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New Lateshhiiiifffft! Fresh! Fragrant!


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01:35 / 18.12.03
Why so angry, Kegmeister?
Bed Head
01:53 / 18.12.03
Maybe all those fucking flying monkeys upped and flew off with his newly-hatched wine during the night, the bastards. Should have stuck with the oompa-loompas, man: they can't get anywhere fast.

Or - those little people in the flash gordon movie. I hear they make good castle staff.

Oh, sorry, is this last night's conversation I'm having?
Saint Keggers
01:58 / 18.12.03
Oh Im not angry...Im just wearing the eyes.

I think all the wine has gone straight to the Oompa Loompas heads. They're making strange advances towards the monkeys and Im sure I saw som e unusually hairy Ooompa Loompas flying around. Most disturbing.
Not that the O.Ls and the F.Ms are getting it on. But rather that I didnt forsee this and install webcams. All that profit loss....
21:38 / 18.12.03
I think I need an assistant that tells me that I'm working tomorrow....who's up?
Bed Head
22:12 / 18.12.03
...Malingering with vague intent to post, I suppose...

Although if nobody feels like talking to me I’ll bugger off and defrost my fridge instead.
Bed Head
22:40 / 18.12.03
(Sigh) looks like its just me, the fridge, and half a ton of unwanted ice.

(shakey fist)
The Puck
00:04 / 19.12.03
Mix? what are you still doing up?
00:28 / 19.12.03
Hello all. I just wanted to put somewhere that I now know how disheartening it is when a gig you've worked for doesn't come together, right at the very last minute.

Arse. It wasn't my fault at all but it's still really sucky

Ok going to bed now I've whinged.
Saint Keggers
00:20 / 20.12.03
Ok where are all you Lateshifters ???
Bed Head
00:32 / 20.12.03
I’m here but I was just about to leave. Trying to get some feeling back in my fingers after typing out Bedhead’s longest ever post over in the books forum. It’s only, like, 300 words or something, but I am in fact officially The World’s Worst Typer. Never again will I attempt to fit in by trying to be just like the clever boys.
00:34 / 20.12.03
I'm not a regular Lateshifter, but hello Kegboy. All well with you? Feeling Christmassy?
00:40 / 20.12.03
Sorry Bed Head. Didn't mean to appear to ignore you. Evening.
Saint Keggers
00:44 / 20.12.03
Hey there BH! 300 words! You wild and crazy guy!!

Howdy Smoothly! All is doing very well with me. As for the chrismassy spirit... a bit. We still havent put our tree up but the christmas lights are on outside so I guess thats something...
what about you???
00:46 / 20.12.03
I'm here but only able to post intermittently, what with our shift being down about ten people and therefore having twice as much work as usual.
Bed Head
00:52 / 20.12.03
Oh, I officially left the building 10 minutes ago, Smooth. Ignore away. I was only lurking just long enough to get my regular dose of chirpiness from the King of Kegs. And with that, I bid you all good night, have a nice lateshift, and Stoatie, try not to work too hard dude.
Saint Keggers
00:53 / 20.12.03
Oh Stoats! Haven't you learned the fine art of starting a small fire and then calmly using the computer while everybody is running about tryimg to get things under control???
00:57 / 20.12.03
G'night Bed.

I'm full of Christmas spirit, Kegboy, in every sense.

Ah... Speaking of which, my girlfriend - who's on the outside of even more than I am - is showing signs of regaining consciousness on the sofa beside me. I'd best attend.

