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New Lateshhiiiifffft! Fresh! Fragrant!


Page: 12(3)4567

23:30 / 14.12.03
Actually, I'm getting tired. Time for bed. Night guys.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:32 / 14.12.03
yeah, was just thinking maybe we need a Barbe-travel thread... *g*

Shimla's beautiful, from the little I remember (and the photos in my Lonely Planet book!)

Ill: flying to Mumbai, spending a couple of days there with s-mum's sister. Though I'm determined to get out and about, as I've never been there before.

Then Pune, (s-mum's family/flat), off to Goa for a 'holiday from holiday' (sis, bro and I insisted on it!), flying from Mumbbai to Kolkata, few days there and travelling round the bengal (that's where we're from, and most of dad's family are there), then sis and bro flying home, and me and dad off to Dehli (possibly with some stops on the way) mum's family are in delhi, and we've planned some trips, pretty sure we're gonna go to chandigargh...

Delhi will be emotional, am staying with mum's best friend from school/college, and am looking foward to finding out more about her...

One of the slightly 'eek' things is that I haven't been since we went to scatter mum's ashes, so not sure how I'll react to that...
23:35 / 14.12.03
night mr illmatic

Gbop- when i went it was a month after the floods and repairs a plenty were still getting done - but id didn't detract from anything. - and cheap beer and much meaty goodness was also nice.
23:42 / 14.12.03
Bip sounds like you trip will be very hectic - and very much a journey with lots to offer. But i guess that's pretty obvious...
23:44 / 14.12.03
I dont eat meaty goodness, and I dont drink beer. Will I like it anyway?
Im very embarrased. Someone is speaking to me on msn. Iv met him once, and he describes it as 'like porn- but with close-ups'. I've gone bright red, even tho I cant see the guy.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:47 / 14.12.03
bop. yeah, i reckon so. Prague is still beautiful AFAIK, and a wonderful city to walk around.

Sleaze: yeah, it'll be pretty intense, in all sorts of ways.

Anyyway, sleeeeepy.

Nnight all, sleep well.
23:50 / 14.12.03
Well on the non meaty goodness and beer tip i met up with a vegan friend who was traveling eastern europe at the time and he told me that the czech rep was one of few places on his travels that catered for his dietry requirements - so yeah you should be able to find lots of stuff to enjoy.
23:57 / 14.12.03
hmmmm sleep is probably a good idea for me too - night all
00:00 / 15.12.03
Thats cool. Cause Lisbon was god-awful for that.

me: Can I have a vegetarian meal please? I ordered one.
Air-portugal staff: We've had problems with vegetairians... 17 already today. *slaps down meal* You dont eat the meat, EH.

Staff; what you want to drink, EH?
me; some apple juice, please.
staff: none.
me; orange juice?
staff; Finished.
me; water?
staff; Tsk *thumps down plastic cup on tray*

staff walk past my isle, without asking if we'd like tea/coffee.
I press button.
me; could i have a cup of tea please? Our row was missed out.
staff; You get coffee when you're ASKED if you want coffee.

It was really atrocious. The rest of the week, I could find hardly anything veggie. But at least the rest werent rude about it.
19:11 / 16.12.03
Last night was nice. I said I'd phone Rich, who I like very much but have only met a few times- and most people like that, it's like, shiiit, this is a bit akward- "Im reeeaallly tired, I need to go to bed." There was none of that; more, "shit, its half 1, i really *do* need to go to bed. Pooooo"
Refreshingly lovely.

Does mean that I *have* to finish with Alan tomorrow, before i become a proper bitch.
Why has nobody renamed this to the 'bop talking about herself and not much else thread?' yet?
20:29 / 16.12.03
Hey bop, you're not talking to yourself, I'm listening too. But I'm afraid I don't really know the ins+outs of your personal life so can't really answer your question.

I could tell you about an amazing chocolate stall in Spitalfields Market (London) though.
21:03 / 16.12.03
i'll take cheese from borough market over chocolate anyday... as lond as there is some beer to go with it...
21:25 / 16.12.03
If only cheese looked as good...

Lateshhiiiiffffft!Fresh!Fragrant! = barbelith cheese?
21:32 / 16.12.03
i'm sure chese can be moulded into just as many shapes as chocolate...

i think i'll leave that thought right there while it is still safe to do so.
Bed Head
22:21 / 16.12.03
Since when is cheese fragrant? Cheese is pungent, man. Pungent in a really, really good way.

Is anybody still up? Or is it just lil’ old me? Very much in need of some hard-nosed Barbe-talk to counteract the mind-blunting effects of Steely Dan and their rock-jazz noodling. I don’t know what happened this evening. I started off on Joni Mitchell, okay, all’s good in the world. Somehow ended up with Steely Dan. And liking it. I mean, what’s next for me, the bloody Eagles?? Is my brain now terminally softened?
22:23 / 16.12.03
Evening compatriots.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
22:25 / 16.12.03
It seems to me, gingerbop, that you were asking a very leading question. Don't take me the wrong way, but I feel you've already made your mind up and were seeking confirmation. If that's the case, then go for it (despite the short-term awkwardness it creates), if not then stick with it (despite the short-(to long)-term 'what if'ness it creates).

