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The Lateshift: Some pudding is delicious. Some pudding is not.


Page: 12345(6)78

22:47 / 16.01.04
note: friendly fire! In full agreement, really. I'm just lazier and with frostbitten fingers.
Bed Head
22:51 / 16.01.04
Oh, suede! That coldsore is obviously giving you the ‘brain-freeze’. You posted while I was typing, is all.

I think you put it better, darling.
22:54 / 16.01.04
He's not a bad man. He keeps a jewellery stall for charity, and swims Loch Ness every year for fundraising and suchlike. Generally a very decent guy; just cant decide if its perhaps a little creepy. Anyhoo. Sorry. Lateshifting is more subtle and quickly gone; I can think of 4 lithers who will definately know who this man is.

You need a cup of tea, suedehead. I think im off to bed- getting up in 6 hours. Night all, x
22:56 / 16.01.04
Arf! And how are you anyway, still in dungarees? If you ever were, I hope I'm not just making that up. Any artistic heights reached?

If you noticed my "celebrating" (having a beer) earlier in the thread - that was because I finished my first A3 comic page! It took me two nights, and was excellent fun, though hard work (on a self imposed deadline). I'd never worked at a decent size before (for scanning purposes). Now going back to A4ish is queer.
22:57 / 16.01.04
Oh, and this. Night.
22:59 / 16.01.04
pps- if that was directed at me, suede, I still love my dungees very much, but am currently opting for polo-necks, after questions of savaging-by-wild-dogs/sharks. x
Bed Head
23:07 / 16.01.04
Oops. I think I said the wrong thing. I knew I should have kept my mouth shut. Night, Bop.

Hurrah! for your artistic triumph, Suede. Yeah man, do scan and post as soon as possible. What’s it all about?

Yeah, still in dungarees. If you're referring to me, that is. Although I prefer to call them 'overalls', it's more manly somehow. Penciling something out in a Ditko stylee, I’m thinking when it’s all done I’ll get some kind Barbelither, ie one who can actually write, to be my Stan Lee and add some decent dialogue. And a plot.
Bed Head
23:30 / 16.01.04
As for you Bedhead, we are going to have words...

I call you out then, Bear! I'm saying all the wrong things tonight. And I'm not even drunk.
23:39 / 16.01.04
I think the 3 kids and one on the way can easily be misconstrued as married and a bad man, or something. I think you chose the wrong time for advice though, ie when it's but us ignorant men!

I direct dungaree comments to all who wear them! You brave people, I've never attempted such a thing.

The page is from the current comic I'm working on, which is possibly a terribly overblown sentimental sickly thing, but it's still great to concentrate on a project and learn a lot about drawing comics. I'm enjoying it a lot. I am hoping to have it all finished up by mid Feb, and then actually get funds to print it... which is like my ultimate goal in life right now. Only 11 (ish) pages to go!

So what are you drawing in a Ditko stylee? I admire those who just go ahead and draw! I think if you get anyone to write for you - as yr Stan - they better have the same zingy lingo he had. It's just better that way!
23:56 / 16.01.04
Ginger- Yes, I was the other half of the sock conversation. I just mended the toes of my favorite long stripey socks, and I haven't worn them lately, though given the fact that the arctic circle has shifted to include my area and points south, I do think they'll be broken out to augment the use of long underwear.

D'Mass- Sorry darling. Eat something though. It's cold.

Suedehead- I envy you your mad cat, I love those little talking-to-itself grumbles.
00:00 / 17.01.04
Maz: Yes, they are possibly the cutest thing ever - even when racing up and down the stairs in lunacy. He will sit there waiting - waiting for you to look at him - and when you do, with the slightest turn of the head in his direction, he's off! Cat grumbling on his way. I've never quite understood it, but it's endearing all the same.

Trying to have sex with my bed, however, is not.

That's where I'll be going now, anyway (cat free, I hope). Night all!
Bed Head
00:01 / 17.01.04
Gah. I’m such an idiot.

Yeah, anyway I was lying in bed the other day, and in a blinding flash I realised my favourite comics of all time are the Ditko/Lee Spiderman, and I think that’s because all the dialogue is just added on only after the action has been drawn. I love the way Spidey and Mysterio (or whoever) wisecrack and bicker their way through a 10-page fight scene.

