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The Lateshift: Some pudding is delicious. Some pudding is not.


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Bed Head
03:00 / 09.01.04
Wow. And congrats on your windfall. How many cats, how big is this windfall on a scale of cats? You should get at least 101 and be a mad lady with cats. And, get a white streak in your hair: go the whole hog now, you’ve had a windfall, you’re allowed to be full-on eccentric from now on.
03:06 / 09.01.04
It is not an all-cat windfall, though the idea of being a mad lady with cats does appeal, we'll be keeping it to two, who will be spoilt rotten.
Ethan Hawke
03:23 / 09.01.04
Ah, just back from watching "Dial M for Murder" in not so glorious 3D. I'd never seen it before, and I have to say that this particular film broke all records for the amount of onscreen exposition in cinematic history. We were trying to figure out why exactly Hitchcock filmed it in 3D, and the only plausible answer I could come up with was that it was going to be a regular feature, they watched it and found it lacking, and decided to refilm the whole thing shot-by-shot at a slightly different angle. The promo for a Rock Hudson 3D western they showed before the feature was much more entertaining 3D. "Dial M" had it's charms, though, and I think we decided it ultimately function as an apologetic for the English class system. That was after a few beers, though.

Tomorrow night I think I'm going back to the theater to see some Kenneth Anger films.
03:35 / 09.01.04
Well, it's sleep time for me. Good night all. May flights of pudding feed thee to thy rest.

What the hell do you call a group of puddings? Herd? Pack? Gaggle?
Bed Head
03:40 / 09.01.04
What the hell do you call a group of puddings?

An impaction of puddings. G’night, Maz.

Todd, you luck sod. Your cinema proper rocks.
Ethan Hawke
03:58 / 09.01.04
I'm really kind of excited about the Kenneth Anger stuff - I've seen some of it before on VHS but never, ever on the big screen. I only hope I can get a ticket, as it's one show and I think these things tend to sell out early. Or maybe I will stay home in bed instead. It's kind of chilly here.
05:52 / 09.01.04
Gah. What's the least melodramatic way to kill off a character's parents?
Bed Head
05:57 / 09.01.04
Do they both have to die at once?
06:10 / 09.01.04
Within a five year period.
Bed Head
06:56 / 09.01.04
Well, you can't go wrong with a good drowning, I say. Poetic and mundane: tide comes in, people die, tide goes out. Bor-ing.
Cat Chant
10:33 / 09.01.04
Evil Overlord.
Baz Auckland
14:05 / 09.01.04
hit by a car while crossing the street...
Cat Chant
15:11 / 09.01.04
A car driven by the Evil Overlord.
Ethan Hawke
15:43 / 09.01.04
How about an Evil Sub-Editor? Why don't they get any love?
Cat Chant
15:50 / 09.01.04
Because they're evil!
21:33 / 10.01.04
May we lateshift?

I've just been reading over lots of old PMs and am feeling slightly juddery and suchlike as a consequence. phlerbijerb.
Bed Head
21:54 / 10.01.04
Why juddery? Any shocking revelations? It's sharing week on Barbelith you know.
21:58 / 10.01.04
Actually, technically speaking it's shaving week, although fortunately gingerbop also scores on that one.
22:02 / 10.01.04
Juddery- lots of pms about someone who died last year. Made me go all cold. I dont think reading old pms can bring about shocking revelations, can they?

Why is it either sharing or shaving week on Barbelith? Is there something Im missing, although Im not missing the shaving week much.
Bed Head
22:07 / 10.01.04
Haus, you’re such a sweetie. I know I’m a newbie, but that’s the first time I’ve seen a double post spread over two threads. Truly, your power knows no bounds.

Funny you should say that anyway. I’ve just had my monthly shave. My rubbishy beard doesn’t so much as show until after two weeks, and I just get slowly scruffier until I finally sort it out. It’s all tied in with this monthly deadline cycle I’m trying to get to work, I feel a growing sense of self-disgust is kind of helpful in meeting that deadline.
22:15 / 10.01.04
Monthly shave? Good lord, my legs show up your chin, and thats saying something.
Just remember who's got hold of the ass-candles, newboy!
22:35 / 10.01.04
I'm sorry, gingerbop; that must be odd and indeed juddery (and shaving week was a gag, although apparently not an entirely inapt one). There's been a server failure which may have wiped out all my emails, including the ones from the time somebody died, which is maybe a good thing but also very strange.

