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Barbeliths Wandering Notebook.-


Page: 1234(5)678

Baz Auckland
17:27 / 09.12.03

...let me know if there's anyone missing from the list...
Mr Tricks
17:58 / 09.12.03
nice work BAZ...

I wonder how long it will take for the book to circumnavigate the globe.
Ethan Hawke
18:08 / 09.12.03
Before I mail this off (..i know, I know...sorry!) to the next person tomorrow, should I scan the completed pages for someone (**cough*** QUEER GRANNY **cough**) to host? If so, what file format/size do we want?
18:49 / 09.12.03
Yes, please! Anyone who scans will receive flowers from me. Not actual flowers, mind. But the idea of flowers! That's nice, isn't it?

JPGs would be fine. Size doesn't matter. Except that my email can only handle about 3MB at a time, so you probably will end up sending the individual scans in separate emails. I'll PM you my email address.
wembley can change in 28 days
06:26 / 10.12.03
Where the bollocks are all the europeans? Should we be pushing Barbelith on German fetish sites or something?
I... feel lonely.
Mister Snee
14:41 / 10.12.03
Hi, I'm Mister Snee.

Basically Toronto
Ontario, Canada

Or are we already up to 45 people?

It's a very cool idea.
Mr Tricks
15:42 / 10.12.03
Yeah... what happens when we have more participants than pages in the book?
Mister Snee
16:08 / 10.12.03
You tell them to take their guilty, misdirected creative urges somewhere else, in no uncertain terms. ^-^
19:19 / 10.12.03
i'm down

Peoria IL
Abigail Blue
22:08 / 10.12.03
Question: I'm next on the list (The Notebook was just sent to the person ahead of me) but I'm going away for the holidays starting on Monday. Should we halt the movement of the notebook for the holidays, or should we skip me and have the book catch up with me later? I'll be back the first week of January, so it won't be too much longer than the one week limit...
Mr Tricks
23:14 / 10.12.03
How far away is Mount Vernon, NY from Providence, RI? Could the order simply be switched so that rather than having it mailed to Abigail Blue it could be sent to Tbedlam in Providencewho can then send it to Abigail Blue?
Abigail Blue
12:26 / 11.12.03
Apparently, the distance between Mt. Vernon and Providence is 140 miles, whereas the distance between Mt. Vernon and (parts of) Queens is 10 miles.

I dunno. I don't mind the extra postage if the book's moving that fast. BenjaminBirdie hasn't received the book yet, as of last night, so if we take into account all of the transit times and the week limit, plus the holidays, I think it pretty much evens itself out to around the time I'll be back. Unless BB is superfast with the book...

Someone let me know.
Mr Tricks
15:49 / 11.12.03
maybe you an BB could get in touch some how and examine what you collective timetable are? I also think it'll prettymuch work itself out...
16:28 / 11.12.03
Please bear in mind I'll be otherwise occupied from the 15th of December to the 6th of January, so if I'm likely to fall in that window, y'all will have to skip me.
Mr Tricks
19:51 / 12.12.03

don't worry, at the rate we're moving I don't expect it to get to you untill sometime in February . . .
Bed Head
14:29 / 18.12.03
Now that I’ve noticed this, I’ll ba-dump it back up to say, can I join in? Who do I beg to?

If there’s no room left in the book, what with all these gazillions of contributors already, can I do a page and staple it in? Or is it like, duh, Bed, that defeats the whole point of it being a book? I’m quite sure I can make a meaningful contribution to the greater whole by utilising stapler technology.

Er, anyway... And where is the book, anyway? Is it still moving?

Bedhead, Nottingham, UK
Bed Head
17:55 / 18.12.03
By the by, for the benefit of the non-uk ‘Lithers who may or may not still be co-ordinating this thing: as a resident of fair Nottamun town, I think you’ll find I can slip quietly and most unobtrusively between Suedehead and Mixmage, or indeed between Mixmage and Deva, depending on how ziggy-zaggy you want its path through England to be...

Or of course, I can just post my page and some staples in to Travelling Notebook Central Control HQ. That probably wouldn’t be as much fun for me.
20:09 / 18.12.03
... and do me out of a trip up the M42?! Notts likely, mate (groooan)

There didn't seem to be a decision when Tryphena last asked about the "by mail/hand" dilemma. Is the proof of postage mandatory to the piece on each page...

or can I use it to organise a series of barbemeets from one end of the isle to the other?
Bed Head
20:46 / 18.12.03
Even better. Mixmage can do a fun run up the country carrying the book. I’ll ply him with drink and staple my contribution to his head while he’s insensible, before sending him on his merry way.

No, seriously dude, if you come bearing the mystical travelling notebook it’d be great to meet you.
Mr Tricks
21:10 / 18.12.03
Well, if you're going to hand deliver it then each person should place their fingerprint (preferable thumb or but one''s big toe could work) on the next blank page in the other person's blood.

or not
Mr Tricks
18:58 / 23.12.03
So.. um, anyone know where the notebook's at these days?

the log says Todd mailed the notebook to Benjamin Birdie on December 10th.

was it recieved?

has it moved on?
16:29 / 24.12.03
KwendeCentral wants in.

Ottawa, ON, Canada
13:49 / 25.12.03
May Tricks too..

Montreal, Canada
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
19:16 / 26.12.03
I got it. I got it. I forget who gets it next, but she won't be back in town until January.
Baz Auckland
00:19 / 27.12.03
...I would suggest mailing it to Tbedlam in Providence, RI... Abagail Blue can get it when she returns...
Abigail Blue
14:20 / 27.12.03
I'll be back on the 5th of January, so Tbedlam or whoever can send it to me then...

And Happy (early) New Year, everyone!
Mr Tricks
16:26 / 29.12.03
maybe someone could update the Wandering notebook log?
Bed Head
20:08 / 07.01.04
Right! Seventh of January already! Who's got this, and why havn't they sent it on yet?
Abigail Blue
23:11 / 07.01.04
Last I heard, about a week ago, Benjamin Birdie still had it.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
01:13 / 08.01.04
Just finished my entry and will be sending it out tomorrow.
Mr Tricks
19:52 / 08.01.04
Might as well send it to Abigail Blue as she(?)'s back in town and geographicly closest.
11:36 / 09.01.04
So it's fairly safe to say that given the current rate of progress I probably should cross my fingers and start hoping that I'll still be able to see by the time it gets to me!
13:28 / 09.01.04
now I'm a bit bitter - I could have done something GOOD if I'd held onto it this long!
Mr Tricks
22:07 / 09.01.04
Yeah... but the point WAS to NOT keep it for a long time.

I say from this point on we should place more of an emphasis on getting it to the next person even if it means an Incomplete contribution.

So is flogging with a wet noodle appropiate for this faux pas?

or should we think of something {rings hands}a leatell more eeenterrestink!!!{/rings hands}
Bed Head
01:36 / 10.01.04
I’m quite sure whatever BB has done it’ll be utterly fantastic, the talented sod, but yeah, I second the call for an emphasis on speed from now on. If you’re hanging onto it for more than a few days it’s really defeating the object, because so many of us down the bottom of the list aren’t going to get to contribute until next bloody year. It’s a wandering notebook, not a procrastinating notebook.

Er, hey, that isn’t a dig at anyone, by the way. I’m just saying I think the thing should shoot around the world from now on. But! I am this thread’s own Johnny-come-lately and my opinions don’t really count too much.

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