Trying to do something based on this art deco book I got. Black ink, white-out, yellow paper: it’ll look just great when it’s finished, man.

Has there been/is there any interest in doing a Barbelith compilation comic? I mentioned one before and no-one seemed at all interested, but the difference between having a 12-page mini comic or a 100 page compilation to sell is surely only a matter of getting it organised.
Bed Head
00:02 / 17.01.04
Oh, curses. Spent too long typing again. I give up.
Cat Chant
00:46 / 17.01.04
How wierd is sleeping with someone twice your age plus?

Not necessarily weird at all: my girlfriend was exactly twice my age when we got together, which I think is extremely romantic. However, I was 5 years out of uni by then and she didn't have any pregnancies on the go at the time (or indeed any children at all), which I think makes a difference. Go careful, is my advice, and if he ever tries to win an argument by saying "I used to think that when I was your age" (as my 28yo boyfriend used to say when I was 18), run for the hills, for he is bad.
01:10 / 17.01.04
if he ever tries to win an argument by saying "I used to think that when I was your age" (as my 28yo boyfriend used to say when I was 18), run for the hills, for he is bad.

But first, spit on his shoes. That's what I wish I'd done to my 28 year old boyfriend when I was 18.
20:27 / 18.01.04
Hmm. I really have to tell him that its not happening again. But I panic and dont say what needs said, and it would be so much easier if he had a phone. I nearly vomited yesterday from guilt. I need to put an end to it. And now everyone; everyone knows since some loudmouth announced it in the staffroom, to cries of "his parents were millionaires!" etc. But it's not making me happy, it needs to finish.
21:14 / 18.01.04
Sleeping with somebody twice your age pluys is, we might say, slightly unusual, although not so unusual that it ahould be considered deviant or uberwrong. However, it does seem in this case, given that you are, IIRC, still at school and he presumably is some way down the road, that you probably have quite different needs and desires from a relationship. That may not be the case, however. I imagine a lot depends on the nature of the sleeping with and the status of the children...

Oh, and sorry, but the sleep suit is a two-piece garment, usually fleece, used for sleeping on long-haul flights. A sort of cross between pyjamas and loungewear. V. comfy and rather a tasteful grey and red colour if you fly Virgin... Although my sparent had a WWII flying suit that was indeed very much like a man-sized romper suit, except fur-lined and not pink.
21:45 / 18.01.04
Damn- I got excited about all-in-one-sleepsuits, though yours sound pretty funky too.

Im not entirely sure a)what you mean by the status of his children, and b)what it would be. I know nothing about them other than their existance, really.
I am very much not in school anymore; he has been in Inverness (he is, I suppose, somewhat famous) since I can remember. The nature of the sleeping with, as far as Im concerned, was casual sex, but I dont know what he thought/thinks it is or was. But then he keeps coming to see me, so dont know if he wants a)a casual sex relationship or b)a relationship. Gah. All is slightly daunting.
Bed Head
22:38 / 18.01.04
Gosh, I’m so staying out of this one. And sorry if I said the wrong thing last night.

I’m more interested in Haus’ “sparent”. Is that intentional? Like, a spare parent? Sort of holiday relief, or something? Cool.

Full of Hummus. Goddamn it, I make the finest home-made hummus known to man. None of yer meek, inoffensive Tesco-standard hummus round here, no sir! I actually feel slightly radioactive right now.
22:48 / 18.01.04
Trust me BedHead, if I wasnt in it, I'd be staying out of it too.

I didnt quite comprehend the entire "sparent" sentence, but managed to gloss over that it was probably caused by "sparent." And that I wasnt sure if he meant not pink or hot pink. Hot would be preferable.
Saint Keggers
01:09 / 20.01.04
Hey all! Any of the reg. lateshift crew around?
Bed Head
01:15 / 20.01.04
Holy fuck, it’s Keggers!

Do I count? I was literally just about to post a lengthy whinge on the dangers of accidentally sleeping all evening and waking at midnight. But now I won’t bother.

How’ve you been, man? And, where’ve you been, man? Tell, tell all. I’m sure there’s a fantastic story behind all this.
Eloi Tsabaoth
01:16 / 20.01.04
I'm a Special Guest Star. In the Batman sense. I'm currently attempting to write the definitive kung-fu mind-control TV episode.
Saint Keggers
01:24 / 20.01.04
Hey BH!
Oh it has indeed been a fantabulus adventure..filled with killer midgets, sensory depravation, wild drugs wilder magicks and strange women.

or maybe not.