On a totally side note; I'm well excited - one of my friends (who I've known for 21 years, and who I see only once every few months) DJ's at a monthly night called Dogmatique. They're doing a New Year's Eve party on a boat on the Thames, which, as a devout, married Northener, I'm well excited to be going to. (I've even booked a 1st Class return train ticket on New Year's Day - free food, booze & newspapers).

I'm all a-quiver.

Bring on the toxicity!!!!!!
22:25 / 16.12.03
Mmm, cheese. And beer. Mmm.
Evening, peeps.
Bed Head
22:29 / 16.12.03
Oooh, and suddenly it’s deliciously crowded in here. Evening all!

Maz, did you get your paper finished and handed in on time? And are you now in 'celebration' mode?

And if you are, don’t expect me to dj, my record collection is officially rubbish
Saint Keggers
23:25 / 16.12.03
...And with in mighty puff of smoke, Kegboy appears. "Tadah!", says he. Oh heck! I seemed to have made them all disapear. Golly!
Bed Head
23:35 / 16.12.03
Oh, I’m still here Keggers. They all left and switched the light off as they went. I’ve been sitting here on my own, in the dark, ever since.

23:36 / 16.12.03
I've been hiding in the dark also. But with creepy infra-red goggles on.
Bed Head
23:39 / 16.12.03
Well I hope for your sake you weren’t looking in my direction, then
23:42 / 16.12.03
Only briefly. I swiftly averted my eyes.
Saint Keggers
23:53 / 16.12.03
And how is everybody tonight??? I spent all day filtering wines for bottling. Chiati (red), Zinfandel (blush) and Soave (white). Tommorow its putting them all into bottles...
Should get about 70 or so.
Bed Head
00:06 / 17.12.03
Should get about 70 or so
It's all round to yours then, eh Kegboy? You'll share with your interweb chums, won't you?

A more productive day here after yesterday’s deep blue funk. Well, I say productive, in fact I simply made the decision to divide my days up into sections, so that I can properly schedule unpaid work in amongst proper, paid, grown-up work, instead of frantically squeezing in a couple of days here and there and never getting anything finished. This might sound simple, but seeing the blindingly bloody obvious has never been one of my few strengths. I’ve made myself a wall-planner and everything.
Saint Keggers
00:19 / 17.12.03
It's all round to yours then, eh Kegboy? You'll share with your interweb chums, won't you?

When I buy my're all invited.
00:48 / 17.12.03
Hurrah for Kegboy and his projected castle-buying plans!
00:48 / 17.12.03
Maz, did you get your paper finished and handed in on time? And are you now in 'celebration' mode?

Up till four thirty getting it all typed, finished around 5600 words, by the end of which I had no idea what I had and hadn't talked about. Went to school (my fiance had to work and his car sucks in the snow), curled up on the floor of my office and went to sleep. He got done with work, we drove home, and I went back to sleep again. Today I had a final, tomorrow I have to give a makeup quiz, Thursday I have to proctor a final, and Friday I have the final for the class that goes with the paper. Celebration starts Saturday. Or possibly a coma. The only clean clothes in the house are some socks and shorts, and the only dishes we have clean... I don't think there are any. Maybe a pie plate. I just had soup out of a juicer.

Wall planners rock. Grown up work for which one is paid rocks. Wine rocks. All of you rock.
00:59 / 17.12.03
Is your castle going to have a name, Kegs? Like Something Keep? Or Caer something or other?
Saint Keggers
01:07 / 17.12.03
My Castle will be called Lakeview Castle (or some fancy derivitive of Lakeview). It will be large with many underground passages and one large high tower a mile or so away from the main building. It will also have many gargoyls and grotesques.

and flying monkeys.

and maybe a few Oompa Loompas.
01:48 / 17.12.03
Well, it's not really a castle without oompaloompas and flying monkeys, is it?
Saint Keggers
01:56 / 17.12.03
Oh god no! You need the Oompa Loompas. They match the drapery and keep you supplied with candy.
And the monkeys are so much fun if they're on your side during the arguments that end up in a fecees flinging fiasco. Bad dates never comeback after loosing to the might of the Flying Monkey Dive-bomb Kamikazee Assasination Squad!!
Saint Keggers
02:31 / 17.12.03
Well im off to nuke myself a mug of chianti and sit down and watch the shows I taped.

Goodnight all!
Saint Keggers
01:11 / 18.12.03
Where is everybody??? Grrr! Im packing my angry eyes!!

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