Hello, my lovelies.
It's just before midnight on Christmas Eve where I am. D is working an evening shift, so I had to get the kids through church, dinner, and bedtime on my own, then clean, the house, haul all the prezzies out of their hiding places, fill the stockings, eat the cookies left for Santa, gnaw the carrot (for the reindeer)...
For five years I did music in my church, which meant I was working every Christmas Eve--which means that tonight I'm doing what D did for five Christmases running. My respect for this woman, vast already, is much increased.
Anyway, I finished in time to wtch the last half of It's a Wonderful Life and get nicely drunk on port. Port! I ask you! I might as well buy a smoking jacket. And, I dunno, a fez, or something.
Have moved on to shots of aquavit, flavored generously with self-pity.
Anyone else about? |