Hope you cope with your overemployment tonight, Stoatie.
01:10 / 20.12.03
'sokay. I've only got until Monday morning, then I've got one more shift after Christmas and then I'm on holiday for three weeks and going all over the place! It's gonna rock.
Saint Keggers
01:34 / 20.12.03
Any plans for the 3 weeks? Trip?
01:38 / 20.12.03
Oh yeah- it's gonna be ace. Myself and mono are going to Iceland for 3 days, then a week in New England, then a few days in New York! I can't fucking wait!
Saint Keggers
01:57 / 20.12.03
sounds great!
02:14 / 20.12.03
Oh yeah! Hmm... time for a ciarette break, methinks.
Bed Head
22:03 / 20.12.03
I’m in an evil, foul, nasty mood. Who among you dares saddle up and ride this lateshift awhile with me?
Saint Keggers
22:45 / 20.12.03
Bring it on!! Grrr!
Im wearing my angry eyes!!!
The Puck
22:45 / 20.12.03
i shall throw my somewhat hesitant yet foolhardy glove into the arena and proclaim in a load and clear voice " I, I dare, this wild and crazy beast scares me not" and if i had cloak i would throw it defiantly over one shoulder.

so why the bad mood, heard that bloody slade song one two many fucking times?
Bed Head
23:03 / 20.12.03
Heh heh, since you asked..

Woke up with a case of the mean reds, have had a grouchy face on all day (which is starting to hurt), got a ginormous bill in the post which is just what I don’t need right now, my brother is due a slating from me (for not paying me back money he owes me, and not doing a job I asked him to do, when I asked him to do it, the bastard), but he’s not answering his phone to me this week, which is very frustrating, its been cold and rainy and dark outside all day, and I’m fed up of winter already, I need to go to the laundrette, but to do that I first need to go to the bank and its too far to walk in *this* horrid weather. Oh and my shoes fell to pieces yesterday. And I’ve got a headache. And Jermaine Defoe got sent off today, again, and that’s not very bloody helpful.

Bed Head
23:04 / 20.12.03
So, anyway, how is everyone? Actually, I feel a deal slimmer and lighter already for having got that out. God bless Barbelith.
Saint Keggers
23:12 / 20.12.03
The great comedian George Carlin has a matter how bad something is it can always be made worse with the addition of a headache..."My wife left me, the house burnt down, the dog died...and on top of that I have a headache"

This is wisdom.

But seeing as how you have a headach already, may I offer you this: no matter how bad something is it can always be made worse with the addition of Celine Dion.

BTW: Im fine.
The Puck
23:15 / 20.12.03
Im not to bad thank you for asking, ive just worked out tonight that i get on with my girlfriend better if i dont actully speak to her very often. Because im not back in the countery long ive still got a long list of freinds that all want to catch up with me which will mean me repaeting the same conversation about a squillion times.

other than that im jobless and broke with marketable skills or talants.

and i dont know what mean reds are is a a nicer way of saying that its THAT time of the month.
23:20 / 20.12.03
Even'n gentlemen. And ladies. I can't keep track anymore.
Saint Keggers
23:21 / 20.12.03
Hiya Mazz! How's things out your way?
Bed Head
23:25 / 20.12.03
and i dont know what mean reds are is a a nicer way of saying that its THAT time of the month.

Er, no. Now, that would be quite a shock, if I woke up with *that* sort of mean reds, dude.

‘Mean Reds’ is from ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’, its like the blues but worse, because the blues is just being sad for a perfectly good reason. The mean reds, you’re scared and don’t know why, or something like that. That’s what Audrey Hepburn says anyway, and I always believe everything Audrey tells me. Only cure is a trip to Tiffany’s, which I’m afraid isn’t really practical.
Bed Head
23:27 / 20.12.03
Maz! What’re you doing online, tonight of all nights? Shouldn’t you be out celebrating finishing your, er, finals?
Saint Keggers
23:31 / 20.12.03
Shhh! Maybe Maz prefers her 'Lith friends more than her realworld friends. Dont spoil it for the rest of us!
Bed Head
23:38 / 20.12.03
Oh yeah, glad to read your dulcet posts and all: just imagined that drunken oblivion quite naturally follows a period of extended brain-crunch.

Doesn’t it? I’ll raise a glass to that anyway! Congratulations Mazarine, on being adjudged the cleverest among us!


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