I *didn't* shave this morning, which along with not shaving on Friday morning (woke up late,m had to hustle to get into work) and a general rush to get out meant that I was possibly the scruffiest person ever to drink tea at the F&M rare tea bear. Mind you, I do dislikme shaving - I have found that I have to use really pricy blades, shaving lotion and post-shave moisturiser or my skin goes utterly tits up, so it's a real drain.

I love the idea of a tea bar. Wonder if we can have a barbemeet there? It seems a bit pricy, but one mug of tea lasts you a *long* time.

Lord. I am now caught between thinking about shaving and thinking about tea, and also thinking about just how much data I might have lost. Ye gods and little fishes...I think I need a lie down.
Bed Head
22:51 / 10.01.04
Okay. Another utterly facinating bedhead beard fact: it’s a very different colour to the hair on my head. Which is very dark brown, and nobody in my family is quite sure where that came from, but my beard is reddish-brown. Red in the sunshine. Like my Dad’s hair in fact, which is great, cause I’m on target for his distinguished hairline too. Combined with my love of wine and my laid-back-ness, I am quite the sanguine chappie. Which rocks.

Oh. And Bop, I'm sorry to hear you got sad PMs. Or PMs making you sad.
23:02 / 10.01.04
The other week my brother came home. I was sitting at the dinner table with him and my parents, talking about genetics. He announced "I have a bone to pick with my genes; somewhere down the line, somethings gone seriously wrong. Some evil twist of fate has given me dark hair, but ginger pubes." He then proceeded to tell my parents that his flatmate, Joel, who they had so much respect for up until then, had been helping giles spray his pubes pink.
23:05 / 10.01.04
Oh yeah, I have that - my beard is dark brown/black, with occasional hairs of startling incarnadine redness. My father had black hair but a red tache. And was king of England between 1087 and 1100
Bed Head
23:10 / 10.01.04
Hm. I know I just invented the concept of Barbelith sharing week, as a mark of respect for all the splendid threads for the lovelorn and love-torn we’ve been having, but we appear to have just travelled over some dateline into Barbelth overshare week. For which I take no responsibility.

Gingerbop. Overshare!!!

Haus. Oh darn it, I thought I was so unique. Neither of my brothers have such fiery whiskers. Triple word score to you for 'incarnadine', though, nice one.
Ethan Hawke
23:10 / 10.01.04
I'm really excited that I'm going to wear a fake mustache tomorrow. I should probably shave the real stubble off first though.
23:13 / 10.01.04
Spray it pink. that way it will look like normal, stubble-free flesh. Then put the moustache on top. Nobody will be able to see your stubble, but even if they could nobody would be able to see your stubble.
Ethan Hawke
23:15 / 10.01.04
I wasn't thinking in terms of disguising the stubble, but it terms of pulling the moustache off afterwards. I don't want to pull stubble off my face.
Bed Head
23:15 / 10.01.04
What’s the fake mustache for, todd? Doing some crime?
23:18 / 10.01.04
Then don't remove the false moustache. Simply spray it pink when you no longer wish people to believe that you have a moustache.
Ethan Hawke
23:18 / 10.01.04
Actually, it is kind of a dubious activity, but in a funny way. I kind of want to talk about it but perhaps I shouldn't.
Bed Head
23:21 / 10.01.04
Oh ho! This is officially overshare week. Spill. It's the law.

Hey, or don't. None of my business. Up to you.
23:23 / 10.01.04
Why a fake moustache? And where did sharing week come from? I think overshare week is much more fun. So back to the "do you pick your arse" thread, is it?
Ethan Hawke
23:31 / 10.01.04
Okay, I have a "date" tomorrow as a result of this ad. Read it and weep.

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