Dear Mr. Huas (sic.),
As one clever (“How’s that workin’ for ya’ so far?” [ref. Fight Club, movie ]) and sharp tongued (“Sticks and stones…” [ref. Sombunal childhoods]) member to another, and “as your attorney” [ref. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, book and movie], I advise you to “STAY DOWN!” [ref. Kid’s in the Hall, TV show].
But on your way down, out, or whatever (and please feel free to get in the line with the others handing in their mod badges—maybe they’d be so kind as to let you cut to the front of the class, uh, I mean “line”), let me cuff you upside the head. It’ll only sting a little, I promise.
First: you offer only another fart in the wind with your proclamation that I was a pilot of the Timewave suit.
I was not.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Innocent until proven guilty”?
Where’s your evidence, fellow member?
(And since this is as false an accusation as they come, and since I am indeed innocent, I think you’ll have the greatest difficulty finding evidence to present in a reasonable and orderly fashion. Unless, of course, and perhaps rather like some group of…ah…not v. nice people would do—people wearing stark and intimidating uniforms, you manufacture the evidence. But if you do-do this, well then, more power to you, you cleverly dishonest person, you.)
As for the godog and mod suits that I had, well I’d stop yappin’ about this if I were you: it’ll only make Tom look bad since he knew I had the 2 suits when he made me a moderator (go ahead, ask him or I can probably dig out a copy of the PM I sent him containing that information). I told him in a PM in response to his “You are a moderator now” PM—you know, to be honest. And I promised not to use the non-mod suit in the Headyshop (sic.) to avoid any conflict of interest. I did not break this promise. Because “honesty is the best Policy,” right Huas (sic.).
Right Huas (sic.)?
Now your barking, “There was evidence, I acted upon that evidence…” and let me get this straight, either:
1) The fact that I openly admitted to having the two suits—godog & mod—allowed you to conclude that I must also be driving Timewave Zero.
How does that leap in logic work exactly? I mean, by your apparent steps in deduction, I am also every other suit on this board.
2) The fact that I openly admitted to having two suits allowed you to simply act the ass to me.
Well, you don’t normally seem to need any evidence to engage in that behaviour. What was the big difference this time?
“I know a lot of undergraduates get excited at the idea of being able to show off a bit after an unhappy schooling, but, dude, you're nearly 30.”
Is this a confession to us? A Freudian slip, perhaps?
Because you are not describing my life…
…except for the part about being almost thirty. The year of the Chariot fades and blends into the year of Strength and…
…in part I’ll owe some of that strength to you, Huas (sic.).
Thank-you and,
I love you.
PS: Nick made a typo?! I hadn’t noticed…

Later skaters!
“DO you guys have jobs or do you just type infinitely quicker than I do?”
I have no job-job type of job but lots of work to do (here, there, everywhere) & I type infinitely faster than you. Can’t speak for others, though.
“I was deeply moved by the image of tears in the eye just beofre posting. It's a message board! it's nice and shiny and full of interesting people and interesting things but it's just a message board!”
I think this is…hmmm…an “archaic” attitude. I see this place as a community, and communities are made up of people: living, breathing, excreting people. People with thoughts, feelings, and opinions. People with different backgrounds and interests BUT with some vague, indefinable, and ever-elusive common core. Based on that core, we all choose (all of those who make the choice) to stick around and live here, after all.
“Mommy, what’s a Bar-beh-lit?”
Because to me, having the attitude that “it is ‘just’ a message board” (and here I put the word ‘just’ in those single quotes because I am quoting within a quote & because the meaning carried by ‘just’ is related to “justice.” And you are using ‘just’ in its flimsiest and filmiest usage: as “only,” or “simply,” or “merely.” I try to use ‘just’ only (and here I could have said, if I wasn’t about to explain why I don’t do this, “I try to use ‘just’ just when…,” but then I’d directly and self-defeatingly contradict myself, so my example is actually quite clever if you think about it…) when I am saying something like, “You are a just person,” or the like, and not to say things like “just in case,” or “just be quiet and pass the toast.” Got it?) allows that the people behind the fictionsuits are easily and unjustly effaced from the mind’s I.
Put differently, and without my annoying writing style on full volume:
If you think this is merely a message board, then it becomes much easier for you to forget that there are real people behind these suits.
Anna: thank-you (for everything) and I’m sorry and I forgive you.
And if anyone will have me, I’ll be a part of any club—so long as I don’t have to join anything.

[evil Cartmen]
“I love you guys.”
[/evil Cartmen]
And to note to wit: following my man T’s expert lead, we are bowing out of this thread as what needed to be said has been (like Huas (sic.)) said, and people are getting sick and tired, and now E. Randy (a generally pleasant fellow) and his club can PLAY to their childish hearts’ content. ‘Cause I am much like them and like to PLAY like children do.
[Walks away singing some Arcwelder loudly and without care for strange looks from passers-by:]
“I’m payin’ respect, payin’ respect to you. Turnin’ my back and walking away from you. I’m payin’ respect, payin’ respect to you. Turnin’ my back and walking away from you. Payin’ respect…”
[Ev’s voice fades as he disappears from your sight. Perhaps moving in a direction that most are not aquatinted with…]
&(we interupt your next irregullarly scheduled poster to bring you this public dis/service announcement for the generous people at Ic-dU)&
[cue DK track...>play<:]
"So you went there once
fresh out of school
and you think you saw it all.
Turned your head around
turned it into goo
you broke out of the box.
But NOW it's time
to get back there.
Take a look
into that mirror.
What you need
my son, sun, son.
What you need
My Sunny son-soon:
Is a Holiday in Slef-Awaria!
It's tough there but that's life.
A holiday in Self-Awaria!
Don't forget to forget yer strife..."
[Guitar solo part with voice over:]
So you checked out Self-Awaria a few years ago...
but now the landscape is hazy in your head.
And maybe you thought you saw it all the first time around.
But you ain't seen nothing yet!
With new rides, new strange attractions, and new public relations...
If that doesn't get you back...
then NOTHING will.

Come fly with us. |