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New Lateshhiiiifffft! Fresh! Fragrant!


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20:27 / 14.12.03
They have a one and a half year old. They'll be really bent out of shape if I teach the boy arson before he's out of his terrible twos.
Bed Head
20:31 / 14.12.03
Or, one of those things that takes old newspapers and magazines and mulches them up and rolls them out and squeezes them dry and turns them into lovely, textured, home-made art paper.

These really exist, I’m sure. I’m sure I didn’t just dream these things. Clean, creative fun for all the family!
21:47 / 14.12.03
Handheld shredders are not at an advanced stage of development, but *look* beautiful...

Hey ho. An AIBO is indeed a robot dog. I was in John Lewis and they had one half price, which I manfully resisted, tearfully opting for a tube of LCD screen wipes instead.

I wish I'd done my shopping online - much cheaper and much less hassle - as it is I lost two weekends to it. Unfortunately, since the family event is a week or so before Christmas proper, there just wasn't enough slack in the system; very few retailers are promising to deliver before the 18th December.

Ah well. What's everyone got planned for Christmas?
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:11 / 14.12.03
heya, anyone still around?

Can I be smug about not having to do any Christmas zhopping? (I've done it everywhere else.) Bringing people stuff back from India instead so have sailed blissfully ignorantly through the shopping season.

It rules.

(had the same situation a few years ago with a holiday to Japan over the whole holiday period. If i could afford it, I'd be somewhere non-Christian every christmas)
22:21 / 14.12.03
hi Bip - when you next coming to town?
22:25 / 14.12.03
Hey BiP. Still working on my paper.
22:35 / 14.12.03
Me still here, although I should be a) wrapping presents, b) writing cards, c) gettting some sleep. Will hopefully toddle off soon, but have whacked my little toe against my kitchen door and am too ouchy for sleeping. Perhaps changing into lovely pyjamas will help...

I envy you, Plums. However, mad Christmas shopping does mean that you can then select the things you like and keep them, having realised that you have overbought something chronic. I have my eye on a chalk mug (tiny messages for the leaving of), having got my sister something much cooler.

Also, it meant I got to go to the Bookartbookshop on Pitfield Street, which had a really cool thing which I got for my sister and for myself. I am spending too much...

Time for pyjamas, I think. A pair of well-warmed pyjamas is a thing of beauty...
22:39 / 14.12.03
Howdy doody. Got terribly excited about ideas for an article, come down here to do some research and look where I end up...
22:41 / 14.12.03
I am also luxuriating in the joy that is Mozilla Firebird - how much better than IE? I can keep you all here on one of those cool little "tab" things while I cruise around elsewhere.
22:42 / 14.12.03
i have done no christmas shopping and have very little idea what to get friends and family when i do eventually bite the bullet, but cos i work on Oxford st. my already pretty high levels of christmas hatred have met with an unecessary boost. - when you've heard christmas carols from debenhams all day homicide is more on the mind than shopping...
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:43 / 14.12.03
heya all.

Sleaze: next w/e. going to be around london for a few days before heading off on holiday.

have i mentioned I'm going to india for *five weeks*?? Much??

Warmth! Swimming in Goa!

Family. More Family

Haus: fair point, though I'll almost certainly do the same thing in Delhi in a months' time. And it'll cost me an nth!

(we're stopping in Dubai. am seriously considering mp3 player/other cheap electrical treats...)

chalk mug sounds fab though.
22:43 / 14.12.03
Anyone still alive? Evening if you are.

Im still looking for a present for a brother, a brother in law, gloves that fit my dad, and small light things for my sister, bro in law and nephew in greece and my pen-girlie in germany. And theres only 10 days left. Eeks.

AND my advent calendar doesnt have chocolates in it.
22:43 / 14.12.03
Yay! Firebird is indeed mighty, and a happy happy thing. I am pissed off that I am using Outlook for my contact management still, but at least can use Thunderbird for actual email...
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:45 / 14.12.03
"come down here to do some research..."


howdy, Ill.

Bop. ouch. boy relative pressies are tough. books? cds? dvds?
22:47 / 14.12.03
There's just something about brothers-in-law that make them difficult to shop for.
22:47 / 14.12.03
i was thinking about getting mozilla but had second thought about adding yet another browser to my desktop - is it very sexy?
22:48 / 14.12.03
Thuderbird, you say? I had no idea. It just gets better..I love broadband.

Hey BiP, Hauster, Sleaze.

I meant down to the room where the computer is, now I'm going to piss around on here and Soulseek all night. My research is over having read that one webpage.
22:51 / 14.12.03
Brother in laws are difficult because they're not related to you properly, so you dont implicitaly know them, you dont choose them as you do your friends, and cant really give them things you want and can steal back later, cause on the whole, u dont live with them. They're just random men our sisters choose.

