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New Lateshhiiiifffft! Fresh! Fragrant!


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Saint Keggers
01:18 / 23.12.03
"I stand alone in this. I don’t care."

I know what you mean, I think Im the only one of ,y gang that loves the third movie...The fourth one, however, is crap.
Bed Head
01:25 / 23.12.03
Well, that’s undeniable. But Alien3 is nasty as hell. In a very loveable kind of way.
Bed Head
01:44 / 23.12.03
Urk. Gotta go. Gotta sleep. Bed time for this Bedhead, I think. Sleep well dude, keep being Christmassy, and get yourself mulling, Kegboy-style! You know it makes sense.
Saint Keggers
01:45 / 23.12.03
LOL! Indeed! Good night BH!
Jack Denfeld
05:42 / 23.12.03
Anyone home?
17:50 / 24.12.03
Honey, Im home!

At work today there was a best-dressed till-point competition, and ours was, erm, beautiful! A rudolph made of a j-lo cut-out covered in brown paper, with a red bauble for the nose, and snapped up hangers for antlers. And santa was a load of plastic bags stuck onto a big stand thing, and covered in red tissue and cotton wool. Rudolph was coming out a bin-liner, sitting on a carboard sleigh which had more hangers coming out the bottom for the ski-bit of the sled. And cardboard footprints were going from presents on the other side of the dept to santa. And much tinsel; from the 99p shop. I was wearing a red mini-skirt, black and red stripey knee-high socks and a tiara.

There was lots of it, but it was all crap. Perhaps it created an over-all effect, cause we won! Its quite sad that we got so excited about it, and posted the notice up saying we'd won beside santa. Hehee. We find out what we've won on friday. yo yo we rule!

I swear, its just getting paid to go to primary school again!

Im posting just now in case i get too drunk to make sense later. Not sure. Lots of things to wrap wrap wrap still. Mwuh x
19:35 / 24.12.03
Definitely with you on the many things left to do front. I have to keep on reminding myself that it's a good idea to actually do them, rather than pretend that if I ignore the tasks long enough they will go away.

I have just been to a party that I thought would be dull + actually was a lot of fun. We even sang christmas carols, including 12 days with actions... on second thoughts, that treads the very fine boundary between "fun" & "arggh no! stop!" I've come home in a better mood than when I went though, so on balance it must have been good.
19:42 / 24.12.03
I'm here, and possibly coming down with the flu, which sucks, cause I actually had everything I needed to do done.

Ginger-that sounds like an adorable outfit. Why do you never send us pictures?
Bed Head
19:54 / 24.12.03

Hey kids! I’m full of wine and I’ll be coming up on something slippery in, oooh, about about 20 minutes, so I’m spurning the Merry Christmas thread to post my seasonal best wishes here, my new favourite corner. God bless us, one and all! And a happy new Lateshift to all of Barbelith! If there was mistletoe around in this thread I’d snog your internet faces off. Er, so count your blessings!

Maz. Please dont get the flu. If you do, please get well soon. And Happy Christmaaaaaas!
Jack Fear
02:55 / 25.12.03
Hello, my lovelies.

It's just before midnight on Christmas Eve where I am. D is working an evening shift, so I had to get the kids through church, dinner, and bedtime on my own, then clean, the house, haul all the prezzies out of their hiding places, fill the stockings, eat the cookies left for Santa, gnaw the carrot (for the reindeer)...

For five years I did music in my church, which meant I was working every Christmas Eve--which means that tonight I'm doing what D did for five Christmases running. My respect for this woman, vast already, is much increased.

Anyway, I finished in time to wtch the last half of It's a Wonderful Life and get nicely drunk on port. Port! I ask you! I might as well buy a smoking jacket. And, I dunno, a fez, or something.

Have moved on to shots of aquavit, flavored generously with self-pity.

Anyone else about?
03:19 / 25.12.03
I am. Having the is it a cold or is it the flu debate. It would be no big thing, except my nephew is not yet two, though he has had his flu shot.

You're sweet to do the cookie and carrot gnawing thing. It's those touches that really make it fun for the kids, at least, they made it fun for me.
03:36 / 25.12.03
the wee small hours of christmas day and i am awake and eagerly awaiting news of the Beagle 2 probe to Mars - we won;t know if it has landed successfully for a few hours yet, but i am too excited/tenseto sleep and i didn't even work on it...
11:47 / 25.12.03
Could have been better news for the Beagle.... still time though..

People will start to talk soon, 3 successful landings in about 30 attempts - little Martians with a big gun I bet.
14:01 / 27.12.03
Im feeling a bit sad and deflated. In need of Bridget Jones and some chocolate.

However, these make me smile; my sister gave them to me for crimbo (the front ones).
17:24 / 27.12.03
Bridget Jones: Watched.
Half a chocolate cow: Gone
Half a tub of Nutella: Missing
Family pack of Twixes: Looking worried.
17:28 / 27.12.03
PS- sorry for more harrassment, but can someone please translate this from boy-language to something more sensical, ie- either 'sorry, i've been a prick', or 'sorry, i dont want to see you anymore.' This was after him not coming to see me when I knew he was in town, and is from Rich, my semi-boyfriend who I havent seen for a week:

"hey babe look im really sorry for how im actin at the moment i dont know whats been goin on in my head for the past week im sorry babe xxxx"

Never could find a guy who can punctuate correctly.
17:57 / 27.12.03
Sounds like "sorry, I've been a prick" to me.
Bed Head
18:10 / 27.12.03
Yeah, my English-Teenager dictionary is a bit out of date, but that’s boy for “I’ve been a prick”. Doesn’t sound nearly sorry enough though, not if he’s been spoiling the jolly Christmas vibe.
18:56 / 27.12.03
Tis just that if i call him now and chat away as per usual, and he was finishing with me then... i'll sound a right daftie! He's too hot for me.

