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The Good, the Banned, and the Ugly


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Mourne Kransky
21:13 / 22.09.03
At least Groundhog Day was funny in parts.
I The Golden Dawn-nie Darko U
21:19 / 22.09.03

Ok, I get the feeling that I am doing more harm than good here. I shall avoid discussing this further. I don't wish to play advocate for certain percieved Devils. So forget I was here, forget what I said, have fun and enjoy the smell of charred witch flesh.
Linus Dunce
21:22 / 22.09.03
I received a very heated e-mail from Timewave Zero claimimg that ze was barred due to my posting

I read that post of yours, and I distinctly remember in it you wrote that it was passed to you specifically for posting. If I'm wrong I'm sure the thing exists somewhere on the server Can we stop this dreary and mendacious relativism now?

And why have you changed your name again?
21:31 / 22.09.03
I'm just suggesting that maybe there are better ways to deal with it than banning.

But not putting forward any suggestions as to what those better ways may have been, other than the one about dedicating another thread to mod and Haus bitching at each other. Very useful. E. Randy

Hey man, that's all I came up with at the time, sorry it wasn't good enough. I thought some more intelligent people might suggest some other ways, that's all.
21:36 / 22.09.03
Yes, I am aware of the "O.T.Z." fiasco - I be;lieve I still have a copy of the PM inviting me (me???) to join, to which I declined. Not that it was a bad idea, and IIRC you were the inspiration for the project ("a suit of perfection, much like The Haus suit", a merger of minds collected in one suit,blah,blah,blah)

I have also taken the liberty to re-read the threads which this started - "TZ" contacted you to clear Mod's name,no? Is Timewave Zero correct in his statement "...Haus just would not let it go. He's tearing at the pant leg of my suit like a hungry dog even though I took steps to disclose my ID to Tom in private..." (Sorry to quote from private messages in my Email)

Well, that depends what you mean by letting it go. I don't think I can go very much further without disclosing the content of Private Messages.

I think I can say that TZ PMed me, without invitation, and told a lie, that lie being that Timewave Zero was not a shared suit. It seems from your comment above that Timewave Zero was always envisaged as a shared suit, which is in itself an abuse of Barbelith, and we have already established that it was a multiple suit. Combine that with repeatedly attempting to deceive first myself and subsequently Tom and Barbelith generally about the status of the Timewave Zero suit, and you can see why it might be suggested that he and Barbelith would be better off with a trial separation.

Now, if you actually take the time to read the threads in question, which are no doubt obsessively tabulated by your friends even if they have been deleted, you might notice that I proposed to him that he informed Tom of the identity of his old suit, so Tom could lock it. That was, it seemed, an elegant solution that would avoid having to reveal the previous suit to the public, which was bending the rules a little but not allowing a complete mockery to be made of the right of all members of Barbelith to equal treatment, the denial of which seems to be a central plank of Mod, Rex, Fenris etc's campaign. I do not personally know whether this option was taken up, but it seemed to be rather a conciliatory step...

Is anyone else, by the way, amused by these messages being from people who claim to have no allegiance whatsoever, but just happen to be friends of Mod's? That's fantastic doublethink... as are the series of rhetorical leaps - I guess x means that rights are few and far between, the fact that my arguments have not led immediately to the reinstatement of Modzero and all others means that witches are being burned. Quality stuff.

Would it be helpful to ask everyone who is currently being pressured by Mod, TZ or any other of the ICDullPeople (all around me. Millions of them. They don't know they're dull) to represent them, or feels they cannot keep a civil tongue in their head while advancing their case of their own free will, to take a week off Barbelith and let Tom think about how to organise generally for the better, or whether for that matter to shut it down, without this incessant natter?
01:09 / 23.09.03
Anyone wanna hit this virtual joint? It's the chronik!
01:14 / 23.09.03
I'm still having trouble getting my head round

Well, if you're not either the name that suit first gave, nor the name it now wears, who the hell are you?

