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Late Shift- Postcards from a comfortable distance from the edge.


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22:30 / 06.02.04
Fiddling with postcards to send my Grandmother, stuck in on a Friday night as there are little ice pellets stuck to everything outside. Right now I'm filtering out the postcards with nekkid people on them from the pop art collection so as not to give anyone a heart attack.

Is anyone else home on a Friday night?
22:53 / 06.02.04
Have been home for a while. Just watched Banzai and South Park, fairly amusing. Caught up with my sister tonight, didn't even get through my first pint due to stomach injuries of the previous weekend. What a lightweight.

It's horrible weather outside.

Hmm. I've got more gems like that if you want them.
gotham island fae
00:04 / 07.02.04
Lunch with Sis, earlier today, emotional.
Chatted with friends not seen in over a month.
About Crowley.
Nursing rum.
notevenclosetolate eight oclock here.
00:14 / 07.02.04
Iced in last night while out visiting girlfriend.
Stayed up till way too late talking magick with girlfriend's boyfriend's girlfriend.
Sleepwalked exausted through work this morning.
Went home.
Squabbled with wife over who we'd be sleeping with come Valentines day.
Logistics in the end won out over romance, and I'm left looking for a date.
Went back to work.
Still at work.
Waiting till its time to hit the party in about an hour and a half.
Still haven't had a bloody nap.
00:18 / 07.02.04
Heavens. You all have been busy. We don't have to stick with postcard format, I just couldn't think of anything else to name this one.
gotham island fae
00:44 / 07.02.04
Been and currently am listening to Manson, the Marilyn one, and happy. Much turmoil, but is none less than expected from devotion to chaos stuff.

The rum is fine.

cusm, your stuff in the armageddeddeddedon thread were sound. Keep on, brother. For like 5 years.

Maz, good evening. I don't know that we've interacted. Plushes gnawing on me soundz fine, tho.

Might pass from the rum and wont' post drunk.
gotham island fae
00:45 / 07.02.04
Who am i kiddne?
Before midnight. Im ena.
Saint Keggers
01:01 / 07.02.04
Yay! Im here. In a lateshift. The outsides are just white for as far as the eyes can see. Winter. If I had a place to stick it id post a picture. Postcard quality.
gotham island fae
01:07 / 07.02.04
Aye, keggz. White and snowy here too.
I've still got baked meats. These I made last night, tho.
With organic zuccini. Nummy.
Saint Keggers
01:14 / 07.02.04
baked meats? Can we get more specific meatwise? (im wondering if the Ick-factor need be applied)
01:18 / 07.02.04
It started raining ice when I was going back to my car from work. Snow is fine, but ice pellets hurt!
01:22 / 07.02.04
I'll agree with baked meats of most kinds but no zuchini!

Hi Fae, I don't think we've interacted, no, so hello.

How are things, Keggers?
gotham island fae
01:23 / 07.02.04
Hell and Heavenz, no, kegz. Just chicken.

Tho if I inspired an image of children baked after I'd tricked them with a candy house, I'm sorry.*

*I just like mythic metaphors.
gotham island fae
01:27 / 07.02.04
Egodz the vegetables are good, Maz! I'm baking them with cleaned meats in cheap geneeri K marinade. I make a vegetabel lasagna that I'll bet you'll die for. Even if I have to serve it with seared vird-flesh.
Saint Keggers
01:33 / 07.02.04
I was more picturing some chum-like meats congealled by a nice layer of fats.(and I rather like zuchinni if its cooked right)

Ice pellets are bad. But freezing rain and wind that ripped the air right from your lungs is worse.

Hey Maz, Im doing alright I guess. Feelling a bit melancholy at the moment but c'est la vie. You?
01:49 / 07.02.04
I am not a friend to the squashes.

This weather can make one melancholy, Keggers. I hope nothing else is making you sad.
02:00 / 07.02.04

Hello Everyone!

Having a great time in my current reality. The weather could be better, but the entertainment rocks! Met some of the natives and getting on well with them.

