size may vary,) around to walk on one's back. My mother is an excellent back walker. I've tried boys, but their feet tend toward the boney.
Saint Keggers
02:28 / 10.02.04
And now Im picturing Maz carrying a little woman around in her purse.

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