Honestly, I don't know.
01:58 / 23.09.03
*shrug* I was only being honest, something I felt at the time might be acceptable at Barbelith.
05:41 / 23.09.03
Automatic: I'm fairly sure the question was not philosophical, but much more immediate. Have you been studying the Pazuzu Interview Technique?
Tom Coates
07:38 / 23.09.03
There's a difference between expressing your opinion and other people agreeing with it. With the exception of people who actively troll or spam the board, and a couple of other meta-points (ie. about the running of the board and specific individuals upon it) there's very little you can't talk about here seriously. There is - however - a hell of a lot that might piss people off. Short of undertaking the same behaviour yourself (or engineering a 'we'll remake this in our image' style campaign), you can do and say precisely what you want. And everyone else will still have the right to tell you that you're wrong (or right).
Melissa & Ev
08:14 / 23.09.03
Hello I am Melissa, mod’s partner. We were mistaken in thinking that my fictionsuit had been banned. When mod attempted to see if I had been locked out with him, he used my screen name for a login name. At the time it wasn’t the same (I have since returned it to my own name) and he apologizes for any confusion his error has caused.

First, in response to Bio K9’s earlier post, I would like to say that I have been a registered user of this community since May 2002. Although I rarely post, and thus few would remember having “met” me, I read Barbelith faithfully. I know of your joys and sorrows, have laughed with and learned from many of you, and have spoken of your stories as though they were the stories of friends. In this respect, I feel that I, and others who are also primarily lurkers, are very much members of this community.

Secondly, my partner had initially written what follows as a PM to Nick, but after a long discussion we decided we would try to put it up here instead. Not only does it address Nick’s points and concerns, but I believe that it brings forth insights that may have been previously overlooked in the aftermath of last Monday. Please know that posting this was a carefully thought out choice which I believe rightly allows a member of this community to respond on his own behalf to statements made about him and conclusions drawn about his actions. Unquestionably, I am biased in this instance, for he is the love of my life. Regardless, the principle remains the same.

Hello Nick,

I know you asked me not to PM you, but since I cannot respond to defend or explain myself, I figured this was going to have to do…I hope you can find it in you to give me the courtesy of a read.

Essentially, whatever you believe to be the case about this situation - however much you don't like Haus - essentially however justified you feel in your actions, your current actions are not justified.

You quote Tom here, and let’s have a look:

Tom appears to be telling me that I do not have any right to choose. Because we all—whether consciously, unconsciously, or otherwise—choose our own beliefs. We are each a “choose your own adventure” narrative which interweaves with other “choose your own adventure” narratives to create the tapestry of narrative that is our tiny little world.

Yes, I don’t like Huas (sic.). I don’t like the way he treats me, and I do not like the way he treats others. I am tired of seeing him apparently able to get away with abuse after abuse of people, of topics, of narratives. He is not a friendly, nor self-aware, nor open-minded individual here in Litherland (as to who and how he is IRL I cannot say, but I do hope he’s a GOOD MAN, perhaps as some hope I might be regardless of my “online here in Litherland” personality).

In order to address my most recent concern with him I initially started a thread in the Policy called “A Public Message for Mr. Haus.” I did this not to publicly shame him, but because he had asked me awhile go to not PM him, and I wanted to respect that request—as one user for another. In this thread I take up an issue with Huas’ (sic.) comment from another thread where he:

1) Accuses me of using two suits in the same thread. He does so on a whim & with fancy, but certainly without any evidence.

Since using 2 suits is currently looked on as a serious threat to Barbelith, and since Huas (sic.) is, to paraphrase Tom, “a respected, trusted, and highly visible” member of the board, it seems to me that he would do well to be even more careful about the things he says about other people, esp. when making accusations about the behaviour of another member that reflect “serious Barbelith crimes.”

2) Huas (sic.) follows this accusation with a reference to how such behaviour reflects poorly on my position as a moderator.

Which, granted, it might; however, clearly I was in no way (like is subtly and underhandedly implied –Huas (sic.) tactics to be sure) abusing my “privileges” (and oh! the privileges) of my moderator status.

So, as I said, I started a thread in the Policy (after giving Huas (sic.) a 36 hr. window within the original thread where his post—now deleted—with the accusation occurred to respond, apologize or whatever) about it where the thread started to rot (perhaps having the seeds from the beginning—but when one is trying to complain about ongoing and offensive conduct of another towards one, well, it can be hard to be entirely reasonable and “cool”) almost immediately.

I was not taken seriously by anyone at all. Moreover, the people busy rotting the thread told me that this sort of thing belongs over in the Conversation. So, after that thread was promptly locked, I started a thread about Huas (sic.) in The Conversation to reply to a comment he made in that first thread that I could no longer post to.

