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New Lateshhiiiifffft! Fresh! Fragrant!


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Bed Head
23:30 / 27.12.03
You know, thinking back, I once knew a girl who actually joined a circus. Well, I didn’t properly know her, my friend lived in the same student house as her. She used to unicycle to college. I don’t recall it being such a big deal for her, though. I don’t think the pay’s fantastic or anything. If you’re halfway good and willing to learn, well, why wouldn’t some circus or other want to take you ‘round the world?
23:39 / 27.12.03
I dont care about the pay, I care about performing.

No matter where you look, if you search for a circus in the UK, you always end up back at Circus Space, which does degrees in circus arts. But they're general degrees, and clownage grates on me something awful. I have a unicycle, but still cant go on it, and have juggling balls and cant juggle. Hmmm.

What are you in Cirque Du Barbeli?
23:42 / 27.12.03
Oooh, have i found it?
23:51 / 27.12.03
All I need is a video of me.

After the school holidays, when I'm back at gym, I'll work on my bars and get them properly sorted, get full twist somies on tumble which i got just b4 the holidays, do my floor routine which is fabulous, probably some kind of dance or group display, balances with me as a base and others as a top, I'll see if I can get some backward vaults on the go, maybe some ribbon work....
And borrow my sister's video camera.

Im gonna get in this fucking company. Oh yes.
Bed Head
23:55 / 27.12.03
Is that it? Phone them on monday, bop!

What are you in Cirque Du Barbeli?

The Hideous Ape-boy, weird miracle of nature!
00:04 / 28.12.03
My brother says our mum'll make a good bearded lady in a few years. They ask for a video sent to them, so soon as I get that done (prob within a month, it'll be off to them. Im not available for a while either, after Arnotts and travelling, will be about march anyway.

Think I should retreat to my bed soon. I need a double bed, not cause I have anyone to put in it, particuarly, but just so I can flail my arms and legs a bit. Not that theres room for one in my room. My brother and sister dont live at home, and they get fucking massive double-bedded rooms. ARGH. With nobody in them anymore! Dont see why I cant move.
Bed Head
00:08 / 28.12.03
Sleep well.

I'm off too. Goodnight Barbelith!
18:17 / 28.12.03
Just. Watched. Cirque Du Soliel.

I'm in love. My audition video (though not for there) is getting made as soon as I get back to gym. I need this in my life! Bring on Cirque du Barbeli!
Bed Head
22:55 / 28.12.03
Blimey, isn't anyone around tonight? The 'Dilly isn't what it used to be...
uncle retrospective
23:14 / 28.12.03
Well I am but I have to use this god damn pc for work in a few minutes. Anyone in ireland who wants to see the video for the Golden Path turn on tv3. I'll be showing it in 10 minutes or so.

How's all?
Bed Head
23:23 / 28.12.03
Oh god, well if you’re not going to stick around to talk bollocks into the wee small hours then you’re no earthly good for my lateshifting purposes. Nice to see you though, Uncle R. Don’t work too hard, it’s not healthy I hear.

Anyone underemployed around?
uncle retrospective
23:49 / 28.12.03
Me by the looks of it, no one seem to be texting the show so I'm free to talk shite for a bit. How's you?
Bed Head
00:01 / 29.12.03
Yeah, good, ta

Yeah, good, ta

Who needs work anyway? It's entirely overrated. I'm full to the brim with wine and I've finished everything I need to do tonight, and yet Barbelith seems to be utterly empty except fot thee and me, and I was about to either a)update every thread on the board for 'fun', or b) stumble off to bed and growl myself to sleep

So, what's The Golden Path anyway? Anything to do with that Eddie Murphy movie where he's a charming slice of royalty?
uncle retrospective
00:13 / 29.12.03
The Golden Path is the Flaming Lips/Chemical Brothers song. And to use a term I hate, it's pure Joycore. Great stuff.

As for work, I've been stuck in work till 5 in the morning the last 3 nights. If this place didn't pay my beer money.
Well, I'd be sober more often.
Why growl youself to sleep? Or is it something rude? God I'm sleepy.
Bed Head
00:24 / 29.12.03
Why growl youself to sleep

Wine-induced grouchy snarling, darling. I’m a meeeean drunk. After that, it’s less grouchy snarling, and more growly snoring. Apparently.

