BARBELITH underground

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The Good, the Banned, and the Ugly


Page: 1234(5)6

We're The Great Old Ones Now
18:12 / 25.09.03
May - of course! Ferngully! God, I loved that. Just for fun: Ferngully Lyrics.

Yo, the name is Batty
The logic is erratic
Potato in a jacket
Toys in the attic
I rock and I ramble
My brain is scrambled!
Rap like an animal
But I'm a mammal...

You might also remember Tone Loc doing "If I'm gonna Eat Somebody..."

18:25 / 25.09.03
Yeah, I loved that movie too, Nick. Thank you for the links to the lyrics. "If I am Gonna Eat Somebody.." rocks! And "Toxic Love" too.

I have to admit, everytime someone mentions "Nexus" I always think of this movie. So, I have some weird association between Barbelith and Fern Gully...and Robin Williams....and rainforests...
gotham island fae
18:38 / 25.09.03
The big, ugly, bad thing in Fern Gully wore girl knickers. When it was a Transvestylvanian. My sis told me. Then she threw a shoe at me.

I'm glad I've got this club, my family kinda stinks.
I The Golden Dawn-nie Darko U
18:52 / 25.09.03
¿! This is fucking ha-larry-us ¿!
18:55 / 25.09.03
I dunno, this is starting to get a little creepy. there's all this talk about bums and willies and makeup and people's moms - I'm going to go start my own club.

a tough club, with nobody's mum allowed.
19:02 / 25.09.03
Well Kittie...that excludes me. I am somebody's mum. Come now, put on your fake 'stache and we'll have a belching contest.

(sorry the link I gave earlier doesn't work. bloody yahoo.)
gotham island fae
19:25 / 25.09.03
Don't worry, kittie, I'm all done talking about willies if it means you won't be in the club. But what's wrong with bums? Everybody's got one of those.

And you don't have to put makeup on me if it makes you feel funny. We can have sub-clubs where one is the tough, ass-kicking people and the other is the sneaky, wrong-knicker-wearing type. Would that be better?

And don't worry, my mom's never gonna know about this club. (I'm typing in code.)
19:25 / 25.09.03
In hindsight, I should've joined a club. A club worth fighting for, then my fifteen minutes would've been more verbal. I mean typed-verbal. My own private club of course, but secretly aligned and answerable to all of my hero's private clubs. I could've defended my pride and honour like this:

You are.
I'm not.
Yes you are.
No I'm not.
Yes you are.
No I'm not.
Yes you are.
No I'm not.

Damn, I should've done things differently.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
19:28 / 25.09.03
Did someone say touch my bum?

Eat yr dildo off Peaches...
19:42 / 25.09.03
Eat your peaches off a dildo. Switch it off first, though, or you might chip your teeth.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:57 / 25.09.03
Hah! Tricked you! I wasn't gone, I was hiding in the blackberry bushes with Darren and now he's coming back with the hose!
19:59 / 25.09.03
Erm. That's not a hose...
gotham island fae
20:06 / 25.09.03
Quick, May! Touch their bums!

Ow! Ow! Ow!

kittie! We are in need of your ass-kicking skills! Us sneaky types are no good at this!

Ow! Ow! Ow!
20:47 / 25.09.03
Here is the lucky Golden Bum.
Much like the Buddha's belly, if you touch it or rub it, you will be charmed with luck for a 24 hr period.

Char Aina
20:50 / 25.09.03
that looks like someone stood to close to the bacon slicer...
Mourne Kransky
20:59 / 25.09.03
Has somebody given Le Cul d'Or a wedgie or are those thong things always as vicious as that on an unsuspecting cleft?
21:00 / 25.09.03
21:23 / 25.09.03
wait, I forgot that I like bums and willies and makeup. and I'm somebody's mom, so I can't get into my club anyhow.

besides, I've put a lot of work into making ducks say "barbelith". really hard to get that "b" with no lips, yknow.

Spatula Clarke
21:27 / 25.09.03
You've ruined my club. I hope you're all happy. I still don't understand half of what Xoc's posting. Is it some kind of foreign language or something? Are you speaking France, Xoc? I don't understand. I didn't start all this stuff about bums but kittie's left my club because everybody's been talking about bums. I didn't start talking about bums, kittie. Ganesh and Xoc are supposed to be older than me but they can't even do proper swears. Who says "poo poo?" I spelled Frater Fae's name wrong all the way through one of my earlier posts and he didn't even realise. I know we keep on doing that with Jack Denscome, but that's because Jack has trouble with his reading. People from the shit clubs have started posting again even though their clubs are shit and they're the only members. Nobody's answered my question about special friends.
21:31 / 25.09.03
I'll tell you what it means, but I have to whisper in your ear to keep all the moms from hearing.
Mourne Kransky
21:41 / 25.09.03
Hell, I don't know what it all means and I wrote it. Must have been possessed by Pazuzu for a while. But it was cathartic and now I feel so much better.