Wish you were here!....(Not YOU, though)
Saint Keggers
02:01 / 07.02.04
I love this weather! Bitchin' and complaining while im out in it and loving every second afterwards.
02:11 / 07.02.04

Keggers, you're a madman. I think it's high time they moved the arctic circle, because this is NOT a temperate zone.
gotham island fae
02:19 / 07.02.04
Maz, we're all mad but ye, self.

I'm rarely happier than when wrapped and secure from the cold.

May, Sooooo glad to hear that you're planted in NU settingz well.

And Maz again, the seasons only effect us because ov practicality, not reality [as I see it]. But they do effect us, I agree.
02:32 / 07.02.04
Hi Maz, Fae...everyone...

I just popped in to say a quick hello. I certainly am settling in nicely, with much gratitude to the Kegster for all the kindness he has shown me while helping me to do so. (*tentacle hugs* for you and a cup of cocoa!) I miss everyone here. I will be checking in now and again though.

Cheers All!

P.S: Santa called and asked me if he could move his operations to my place. Soooo, Santa and I are now living in sin. Oh yes, along with all his very talented tiny people. I could tell you a thing or two about the North Pole, indeed.
13:30 / 07.02.04
Im so confused- where have you moved to, Maz?

However, Im very glad that last lateshift thread has died a death. Something about it that I didnt like very much, which is strange to feel about a virtual innanimate object, pretty much identical to every lateshift. Perhaps it was just because the title referred to The Night Barbelith Died, when there was no lateshifting to be had.

Had "fun" on the way home today, avoiding smashed up cars and walls along the way. I have a second interview for the job in the newspaper office on wednesday. Im thinking its probably the same job I would have applied for in 4 years time, had I gone to do a marketing degree.
15:28 / 07.02.04
Im so confused- where have you moved to, Maz?

I'm still in Upstate New York, but technically this is supposed to be a temperate zone, which is balls. A week each of spring and fall and two of summer don't make a temperate zone, so I think the arctic circle should be altered to include upstate New York and other such areas. It seems like false advertising otherwise.
Saint Keggers
16:03 / 07.02.04

The view outside my window.
And the weather just keeps on getting eviler!
Bed Head
16:07 / 07.02.04
Is that a black-and-white photo, K? Or are the trees actually black? I’ve never been to Canada, maybe you do have black trees, why not?
16:15 / 07.02.04
BedHead, it is just that grey and gloomy over here. Hard to pick up colour without sunlight.
Saint Keggers
16:18 / 07.02.04
What May said. And that was on a sunny day.
Bed Head
16:24 / 07.02.04
But, surely, that’s nice as long as you’re inside in the warm with a roaring fire and hot toddy, right? I mean, it’s gray and depressing here, but as I look out the window it isn’t anywhere near as pretty. I think I might print out Kegger’s photo and tape it to the inside of my window.

Aww. Cheer up May. Nice to see you back.
16:31 / 07.02.04
Nice to see her around here? I think not! Trolling bitch that she is.
Saint Keggers
16:33 / 07.02.04
But, surely, that’s nice as long as you’re inside in the warm with a roaring fire and hot toddy, right?

You'd think that, wouldn't you? I made a roaring fire. Stupid me should have invested in a fireplace now the living room is burnt to cinders and my hot toddy is an ashen sludge! Also the snow is now up to my left nostril.
Damn those ideas which are only great in theory!!!
Saint Keggers
16:35 / 07.02.04
OH Ginger.. May is sooo going to kick your ass!!!
(tickets will go on sale 2 hours before the asskicking commences)
16:38 / 07.02.04
hmm..yes, hot toddys and fireplaces. Unfortunately, I do not have a fireplace, but Kegboy has taught me about the virtues of warming up my red wine.

Canadians are a hardy breed and incredibly adaptable.

I had a friend from London, England visit me recently, and they were amazed at how we have created near replicas of the above ground shopping and streets, underground. You can get to almost anywhere in the downtown core without even going outside!
16:45 / 07.02.04

Or was that - Caution: Cross Trolls?
Saint Keggers
16:50 / 07.02.04
RE: What May is talking about:
Bed Head
16:58 / 07.02.04
Oh. My. God. I just assumed it was a joke I didn't get, May. There's quite a few of those around here. Gah, I’m such an idiot.

Wow, I think I love Canada. Do you have a favourite station?

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