I thought you said that you were bringing the Animal Crackers, Anna. Please don’t join the Canadian club. Can you even afford to fly to Canadia?
Do you want to join my club, Stoatie? The only reason you weren’t asked yet is because of one of the spy tricks I’ve been using to get people to join my club. I put all the club information in a thread that nobody was going to read. Isn’t that clever, Stoatie? You betcha. You’ve found the thread now, so I can ask you if you want to join my club. Do you want to join my club? We were already planning to build a treehouse for my club, Stoatie. It’s in one of the other threads. Maybe I shouldn’t have been talking about my club in other threads if I was trying to put all the club information in a thread that nobody was going to read.
Why is it "moose" and not "meese," Xoc? It’s "geese," isn’t it? Are there any real rules to speaking England, Hawse? I think you need rules when you create your own spy language of codewords, otherwise nobody else will be able to understand what you’re saying. You might as well talk gibberish. I always thought that was an odd term. Gibberish. It sounds like there used to be a place called Gibber. Was there ever a place called Gibber, Yauws? Anyway, using a spy language of codewords that didn’t have any rules would be the same if we just got two babies and no animal. Are you sure that Ganesh isn’t a psychic, Xoc?
One what lives in France, May? That’s not a proper England sentence. You need to say what the one thing is that lives in France. Is France a different place than Frenchland then, May? I thought Frenchland was next door to German. Is it not?
Why has nobody else come up with any more spy gadgets? The matchboxes got wet when I left them in the secret hole by accident. I tried making a looking-round-corners device like this, but I don’t like Five Alive. Do you like Five Alive, Qalyn? |