I’ve got my own flaming lips moment going on here right now, but sadly that’s down to all the chilli I just ate. Musical soundtrack for the evening has been the Canned Heat/John Lee Hooker album. God, I love that bloody record. I love the sleeve. Alan Wilson looks such a cute speccy girly-girl.
uncle retrospective
00:32 / 29.12.03
I wish I had such a good sound track going on, we just showed Timberlake and now it's a horrible Irish band called The Frames dc.
Any way, hope your flaming lips are getting better and that tomorrow the chilli passes with out insident.
Good night from me!

03:01 / 29.12.03
Anyone still awake? Kisses, kisses?
Saint Keggers
15:58 / 29.12.03
Where the devil is Kegboy? It just doesn't seem like a proper lateshift without him, however late it may actually be. Damn his family and his 'real-life' friends!!

Howdy Y'alls!
Just dropped in for a quick barb-injection lateshift style...I've been out of the whole technology loop for a while, first it was the holidays and the fact that grandma doest have internet and then I was in a no pc zone for a bit. So that explains why I'm lateshifting early time.
So its been a great holliday and all that. hope yours was just as good.
Im still half asleep and my first coffee has had no effect whatsoever..
so catch'all on the flip!
Bed Head
19:08 / 29.12.03
Ooooh, ooh, Happy Christmas Kegboy!

Get some real coffee inside you and talk rubbish, already!
Bed Head
20:47 / 29.12.03
So, anyone in Barbelith tonight prepared to talk about anything other than whether or not other threads are going slightly off-topic? What did you all get for Christmas? How are your hangovers doing? How was Christmas telly? Who got your vote on World Idol? Is your brother still, like, a complete dick?

Come. Share with Barbelith. Let it all out.
22:09 / 29.12.03
Evening BedHead, and Kegboy if you're still in.
Thanks, BH, for (almost) saving me on that thread. I really wish someone would accidentally on purpose delete it, cause it's just getting fucking stupid.

I found out I got paid triple time the other day.
And my security guard told me that when he went to Korfu with a red-headed female friend, she got treated like a princess and didnt have to pay for anything the whole time! I cant wait to go there.

I still dont know what Im doing for New Year. Might just go into Inverness, and hope somewhere lets me in. I cant wait to be 18 and not have to care anymore. Bear, if you're around; not coming up for new year, are you?

Evening all.
22:14 / 29.12.03
Actually, I'm rather enjoying that thread. It seems to be a rare example of people getting precisely the respect they deserve. Although I appear to be reading a different thread to you guys...

Hangover hangover hangover. I shouldn't go out drinking on Sundays - the times are always off. First pub closed at 9:30, so we went to another pub, then there was talk of a final drink, so we stopped off at Garlic and Shots - problem being that it is astonishingly easy to neck an incredibly large amount of alcohol in a very short space of time at G&S. Then, it being Sunday, the last train was half an hour earlier than usual, so I missed it totally and had to wander, blotto, through London until I found a minicab. Yeesh.

So, today has been pretty much written off - I've been lying around and watching videos, and that's about it. I have, however, confirmed that Joel Grey (the scary compère from Cabaret, played Doc in Buffy, which makes me happy.

How's everyone?
Bed Head
22:19 / 29.12.03
Hey, girl, I just got flattened by Haus, I can’t save anyone! I just got you the distinction of being second dingbat on that thread for a while, is all. Still, I’m not altogether pleased that some other idiot has shown up now and is putting the pair of us in the shade.

So, ‘Bop: I hope you’re going to a) get that Cirque Du Soliel DVD box set that Amazon are advertising, and b) going to apply to them for the vacancy, even if just for the experience.

‘Evening, by the way. Gorkey’s in the Bedhead house tonight.
Bed Head
22:20 / 29.12.03
Oh, sorry, hello Haus!
Ethan Hawke
22:31 / 29.12.03
It's not so late here, but I just got back from the gym and, over a nice refreshing beer, am debating on which of the two films my best and only friend, Netflix, has delivered unto me - The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari or Harold and Maude. I could theoretically watch both and still get to bed at a reasonable hour, but I think I should do something more productive as well this evening.

