i know this is silly, but i can't help myself. i seriously can't stand this idea of losing her forever, because we care too much about each other, or are just too emotional about each other...
Ex, I don't think that was super bitchy, actually...i have other friends that are there for me, and this topic has been very supportive, actually. i consider every person on this topic to be a friend of mine now...simply because i can tell that people are geniunely concerned and looking out for my best interests.
what i meant by being there for her always, was mainly, if she is in a jam (car breaks down, gets drunk somewhere, needs a ride, family member dies and she needs help with something), that i'm not suddenly her enemy. likewise, i *know* that if i asked her for something like a ride to work or to help me get something done, etc., i know after last night that she would be there. i'm sure of that.
it's just that i can't simply and walk away completely from this...i can't get what i want (that's seemingly hopeless) from her, but i wouldn't feel right completely abandoning someone that i have spent so much good time with and who i think about all the time, and from experience and past examples, has been thinking about me a lot, too.
of course, i'm starting to ramble, and i have no idea if any of this is actually real or what...i'm so f-ed in the head over this right now, i can't really think clearly.
she emailed me this morning and said she knows we shouldn't email, hang out, etc, but that she just can't concentrate...couldn't sleep, was up crying, that she keeps hitting the receive button on her email to see what i am up to... it's so hard to resist this...we've emailed back and forth a couple times today, and even mentioned stuff about how hard the weekend will be, etc.
i'm just hopeless, maybe. i mean, some people are, right? |