Anyway, if all goes well, my love Emily who I work with and her boyfriend, rory, who works downstairs and Rich who's completely separate but gets on extremely well with rory, shall all go roundie roundie Europe when we have a few redundancy payments and free time on our hands. Stop in London for Bombay Dreams and possibly see some of you people (Bear, I believe- and we can rock in an MFR stylie) and I'd like to go to Prague, and wherever else tickles everyone's collective fancy, and stopping anywhere with a circus that may want me.
19:17 / 27.12.03
Sometimes gingerbop, you remind me terribly of an old friend of mine. In fond ways, to assure you.
19:29 / 27.12.03
If fondly, then why terribly?
You remind me of my school play that I choreographed a scene for, because we were doing some rythmic gymnastics in it, and you have a pic waving a long, multi coloured ribbon that covers your eyes.
21:23 / 27.12.03
Can we say its late yet? Cause I've been hanging around for ages, and am very bored. I didnt get up til 2pm today, so still full of beans.
21:28 / 27.12.03
Its the weekend, its slow, and I've not slept much last night due to chemical abuse. So, its the late shift for me, even if its only about 6pm around these parts.
21:50 / 27.12.03
Well, I went to sleep last night at 7.30pm, woke up and went straight to bed (which i dont remember so think I was taken by aliens) and slept til 1. Then stayed in bed feeling sad til about 2. Had a bath and got dressed til about 4. Moped around and watched bridget jones, had dinner and came online. Im feeling not very happy happy. Its been a not very happy happy day. Im going to get that family pack of twixes.

Sheesh I never stop whinging, do I? Nothing particuarly bad has even happened- oh no, my man apologised to me. Tradgedy! I've just been happy happy for a bit too long, I think.

I need the circus.
Bed Head
22:19 / 27.12.03
I hope you made him properly beg for your forgiveness. That’s what all these really good-looking straight boys want, you know, a girl who’ll make them actually do some work. Apparently. Besides, it’s Christmas, you should have roasted his chestnuts over an open fire. And then been all frosty, just for added emphasis.

Twixes are evil, by the way. Have a Wispa instead.

Where the devil is Kegboy? It just doesn't seem like a proper lateshift without him, however late it may actually be. Damn his family and his 'real-life' friends!!
22:22 / 27.12.03

Bed Head
22:27 / 27.12.03
Cusm dude, you’re a perfect genius. Would you care to attribute amusing captions, or is that *our* task for the evening?
22:31 / 27.12.03
Are you up for the challenge?
22:33 / 27.12.03

Its Cirquecore!
22:33 / 27.12.03
Wow. Thankyou cusm.
I'd love to be a trapeze artist but dont really know where I could learn it. I'll find somewhere on my travels.

See, I always think, bastard, they're gonna have to grovel proper, but they ignore me for a while, come back and it turned around and its me doing the grovelling. Argh. Im not bitter.

Also, he probably has no balls left. The other night, I was tired and grumpy and in need of sleep, and he didnt want to go to sleep. He go a swift elbow where it hurt. It actually took 3 elbowings for him to stop pestering me. I think he was rather unimpressed. Well... no kiddies for me then.
Bed Head
22:44 / 27.12.03
'Challenge Cusm’: Man, I’d watch that show. Unfortunately I’m just *so* not funny enough to rise to the challenge. I’m dying to hear the perfect caption to accompany the man with the little bike, though.

Er, Bop...have you tried applying to Circuses? As in, phoning up circus companies and asking them? I mean, you’re young enough and gymnastic enough to still be trainable in the mystic arts of trapeze-fu.
23:04 / 27.12.03
Its just not the same as when the man in the big top hat lures you into the back tent with peanuts, locks you in a cage for months until your parents have given up hope of looking for you, and then makes you learn the high wire at whip crack while hungry lions wait below for you to slip.

Anyways, my shift is done. Best of the evening to you.


*disappears in puff of purple smoke*
Bed Head
23:06 / 27.12.03
Good night, good night.

You clearly got a lot of work done this evening!
23:09 / 27.12.03
Night! x
Right... now we can bitch about cusm

Nows the time I sound really daft, and say no, I havent phoned round circuses. I just dont know how gymnasticy they'd need me to be. I have absolutely no experience of trapeze, would detest high-wire (I shit myself on a 4-inch wide, 4 foot high beam. Though Im required to do a lot more than walk along the beam.

My best thing is tumbling, which is best served somewhere thats not round.
Bed Head
23:22 / 27.12.03
Well, good, that’s your project for the new year then. Sorted. There’s probably some kind of umbrella organisation for circuses, that they all register with to guarantee certain professional standards and stuff. And maybe not a union as such, but there must be some kind of employee organisation for circus workers. I mean, ‘trapeze artist’ is a proper career, right? I actually know bugger all about such things.

In the comedy Barbelith circus in my head I got Cusm down for the job of lion-tamer, by the way.

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