Heh heh, since you asked..
Woke up with a case of the mean reds, have had a grouchy face on all day (which is starting to hurt), got a ginormous bill in the post which is just what I don’t need right now, my brother is due a slating from me (for not paying me back money he owes me, and not doing a job I asked him to do, when I asked him to do it, the bastard), but he’s not answering his phone to me this week, which is very frustrating, its been cold and rainy and dark outside all day, and I’m fed up of winter already, I need to go to the laundrette, but to do that I first need to go to the bank and its too far to walk in *this* horrid weather. Oh and my shoes fell to pieces yesterday. And I’ve got a headache. And Jermaine Defoe got sent off today, again, and that’s not very bloody helpful.
Gahhhh! |