In truth I was helping a fellow barbelither out (watching her kid while she worked)for a few weeks and was able to get to a computer during lateshift times quite rarely.

Mr. Bizunth: As long as you include the batusie im happy!
Bed Head
01:52 / 20.01.04
Swoon. I’m at once bowled over by your gentlemanly display of proper old-school Canadian gallantry, and also slightly disappointed to learn that you havn’t been strapped to a bed and ravished by drug-crazed midgets for weeks on end. Wasn’t that your new years’ resolution? Maybe I’m thinking of someone else.

Painted anything fantabulous recently? When’s a new comic going to be forthcoming from the mighty house of Kegs?
Saint Keggers
02:01 / 20.01.04
Swoon. I’m at once bowled over by your gentlemanly display of proper old-school Canadian gallantry
Bah! Tis nothing.
and also slightly disappointed to learn that you havn’t been strapped to a bed and ravished by drug-crazed midgets for weeks on end. Wasn’t that your new years’ resolution? Maybe I’m thinking of someone else
That sounds like something Id make a resolution for but its soo hard to find good drug-crazed midgets this time of year...they keep getting lost in the snow drifts.

Sadly I havent painted anything in quite the while. Althoug I have started the preliminaries on returning to work on my tarot deck. As for the comics... I havent a clue. I had to quit for a while due to lack of hard drive space but I just upgraded the ol' pc so things should be getting back to semi normality.
Saint Keggers
02:02 / 20.01.04
Well it seems Ive lost the ability to go from italics and back again... oh how my barbskills are rusted.
Bed Head
02:11 / 20.01.04
Hard drive space? I thought you’re all about the pens these days, baby! Although your mages proper rock, that is.

Tell us about the tarot deck, man! what’s the theme? How far have you got with it? Apologies if you’ve gone over all this before, in which case feel free to just point me in the right direction.

they keep getting lost in the snow drifts - another excellent opportunity to exercise that ol’ Canadian gallantry: fish them out and ply them with brandy to, y’know, warm their cockles and stuff. Swoon again.
Saint Keggers
02:25 / 20.01.04
Not All about the's the pens, the paints, the computer and the camera...I'm a renaisance man.

As for the tarot deck...its just a regular deck that Ive had in the works for the longest time. I have only one card completed but about 3 or four others just need abit of photography and some tweeking. There was a pic of one of the cards that I did in the Tarot card thread in the Magick but I dont know if its still there or not.

As for plying the midgetsicles with brandy..forget that, they just get violent. Actually I like that, so it may be a time to revise my strategy! I will save them all and they will be my s&m oompa loompas!!
02:34 / 20.01.04
Hullo darlings. Are you still up, or is this just a clever ruse?
Saint Keggers
02:42 / 20.01.04
Hi Maz!
How ya been?
Why do you want to gnaw on me?
Bed Head
02:43 / 20.01.04
Oh, hurrah, it’s a proper lateshift now you’re here Maz. What’s happening ‘stateside’, as they say? Yeah, still up, clever ruses being entirely beyond me by this stage. I do appreciate the way you kids help me through these bouts of insomnia, you know.

Which card was it, Keggers? Doing a search for ‘tarot’ in the magic forum is like searching for ‘Grant Morrison’ in the comics forum.
Bed Head
02:45 / 20.01.04
And KB, we all want to gnaw on you. Just some of us are a little more brazen about it, is all.
Saint Keggers
02:50 / 20.01.04
BH: It was the High Priestess.

And as for everyone wanting to gnaw on me... Where the hell have you people been all my life?!!!! This is soo great! I must organize a GnawDay!
Bed Head
03:03 / 20.01.04
Curses. Maybe it was the High Priestess, but it isn’t there any more. There’s just a huge blank space and a stream of people posting things like ‘wow, Kegboy’, ‘you’re a genius, Kegboy’, ‘it’s so beautiful, Kegboy’... etc. I’ll assume there actually *was* a tarot card there once, and this isn’t just an outbreak of emperor’s-new-clothes-itus from everyone who wants to gnaw on you.

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