Well, that thread was immediately rotted by the same people from the Policy. During the course of that thread (I think) Huas’ (sic.) status as a moderator/admin came up. Anna wanted proof of his possible abuses in this role. Thus, I started a thread n the Conversation seeking to inspire those with legitimate complaints against Huas (sic.) in this direction to post and supply the evidence that Anna & others wanted.

So how do these people respond? Well, they start to rot that thread right away. Then suddenly both threads are deleted.

Being a little miffed after an eight to ten hour bout with these same people, I make another thread (and here is where I likely stepped over the line a little too far) called “Fascists.” In the abstract it talks about things that are commonly associated with fascist behaviours, including censorship. The main text said merely, “You know who you are.” So, contrary to exploded popular opinion, I only called these people who I had been arguing with for the better part of a day—the same people who helped get my initial thread locked, and then after telling me to take it to the Conversation deleted my threads—fascists. And I know now I could have phrased it better:

“You, engaged in this fascist behaviour, know who you are.”

is likely what would have been better. I know these people aren’t “fascists” all the time. They are not marching around in jackboots. They were not being “fascist” the day before, and are not likely to get swept into a future of fascism either; however, at the time they v. much appeared to me to be showing signs of fascist behaviour & I wanted to let them know I wasn’t happy with such heavy-handed tactics.

And it goes on from there…

So, do I believe that I was justified—after further fascist behaviour (deleting my “Fascists!” thread, deleting the first, and relatively better written “Time to Strike” thread—no flippant and irresponsible abstract in the first one)? Well, justified or not, I’d personally lost any reason or interest to bother following any etiquette and switched into “WAR” mode (and here I find myself thinking of that scene in the movie Judge Dredd where the villain gets the robot from the pawn shop and tells it they are going to war). Something that, for me, takes an awful lot to get me into a place where I might even think about switching to WAR mode. So my vision became quite tainted by boiling blood—but it was a calm boiling, if you know what I mean—and I “pulled out all the stops,” as some would say.

Was I justified?

Well, this is clearly a difficult question that I cannot even hope to answer—let alone anyone else.

Was the FLQ “justified”? How about the 9-11 terrorists? How about USA invading Iraq? How about China invading Tibet? How about America using the bomb twice near the end of WW2?

How to justify war-like behaviours and decisions is not at all clear, but neither is how to condemn them (other than obvious abuses like “ethnic cleansing,” crimes against civilians, and the like). Like any system of morality, the percieved justification or lack thereof is typically relative to a whole set of beliefs, emotions, creeds & codes, and so on.

Is Tom, regardless of his wonderful and typically kind, generous, & fair hand of God wrt the maintenance of this board, in a position that is morally defensible to make the true claim that what I’ve done I’ve no “justification” for?

Well if he is, then he’d best be applying for the position of Secretary General of the UN when it comes up, because believe me, if he’s able to figure out & assess when people, nations, and such are justified in their War-like behaviours, and also be able to show how these assessments are indeed “true on all interpretations,” then the UN needs him more than anyone else in the world.

Now, a small error on your part. You said that Tom said all that to me “…over a week ago.” But it is only exactly a week today. But this is mere pedantry and I will not bore you with it further than this.

To move on to another comment of yours, and one that has some meat on the bones, you said:

“Since then, as you will note, your friend has broken a simple promise to avoid stirring things up for three days.”

And this is pretty much false. Mod did not post at all for those days. However, I was in constant and steady communication with others—people who had contacted me & not I them—and these others were asked, if they so desired, to do me a favour and post some of my stuff. No one held a gun to their head, and no one but themselves are responsible for taking any actions that they took. I have not made anyone do anything. Each took it into hir own hands once they’d received a PM from me not only with a request to post whatever from it onto the public bored (sic.), but with my blessings to do so.

Thus, I did no stirring up other than behind the scenes (not posting!) communication with people. From there, it was all out of my hands.

Perhaps much like Huas’ (sic.) behaviour has nothing to do with Tom or how Tom manages, maintains, and oversees this wonderful Litherland. My complaint has never been with Tom’s abilities or person, it has always stemmed from Huas’ (sic.) unrepentant and seemingly regular misbehaviour and abuse of other members. Please, if you can, let Tom know this: I’ve no dispute with him—although I am a little miffed at having my voice taken away; however, I can see where Tom is coming from: if you got a pack full of bratty kids, you single out the loudest and punish that one as an example to the rest.

Now, you also said, “…his actions were more obnoxious than the offence he wanted to investigate.”

