I really don't like BD, unsurprisingly. There is a bit of sense in his basis/foundations, but agree totally with Xoc re his Ab-Fab-isms and annoying writing style.
He gives 'alternative' medicine a bad name, i've had several conversations with people who've been slating non-western medical/healing practices, and point to BD prove their points about these practices being 'hippy bollocks'
I'm also astonished that he dares to speak with such authority/pomposity after so little training.
If you are going to see, say, a Chinese Herbalist, I'm sure you'd have a much more in depth treatment, maybe extending over a series of weeks or months
Yep. I saw one about ten years ago. Involved several initital hour-long appointments, treatment that was refined over the first couple of months and taken for a year, with regualr monitoring appointments.
And a friend who's doing her initial chinese med. degree has talking about how getting to know alot about the patient is *very* important.
Haus, i'm not hugely sure it would matter hugely that BD was white if he was well-trained, knowledgeable, interesting to read etc. Are white people not allowed to train and practice non-western discplines?
And what about all those indian allopathic doctors, huh? 
To me, his race is only an issue insofar as, given that he's soooooon crap, it just looks like superificial/trendy/moneymaking interest in weirdo alternative/groooooovy exotic stuff.... |