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New Lateshhiiiifffft! Fresh! Fragrant!


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Saint Keggers
23:42 / 20.12.03
Um, just for arguments sake but.. why is Maz the cleverest amongst us??
23:44 / 20.12.03
I don't tend to celebrate things. Finals are over, I just have to enter the youths' grades on Monday for their final, and then it's about a month of vegging out. I plan to put a fresh coat of paint on my hair tomorrow, scotch-guard a couple new t-shirts I've gotten so they don't get stained, and try out some new recipies now that I've got some spare time. I may also get my master's thesis firmly outlined and ready to pitch for next semester. I am a crazy wild party-type fiend.

And I still have to find my Mom a tea pot and figure out a present for my brother in law, who is difficult to shop for. But yes, my celebration is underway, in a loafy sort of way.

How's everyone else?
23:55 / 20.12.03
Kegboy: have you read/ any of our posts recently?

Evening all. How's shit?
Saint Keggers
23:55 / 20.12.03
Well I dont know about everybody else.... But im doing Superextraultafantabulistic!
Ive got my mp3s running screamming out my speakers (currently playing: Live is Life by Opus)... red wine in infront and inside of me. Christmas shopping all done...and the exterior x-mas lights are bathing the rooms in a transcendental colour cacophany. All is well.

Anybody know where I can d/l Diamond Mine by Blue Rodeo im .mp3??
Saint Keggers
23:56 / 20.12.03
Stoatie: Yes, yes I have.
Bed Head
23:57 / 20.12.03
why is Maz the cleverest amongst us?

Because she’s just done exams and essays and brainy stuff, and this is therefore a moment of triumph and needs to be sung to the rafters as such. Why not? You need an excuse to drink a toast, Kegboy?
Saint Keggers
00:00 / 21.12.03
LOL! I toast every time there's a new lateshift post!! Its the barbelith drinking game.
Bed Head
00:04 / 21.12.03
God Damn. That dreadful Osbourne-spawn record is on the radio, it’s only Number One!! Who the fuck is buying this shit? Who’s *ever* going to sit down and actually deliberately listen to it? What’s wrong with this world? I had just started to feel better about things, too.

Evening, Stoatie. I’m ever so jealous of your fantastic holiday plans, man. Let us drink a toast to your impending travels!
Saint Keggers
00:06 / 21.12.03
Bed Head
00:07 / 21.12.03
And I drink a toast every time I prise a LOL! out of you, Keggers. That’s my Barbelith drinking game.
Saint Keggers
00:09 / 21.12.03
Drunk yet?
Bed Head
00:10 / 21.12.03
I’ve just emptied my cellar, so to speak.
00:27 / 21.12.03
Rest assured, I shall be drinking a toast to myself as soon as I can get the fuck out of this office! (Just booked the hostel for Reykjavik this morning... I'm really fucking excited!)

Refill that cellar, BH.
00:56 / 21.12.03
Evening all, just passing through.
Stoatie, maybe you can feel my envy. Of all the places in all the world, it's Iceland I'd like to see the most. But isn't it spectacularly expensive? I know a few people who've been, and all came back with minds blown, but bank accounts emptied.

And Kegboy, Kazaa Lite has plenty of Blue Rodeo up for grabs. Have you tried there?
Saint Keggers
01:00 / 21.12.03
Nope... dont have Kazaa or Kazaa lite.
01:01 / 21.12.03
Oh jeez, so not the cleverest. Ganesh is way smarter than me, and Haus knows about twice as many words, Kegboy's funnier, Jack Fear's more informed, and the list goes on. But thanks anyway, Bed Head.

Actually, I'd have to say grant's the cleverest among us- he seriously seems to know just about everything. And he's really, really nice about it. grant's the man.

Stoatie- you're going to Iceland? How did this come to pass?! Details, my furry friend!
Saint Keggers
01:01 / 21.12.03
Oops..silly me...
"Hi SW!!!"
Eloi Tsabaoth
01:02 / 21.12.03
I spent three weeks in Iceland writing a puppet show. Even with the company paying for my hotel room I found it a bit pricy. And icy.
Unfortunately I spent most of my time either in the office writing ill-fated song and dance sequences or in my room playing Deus Ex... I was right next door to the penis museum though.
Saint Keggers
01:08 / 21.12.03
"I spent three weeks in Iceland writing a puppet show."

This could be the greatest voice-over sentence to ever start a film noir movie.
Bed Head
01:10 / 21.12.03
Or even a hard-boiled experimental puppet metatext. Muppet Borges, or something
Bed Head
01:13 / 21.12.03
That last post of mine makes no sense. I’m going to bed.