Eww. My exgf said she thought my bro in law was hot. Disturbing. She met him for 5 minutes while we popped in to steal cake and the toilet.
22:52 / 14.12.03
I did good male-friend advice for someone present choosing yesterday and the recipient will now get Umazaki, the manga about people's heads being eaten by spirals, on my recommendation. He will love it. Don't know whether this is the thing for you B in L though.

Sleaze - I've just stopped using IE so I may be distorted with joy. Mozilla is great. I want to lick the screen.

BiP - 5 weeks!!! First reaction - You jammy cow! Second reaction - 5 weeks with family..?
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:52 / 14.12.03
Soulseek roolz. Not having broadband I don't get the fully joy, but I send friends lists, pop round a couple of days later and hey presto! new album!

(and oddly enough, am listening to 'Memory Lane'.)

I'm dead lucky with my bro-in-law. He loves being bought books and doesn't have time to keep up with what he wans, so I get to spend hours charity-shopping for books...
22:53 / 14.12.03
If in doubt i tend to go for the impractical/ inexplicable just so its more of a conversation piece than just dull that i give someone a gift they don't love - make sure you don't get me on secret sant type things...
22:56 / 14.12.03
I am now having the disconcering experience of reading Geoff Thompson. com and Barbelith, at the same time. Haus will appreciate this. To get the full cognitive dissonance I should open a Headshop thread.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:57 / 14.12.03
Ill: well, yes, basically.

Have been eeking at the family stress side of it for ages, both regarding immediate and extended family, and am just starting to get excited at the 'hurray, hurray, it's a holi-holiday' side...

But it's also a month with sis and bro, which is And Mumbai and Pune and Kolkata and Delhi....
23:02 / 14.12.03
Mozilla depends on what you want to use it for - if you need a chat client, email and web browser it's cool, otherwise it's bloaty. Firebir rocks very hard. Thunderbird I'm not so sure about - it's a bit like Eudora at first glance, but does offer spam-eliminating tools, which will hopefully become useful...
23:03 / 14.12.03
biP - Wow. Even with family stress, I'm still jealous. haveyou ever been for that long before?
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:07 / 14.12.03
yeah, we always used to go for about a month, but i haven't been for 14 years, so it's practically all new and shiny.... remember bits and pieces, but this is the first time as an adult...


have you been to India?
23:11 / 14.12.03
yeah but only for a month. i had originally planned to go to nepal but couldn't cos my mum was ill - si months extra of work and I just wanted to holiday (plus the season had change) so I went to Thailnad for wo months first. But the moment I got off the plane I thought "I wish I'd come here first". It was amazing, bit extreme, bit dirty, but still amazing.
23:12 / 14.12.03
I have repeatedly failed to travel further east than the czech rep. which i imagine to be as unlike india as it is possible to get...
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:15 / 14.12.03
sleaze: there aren't huge similarities between the Czech Republic and India, no. (good cheap beer, maybe!)

Ill, where did you go in India/Thailand?

Went to Thailand after finishing Uni, ended up spending more time in Vietnam, which I'd thoroughly recommend. Beautiful, fascinating country...
23:17 / 14.12.03
Ye gods - time has flown. I must away to bed. Night, all - will hopefully have a bit more time to hang around on Barbelith this week, as I am trying not to go out too much. Sweet dreams.
23:18 / 14.12.03
Night Haus.

So everybody, my brother can get himself and me free rail travel, but only in Europe. Where have you been that was *lovely*, cause I dont know how long he can afford being away for.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:22 / 14.12.03
'Nnight Haus.

Bop: personal faves are Czech Republic, Norway, Italy, Greece, Rhodes

when would you be thinking of going?
23:23 / 14.12.03
Painful ignorant re. Europe I'm afraid tho' I did go to Amsterdam on NY Eve, which was grea and not for any of the sorid reasons you might be thinking.

BiP - Basically, Delhi, Shimla and Daramsala. Where you going to be?

This is like the "Rough Trade Guide to Lateshifts" thread.
23:24 / 14.12.03
oddly enough the Czech Republic is lovely by train, especially in the autumn... if you get a chance to visit Chesky Krumlov then do so - eastern europe has become a bit of a backpack tourist trail recently, and prague is often the chosen destination of stag nights and hen parties but outside of that there is plenty of fun interesting stuff going on...
23:30 / 14.12.03
Mid-february I think. Thats when my redundancy payment should come through. I think stopping at Amsterdam near the start, when a girl I was seeing for a while is supposed to be getting married around the 24th. I said I'd be her best man if I was there then. Czech rep sounds good to me, tho everywhere will be crap and rainy, wont it. hmm..

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