And to this I agree. I thought it was pretty obvious I was not only on “asshole” mode, but on super-extra-jacked up asshole mode. I wasn’t merely obnoxious, I was, I figure anyway, potent poison and blazing fire and soot and ash: much like Old Nick Himself, perhaps (my full name, for those inclined this way, adds to 15—the Devil, and of course this is the companion and partner of 6—the Lovers…). Like I had said earlier—before the real rampage began, “I have become Death: the destroyer of worlds,” but of course, no one seemed to want to take me seriously…

Anyway, I was ready & willing (read: with willful intent) to take on anyone who wanted to step up, and I actually felt kinda’ bad for these brave souls who saw the foul (so terribly foul) mood I was in, and yet, still gathered the courage and gumption to try to step up and put me in my place. Unfortunately for them, and the readers of the board, I was exactly in my place (Tao is not value based: peace and war are One—and No-thing—wrt the Way), and so they had no where to move me to. Let me repeat: I know I was a terrible asshole to several people. I am sorry for this insofar as it likely made for a v. unpleasant Barbelith experience for those not involved in the conflict, but watching from the side lines.

And to note, I am pretty darn sure that was the first time I had ever-ever written (or otherwise uttered) the words ‘anal’ & ‘cunts’ together as a unit of sense, and I hope that I do not have to repeat such a terrible and hideous linguistic formulation again.

I'm sorry, Mayfly, but your friend is in the wrong.

This is too vague (to me anyway) to be a carrier of sensible communication. What was I “in the wrong about,” exactly? Hard to say (other than willfully over-the-top caustic responses post-thread deleting run to those who figured they could shut me down with words: mere words), and likely, to use old Lothar’s favorite, YMMV.

On an aside, I wanted to note that Illmatic said:

…the closed membership will probably be to kept in place for the time being

And personally, I didn’t see it was coming to an end anytime soon, so I do not take much responsibility (but I will take a smidgen) for this fact.

I think it's a question of trust and consequence - an almost ubiquitous (ker-ching!) problem in free societies.

Yes, I entirely agree. From my side, I trusted that I could register a serious complaint about Huas (sic.), but the consequence was that I was told off, had my thread rotted and locked, and after doing what I was told to do (take it the Conversation), also had my threads rotted and deleted. These tactics do not seem to me to represent the milieu of a “free society.”

And nice use of “ker-ching!” btw.


b.e. hxxxxxxx

PS: when you say that you and Tom were together over the weekend and that Tom agonized over his decision to shut me out, I believe you. Tom, it seems to me, likely agonizes over many decisions he makes—esp. with respect to the possible discipline of any member of this board. I believe this strongly. On the other hand, I agonized over much of my actions that faithful “first day of combat,” and I would appreciate the benefit of the doubt (i.e., that you will believe me) when I say that during that caustic and obnoxious rampage there were several times I had tears in my eyes when I went to hit that send button: not so much for what “they” had said to me, but much more for what I was about to say to them.

Thank-you for your time. Feel free to quote (in public forum or otherwise) from any of this PM.

We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:20 / 23.09.03
[Added at 12:07 - this post was written before the long one above was visible]

*shrug* I was only being honest, something I felt at the time might be acceptable at Barbelith.

Sadly, it came across as elusive. Would you mind answering the question not as a philosophical quandry about identity, but as a simple 'naive realist' request for information: are you the poster who wrote as 'mayfly', and if not, why are you posting using that suit, and who are you? And if you are the poster who posted as 'mayfly', and you don't really know very much about this debate, why on Earth did you enter it?

And please, spare me the 'Oh, Barbelith is evil now, I quake with fear' dialogue. It sounds like the bit they cut from one of George W. Bush's more self-serving speeches. You're not being silenced - indeed, you're being asked reasonable questions in an attempt to get information. In fact, if you wanted the stage and had anything to say, this is the moment.
08:22 / 23.09.03
For God's sake. Give me strength.
Mourne Kransky
08:58 / 23.09.03
Flogging a dead horse. Has way too much time on his hands.

We'll be getting angry notes from his mummy next.
09:04 / 23.09.03
Melissa, Mod and anyone else concerned - could you keep this to PM in future. This includes anybody who wants to use this opportunity to kick off yet another ding dong with Mod. I, for one, am sick of reading about it.
Lurid Archive
09:10 / 23.09.03
Ach. I was just going to post a medium sized response to Mod/Melissa, but reading Illmatic I have thought again. Like fridge says elsewhere, some people you just can't reason with.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:04 / 23.09.03

Have read. Am unimpressed.