And one day you'll understand all the fuss about bums and willies, R4N0Y, and even lady parts. For now, just you carry on with the Tonka trucks and the collection of toe nail jam. Ah, où sont les neiges d'antan... That was proper France there, 3. R4N0Y.
22:57 / 25.09.03
By touching bums, we seek only to confirm that this is life. Obviously.
Spatula Clarke
23:37 / 25.09.03
House, is Xoc angry with me? You're supposed to be clever. Can you figure out what Xoc is saying? Man, I wish I could speak France, then I wouldn't need to try and come up with new codewords, I'd just make sure everyone in my club knew France. I know some Germany, but I've forgotten most of it.

I'm sorry if I made you angry with me, Xoc. Hope you don't think I'm some kind of nerk. I just wish I could understand your France. Are you still happy to be in the club? I hope so. You are? Of course you are. Maybe I should ask Howce if he wants to be in my club and come up with codewords and shit, then he can translate for me. I think I'm the only one here who doesn't understand France very well. Can you read France, Hows? Actually, maybe I shouldn't ask Jaus. I don't think I'd understand the answer. I hope he didn't see that I missed out a load of apostrophes on page 4. Maybe I shouldn't have pointed it out just then. Houst, don't read those last two sentences. Cheers!

I think the club has lost its way. We were going to be revolutionary and zen and ohm and shit, but everybody started talking in baby talk. I wonder why that happened? I wonder why they call it "baby talk," when babies don't talk? Woah. Hang on. Maybe babies talk in code to each other. Has anybody in the club got a baby? Wait, we'd need two, one to talk baby talk and the other to translate. No, that's not going to work. kittie, can you teach an animal to talk both baby talk and England, then we can pass messages to and from the babies? It's all coming together now.

Yeah. I like your idea about disguising a boy as a girl and a girl as a boy to sneak into Mordant's club, Fae. Cool. I think maybe we should ask Qalyn to pretend to be the girl, then if he slips over Mordant will see a pair of girl's knickers and think he's a girl, thus reinforcing the original disguise. It's just as well I'm leader of this group. Er, it's just as well I'm organiser of this group.
23:45 / 25.09.03
On behalf of Xoc, I'd like to say apology unaccepted, man. Apology unaccepted.

Like I said, apology unaccepted.
Spatula Clarke
23:47 / 25.09.03

No, wait. I'm confused.
08:07 / 26.09.03
It's FRENCH dammit!, NOT France.
One speaks FRENCH.
One lives in FRANCE.

Okay...feel better now.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:40 / 26.09.03
Actually you speak francais don't you?
Mourne Kransky
09:44 / 26.09.03
Non, c'est dommage mais je ne parle pas français du tout. This "France" is the secret language to which only we gleeful members of 3. R4N0Y's gang are privy.

I think the club has lost its way
Good God, we've only just begun... Another barbeclub is dying. *sigh*

No, I am certainly not angry with you, Gang Leader R4N0Y. In fact, I have a bad case of hero worship and I just get very childishly jealous when you spend time with the other club members. As long as you're not touching their bums (in that special way you have), I think I can cope...
09:48 / 26.09.03
He never asked me to join. I had to go and hang out with the Canadians. But they've got snow. And snow rocks. And moose. And moose rock. I don't know about the bum-touching yet... they're an awfully long way away so I don't know. They'd need to have very long arms like Mr Tickle.
Mourne Kransky
09:58 / 26.09.03
Mmmm, moose arse. The perfect de-stressor for a busy Friday. And, frankly, likely to be the more attractive end of most moose(s).
Tryphena Absent
10:00 / 26.09.03
I'm thinking, seeing as how I'm a violent Powerpu... I mean erm... anyway I thought I might engage in a bit of backstabbing. I'm wondering, since you weren't invited to join, if you'd like to give me a hand and maybe recruit some Canadians to help Stoatie? You see I never got my animal crackers and I don't like this club anymore.
10:12 / 26.09.03
yeah, we can be the secret non-Canadian Canadian fifth column.

And we can have a treehouse. Bagsy secret name "Scooter".
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:25 / 26.09.03

Now that's a scary idea.
Tryphena Absent
10:36 / 26.09.03
Ooh, ooh, I'm gonna be Candi!
Nietzsch E. Coyote
10:44 / 26.09.03
Nick you are already and honorary crypto-canadian.
I am a crypto-canadian and you joined my club. You and Flyboy.

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