House, is Xoc angry with me? You're supposed to be clever. Can you figure out what Xoc is saying? Man, I wish I could speak France, then I wouldn't need to try and come up with new codewords, I'd just make sure everyone in my club knew France. I know some Germany, but I've forgotten most of it.
I'm sorry if I made you angry with me, Xoc. Hope you don't think I'm some kind of nerk. I just wish I could understand your France. Are you still happy to be in the club? I hope so. You are? Of course you are. Maybe I should ask Howce if he wants to be in my club and come up with codewords and shit, then he can translate for me. I think I'm the only one here who doesn't understand France very well. Can you read France, Hows? Actually, maybe I shouldn't ask Jaus. I don't think I'd understand the answer. I hope he didn't see that I missed out a load of apostrophes on page 4. Maybe I shouldn't have pointed it out just then. Houst, don't read those last two sentences. Cheers!
I think the club has lost its way. We were going to be revolutionary and zen and ohm and shit, but everybody started talking in baby talk. I wonder why that happened? I wonder why they call it "baby talk," when babies don't talk? Woah. Hang on. Maybe babies talk in code to each other. Has anybody in the club got a baby? Wait, we'd need two, one to talk baby talk and the other to translate. No, that's not going to work. kittie, can you teach an animal to talk both baby talk and England, then we can pass messages to and from the babies? It's all coming together now.
Yeah. I like your idea about disguising a boy as a girl and a girl as a boy to sneak into Mordant's club, Fae. Cool. I think maybe we should ask Qalyn to pretend to be the girl, then if he slips over Mordant will see a pair of girl's knickers and think he's a girl, thus reinforcing the original disguise. It's just as well I'm leader of this group. Er, it's just as well I'm organiser of this group. |