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The Good, the Banned, and the Ugly


Page: 12345(6)

10:53 / 26.09.03
CryptoSporidium is more scary, even without bum-touching.
Baz Auckland
11:04 / 26.09.03
Woo! Canadian Club!

Whiskey for all!
Spatula Clarke
11:54 / 26.09.03
I thought you said that you were bringing the Animal Crackers, Anna. Please don’t join the Canadian club. Can you even afford to fly to Canadia?

Do you want to join my club, Stoatie? The only reason you weren’t asked yet is because of one of the spy tricks I’ve been using to get people to join my club. I put all the club information in a thread that nobody was going to read. Isn’t that clever, Stoatie? You betcha. You’ve found the thread now, so I can ask you if you want to join my club. Do you want to join my club? We were already planning to build a treehouse for my club, Stoatie. It’s in one of the other threads. Maybe I shouldn’t have been talking about my club in other threads if I was trying to put all the club information in a thread that nobody was going to read.

Why is it "moose" and not "meese," Xoc? It’s "geese," isn’t it? Are there any real rules to speaking England, Hawse? I think you need rules when you create your own spy language of codewords, otherwise nobody else will be able to understand what you’re saying. You might as well talk gibberish. I always thought that was an odd term. Gibberish. It sounds like there used to be a place called Gibber. Was there ever a place called Gibber, Yauws? Anyway, using a spy language of codewords that didn’t have any rules would be the same if we just got two babies and no animal. Are you sure that Ganesh isn’t a psychic, Xoc?

One what lives in France, May? That’s not a proper England sentence. You need to say what the one thing is that lives in France. Is France a different place than Frenchland then, May? I thought Frenchland was next door to German. Is it not?

Why has nobody else come up with any more spy gadgets? The matchboxes got wet when I left them in the secret hole by accident. I tried making a looking-round-corners device like this, but I don’t like Five Alive. Do you like Five Alive, Qalyn?
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:07 / 26.09.03
If anyone would like to join my club it is called the Billionaire Boys Club (no apostrophies but we have lots of other trophie such as my Sixth Form Chess Trophy). You do not have to be a Billionaire or a Boy to join but you have to pretend to be one. E Randy actually stole this idea off me but I had to do important things like kiss girls and see a real live tiger so he posted before me because he has no life and stares at the computer all day. He can still be in my club though but he has to renounce leadership of his club and wear a dunce's hat all day.
Mourne Kransky
12:31 / 26.09.03
1 Goose - 2 Geese
1 Mongoose - 2 Mongooses
1 Mouse - 2 Meeses (according to Snagglepuss: I hate those meeses to pieces)
1 Moose - 4 very tangible suede-covered buttocks

Neither rhyme nor reason to it, R4N0Y.

Is there any truth to the tale I once heard that Canada gets its name from a mispronunciation of Canard? That's French for goose, n'est-ce pas?
Tryphena Absent
12:53 / 26.09.03
Umm... do you have to have a boy's codename to be in your club? Can I be called Edmund Rossiter?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
13:02 / 26.09.03
Just as long as you all remember to refer to me as Grand Ubiquity of the Island States of Yiao, I don't see any problem.
13:31 / 26.09.03
Is there any truth to the tale I once heard that Canada gets its name from a mispronunciation of Canard? That's French for goose, n'est-ce pas?

I believe canard means duck, not goose.

Canada, was taken from a Native (Huron-Iroquois) word, which translates something like: kanata. It means "village" or "settlement". However, Jacques Cartier mistook it for the name of the land (on his way to what is now Quebec City) and voila, we now have a country.

That is the short version. I am off to make tea.
Mourne Kransky
13:45 / 26.09.03
Thanks May, encyclopaedic etymologist. I thought it unlikely but you never know with those wild Canadian dudes. The winter cold must be murder on neurolinguistic skills, particularly with the Broca speech centre poking out under the woolly hats. Canard à l'Orange should have put me right about the poultry misidentification too.