Thanks for your company, goodnight all!
Saint Keggers
01:14 / 21.12.03
Good night bEd Head!
01:16 / 21.12.03
Night Bed Head!
01:25 / 21.12.03
I'm picturing that movie right now. It's ace.

Well, we were going to the States, and it turned out we had to change planes in Reykjavik, so we just went "fuck it!" on the spur of the moment and decided to stay there a few days. (I figure three is about all we'll be able to afford!)
01:26 / 21.12.03
Oops! Hit "Reply" too soon (heard my boss approaching.)

Night, BH.#

How was the puppet show then, Biz?
Saint Keggers
22:51 / 22.12.03
Well im just in the most frabjabulous of holliday moods! Thank you inventors of homewine making. Thank you! A belly resplendant in much too spicy spaghetti and much too plentiful wine.

Ok lateshifters, tell me where the pain goes!
( I woke up with that sentence in my mind, left over from whatever dream I may have been having)
Bed Head
23:28 / 22.12.03
Hey kids! Spicy spaghetti rocks. It’s been a whole year, ie last Christmas, since I got the greatest ever book of vegetarian pasta recipes, and I’ve eaten little else in the meantime. Garlic. Chilli. Olives. More garlic. Tomatoes. I even make my own pasta, if I’ve got a whole day to spare.

Homemade wine rocks hard. Kegboy, do you mull, for Christ’s sake?

tell me where the pain goes

wherever it feels goood
Saint Keggers
23:55 / 22.12.03
Hiya BH!
My sis-in-law sells spices and one of the jars she sells is called 'mulling spice'. So, to answer your question, yes, I do mull. Although I find it a bit too cinamony for my tastes. I should start experimenting and go out to buy my own mulling spices... Usually I just nuke a mug of red wine and call it done.

How have you been?
Bed Head
00:12 / 23.12.03

Lemon peel
6 cloves
stick of cinnamon
½ a nutmeg
Big spoonful of honey
300 ml of water

bring to the boil, stir in 2 bottles of red.
Strain. Serve. Stagger around (optional).

If you don’t like cinnamon, put less cinnamon in, man! The more you drink the more you refine the recipe to Kegboy standards. Before long, Kegboy’s annual mulled-wine parties will become legendary affairs and nubile young things will be making all sorts of offers to get themselves an invite...

I’ve had a good day thanks. Finally got through to my brother and had a good noisy rant down the phone at him which left me feeling better and him feeling a bit deafer.

And yourself?
Saint Keggers
00:17 / 23.12.03
Im doing great. The x-mas tree went up and al the lights are shining into my computer screen. Im all fa-la-la-la-la and all that jazz. Things are great.
Bed Head
00:22 / 23.12.03
You really really love Christmas, don't you? Doesn't your seasonal cheer ever waver, even for a moment? It just isn't natural, unless you're like, 5. Or Santa.
Saint Keggers
00:35 / 23.12.03
haven't you been listening to the songs?? "Its the most wonderful time of the year" Well the year has been pretty decent so therefore, by default, this timehas to be even better! How can you not love it? How?!! God bless us! Each and ev'ry one! (Take that Tiny Tim you fuckwit wanna be!)
Bed Head
00:40 / 23.12.03
I’m starting to worry for you Keggers, I think you’re on course to cop a *lethal* dose of new year blues.

But in the meantime...hoping for anything ‘special’ from Santa this year?
Saint Keggers
00:56 / 23.12.03
Bah! I dont do the blues. Mad, sad or happy you've got to be willing to be them first. I refuse to be anything but happy. (It drives my friends insane!) Except for a few moments every few years or so very little every makes me unhappy. I get irked, puzzled or mellow but thats about it. Im soo zen it hurts!

As for my christmas list....

I'd like a mayline for my drafting table,
a wacom table, another hard drive and more ram for my computer.
on dvd, the following
Blazzing Saddles,
Three Amigos,
Highway 61,

Im sure there's more... but im content right now.
how 'bout you? What cant that fat bastard of an elf (and who ever heard of a fat elf??) bring you?
Bed Head
01:15 / 23.12.03
There’s a ginormous granite mortar and pestle in the shop down the road that I’ve had my eye on for a bit. I suppose I’d like the Alien Quadrology on DVD, but all I really want from it is the Alien3 disc, cause that’s the only one of the series that rings my bell enough to watch over. I stand alone in this. I don’t care.

I need new shoes, but Chrimbo isn’t a time to be getting what you need, is it now?

Like the slight 'comedy western' bias in your DVD list, by the way.

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