keith, i was afraid you would say that.
i dont want you to go away, i dont hate you, i dont think you are in any way worth less than any of the other people on this site.
toksik, i will go away now if that is what you like.
no, it isnt. don't be a dafty.
babies and bathwater, innit.
thanks for the advice, and i'd probably remind you that, just like the television, you can turn the internet off when it annoys you. don't necessarily have to do the elvis and shoot it.
i know that. cheers for the reminder, but you have missed the gist of what i was saying.(perhaps trying to say)
i was 'tough loving' you, not hating on you.
i genuinely like your online persona, and was concerned for you.
i was annoyed in the same way a parent is when you play with matches anyway, y'know? except that you came to us with the matches first, and said "are these dangerous dad?" and upon being told "yes. definitely" went and played with them anyway.
not only were you warned, but you knew before you were what we would say. after we had said it repeatedly, you still hadnt listened.
i am NOT annoyed ecause you used barbelith to sort out your problem. for my part, it was time willingly given.
i dont mind helping people out if i can.
i'm annoyed because it seems like you are not being honest, either with us or yourself. this lack of honesty has got in the way of fixing this for you, and i am trying to show you that.
seriously, it may sound dumb, but i am saying all i say from a place of love.
i care, and that care is the only reason this topic has bugged me.
so, no.
i cant just turn off the internet, because you are someone i care about. not as much as my mum, sure. but i still care. |