I guess Canadians have no linguistic connection with the speakers of Kannada in Karnataka either. My brain is meandering prodigiously as I watch the little hands of the clock here sweep closer and closer to 5 p.m. Think I may be inventing a meeting across town any minute now and escaping the workaday world...
13:52 / 26.09.03
Most welcome Sax.
13:54 / 26.09.03
SHIT! I mean Xoc.

Bloody toggling between windows...and no tea yet...grrrrrr
Baz Auckland
15:16 / 26.09.03
We do have a Kanata, Ontario though...

...and Canard Lake, River, etc....

...AND a Kannada Association in Toronto!
15:20 / 26.09.03
Awesome Baz!...and there is darling Ganesh!

That totally made my day. Thanx.
16:59 / 26.09.03
I'm so witty, and obviously talented. That's why I enjoy writing so much. The pen is indeed mightier than the sword. Watch, as I hold this sheet of paper up for everyone to see and tear it to shreds with my mighty BIC. I know you're cracking up at my perfect sarcasm, and it makes my pen even mightier! Let's have a pep rally! Barbelith football Ru1z!
Not Here Still
18:41 / 26.09.03
I've eat my Twix now.

You get hungry in a one-man posse.

Anyone want a flying saucer? The sherbert ones...
18:54 / 26.09.03
Aw c'mon join my club, Not Me Again.
Mourne Kransky
20:13 / 26.09.03
Fabulous, Baz! Ganesh and a Nandi Bull and pictures of Hampi too! I should have figured though, from reading Life of Pi with Tamil Nadu boy and tiger floating to Canada on their boat. Only disappointment was the dearth of "Personals" as yet.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:24 / 27.09.03
I am supreme Pope and/or Messiah of the Big Boots, No Knickers Cabal for Grrrrrils and bois. Anyone that joins gets a can of Fanta.
11:03 / 27.09.03
Big Boots no knickers?

I am sure I am already in that club.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
11:46 / 27.09.03
uh nevermind that was not supposed to get posted. It would have been clever had I posted it about a week ago.
Tom Coates
20:56 / 27.09.03
Nietzsch E. Coyote
21:35 / 27.09.03
It was five in the morning. I should have stopped at about three...
21:38 / 27.09.03
*sips Fanta*
10:27 / 28.09.03
This thread has been banned
Corruption of land
Property owners are biting the sand
Fragments of memories tour with the band

Who are you to analyze
This football anti-pro-war prize
Your causes full of infant crize
Without the robot enterprize

Never did we intercept
Desire for the kid who slept
Corruption of teenage sex magick
Your touchdown sigils counter-wept
I The Golden Dawn-nie Darko U
10:44 / 28.09.03

æ fïënd said Meli§§a and Êv R out.

sen† †o †he c°rner for a sc°re or m°re s/he said.

ge††ing brain dead.

thæ s†ree†s of Barbeli†h rün rëd.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:39 / 28.09.03
Nah, they run orange, such is the power of tango. Unless it's apple Tango, in which case they run urine-coloured.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:47 / 28.09.03
I'mm telling all your mums of you because you drink in your clubs and then you touch each other's bums. Also I'll tell of you for swearing. Posh kids aren't allowed to swear.
Mourne Kransky
19:06 / 28.09.03
Pee po belly bum drawers, na na! See if we care, goodie goodie gum drops.
Spatula Clarke
21:34 / 28.09.03
Wow. You go away for a couple of days and suddenly there are crappy clubs all over the place. None of which, save mine and Mordant's, appear to have more than one member.

Shut it, Mordant. My club is teh pwn.
Jack Denfeld
21:51 / 28.09.03
Word homeboy.
07:55 / 29.09.03
Can I get in? I left my ID in the apartment...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
16:14 / 29.09.03
Only if you bring pie... we like pie.
Mourne Kransky
16:51 / 29.09.03
With some gloopy custard please.

Page: 12345(6)

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