Oh man, I want a University of You Suck t-shirt, too, but I think I've spent the money I alloted for clever t-shirts this year. I used to LOVE Cat and Girl but I don't think it's been too good lately.
RE: Surveillance - such a pretty word for STALKING. It was pretty anticlimatic and unsatisfying. My accomplice did NOT succeed in getting fake moustaches, none of the donuts she brought were powdered, and she didn't drink coffee. It was absolutely FREEZING here in NYC, so she didn't want to hang around very long. Plus she seemed very self-involved. She wasn't in it for love of stalking. You could read the gory details and the subsequent mocking - if you were part of the secret barbelith livejournal clatch.
However, I think I figured out a place to get moustaches, and I have 5 - that's right, 5 willing people to go with me this weekend, so I have to pick the two (unless I figure out how to schedule stalking shifts) that sound the craziest and most interested in STALKING - rather than thinking I'm just some clever guy who wants to get in their pants. It's all about the STALKING. I've got a lot of fun e-mail through this, so I really can't complain. |