Q: I was on the phone with a friend earlier whining about my seasonal depression, and she was touting the benefits of full spectrum daylight bulbs as an alternative to pulling up sticks and moving somewhere tropical. Anyone use 'em?
22:43 / 29.12.03
See, you just have to begin at 1pm. I hate those missing days, filled with hangovers. It doesnt feel like you've had a day off.

I would have been good today. But someone was very rude to me in the morning. I got put in Platinum- the old-lady clothes dept. So because Im younger, they think they can treat me like shite.
"What discount do I get? I've got a whole pile of stuff here." -Eh... I cant give you a discount. They're already half-price or less.
"When do they go down further?" -honestly I couldnt tell u, we dont know til the day it happens. "You're lying. The last girl told me that, and I see my suits been reduced." -We really dont know til it happens. "you MUST have some idea" -no, really I dont. "well THATS not a very good way of working, IS IT?"
"So what discount do I get for paying cash?" -excuse me?
"Can I take them back if they dont fit?" -yes, its a 7 day refund policy on all clearance items. "SEVEN DAYS? SEVEN DAYS? THATS RIDICULOUS, IM GOING TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER. SEVEN WORKING DAYS, SEVEN SHOP DAYS, OR JUST SEVEN DAYS? EH? EH? YOU DONT KNOW, DO YOU!"
-just seven days. Thats a week. From today.

Im not putting my job, nor my redundancy bonus on the line for a rude and unashamedly ageist woman. I saw her go somewhere else, where a lady who's about 50 was serving, and she was POLITE. ARGH. I was on the line of being most rude back. Had I thought of something clever to say, I would have.

Then I got stood up by my sort-of-boyfriend's sister. And then he was in town. But didnt come to see me again. Despite apologising for the same thing last night, saying he was sooo sorry, and he's obviously not cause he's done the same again.

I need chocolate.
Bed Head
22:47 / 29.12.03
The seasonal depression is what you artists otherwise refer to as a ‘muse’. Do some depressing tortured wintery pictures and quit whining. Do you think Van Gogh would have benefited from the use of a ‘full spectrum daylight bulb’, huh? It's that or Tahiti, dude

And: Harold and Maude. Without a doubt. Hal Ashby was a bloody genius.
22:55 / 29.12.03
Not seasonal daylight bulbs, but a friend of mine does have a lightbox, and I think she finds it quite useful...
Ethan Hawke
22:56 / 29.12.03
I've never seen any of his movies - I picked up this book "Easy Riders, Raging Bulls" for 2 bucks at the paperback trader last week, though, and read all about him and the rest of that era's American directors. Lots of dirt (everyone did coke and fucked around on their wives, basically), but very disappointing as far as being enlightening about the art.

I'm not productive when I'm depressed. I like to create when I'm happy. I don't know why. But anyway, I should go to the Met and look at the Van Goghs there. They make me so absurdly happy for some reason. That'd be a blast.
Bed Head
23:00 / 29.12.03
'Bop, that story reminds me of when I was 16 and working in a shitty little clothes shop in a nasty little English provincial town. One day this posh lady came in, who I subsequently figured out was the manager’s wife, sent to see if I was any good at doing my job. She proceeded to tear a pair of gloves to pieces in front of me, to see if I’d do anything to stop her, and as I bleated ‘s-s-stop’ in my 16 year old, balls-not-quit-dropped-yet voice, she silenced me with an imperiously posh” I beg your pardon???”. Scarred me for life, and yet looking back it was a bloody strange thing to be doing, the fucking sadists.

So that day, we all found out I just wasn’t cut out to work in a shitty little clothes shop.

And Todd: Great book. The Last Detail is fantastic. Bound For Glory is great. Even Coming Home is a cut above.
23:04 / 29.12.03
Oh thats really mean. I wouldnt know what to do either- I dont like being big and bossy and scary, cause Im rubbish at being all 3 of those things.

Can we begin a new lateshift? 7 pages seems traditional.

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