You feel you are justified. You have been obnoxious. You promised to stop stirring the pot. You continued. You treat this like some heroic struggle. It is not.

This discussion ceased to be about Haus when you went into 'war' mode. You engaged in 'war' against a society. That society has now excluded you, the only actual weapon it has against the kind of war in which you engaged.

I would point out to you that your tactics were fatuous and your strategy short-sighted - and ultimately neither was well-chosen to tie with your political objective.

In other words, the moral of this story is simple:

Barbelith is not a place where being a 'terrible asshole' to people will get you what you want.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:42 / 23.09.03
It's become blindingly obvious that the individual concerned is not amenable to reason at the moment, so how 'bout we all drop this now and do something that isn't mind-meltingly boring for a while? (Forty-odd fucking posts... I dunno... *shakes head*)
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:45 / 23.09.03
'Cos that's the downside of being the good guys.

But yeah, I'm done here.
11:13 / 23.09.03
Sadly, it came across as elusive. Would you mind answering the question not as a philosophical quandry about identity, but as a simple 'naive realist' request for information: are you the poster who wrote as 'mayfly', and if not, why are you posting using that suit, and who are you?

Right, sorry. I read your question as being asked sort of flippantly, thus my "elusive" answer. But now that I look back at it, I can see it differently - sorry, my mistake. Yes, I am mayfly. Yes, I am A.A.

And if you are the poster who posted as 'mayfly', and you don't really know very much about this debate, why on Earth did you enter it?

I've explained/rebutted that already.

And please, spare me the 'Oh, Barbelith is evil now, I quake with fear' dialogue.

Sure, although I don't remember saying anything near that anywhere. When I said I felt I could be honest here, and don't anymore, that's all I meant. I admit it sounded far more dramatic than it had to *shrug*, but I wasn't trying to imply that I was being silenced, or that Barbelith is evil. I've learned recently that many times, when you're totally honest and open (anywhere, not just Barbelith - and really, Barbelith is just anywhere, imho) you have to fight with the people who want to fight you for saying it, and then they fight back and you have to fight back too, and so on and so on... I want to avoid that, or find a place to transcend that I guess, but I'm coming to see (contrary to the dreams I had envisioned most of my life) that no such place exists in the real world.

In fact, if you wanted the stage and had anything to say, this is the moment.

Thanks. I have, and I'm done in this thread. Peace.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:22 / 23.09.03
This is absolutely my last word on the subject, and I'm sure many people will think I shouldn't even bother, but... I notice that mod has put forward a version of events in which he only becomes a (self-professed) troll/asshole *after* his initial posts in the Conversation about Haus are deleted. I think it's worth setting the record straight here. This is the first post in the Conversation that was deleted. I think its nature is fairly self-evident.
11:57 / 23.09.03
It was interesting to read that first post as I know nothing about any of this (only joined recently really).
I can see it's just pointless playground scrapping in that link, but I'm still curious as to why it was deleted. Surely it would have died a death on it's own as people ignored it? Didn't deleting it just make him paranoid as well as angry?
12:25 / 23.09.03
Tryphena Absent
12:36 / 23.09.03
'O eternal Lord God who alone spreadest out the heavens and rulest the raging of the seas. Who hast compassed the waters with bounds until day and night come to an end'
Mourne Kransky
13:35 / 23.09.03
'Night Mary Ellen.

'Night John Boy...

13:38 / 23.09.03
"But you'll look sweeeet... upon the *bzzt* seat of a bi-cyclllle maaade for twoooooo..."
Melissa & Ev
16:39 / 23.09.03
Have read. Am unimpressed.

We have too and the feeling is likewise.

You feel you are justified. You have been obnoxious. You promised to stop stirring the pot. You continued.

No, I clearly said that I feel that “justification” is not something that can be neither adequately decided nor assessed by most normal people in this instance.

I agreed with you.

I promised to stop posting as mod. And I did.

It's become blindingly obvious that the individual concerned is not amenable to reason at the moment

Let’s have a looks on the mirror, folks.

You engaged in 'war' against a society…

False. I engaged in war against a handful of like-minded people within a society.

That society has now excluded you…


…the only actual weapon it has against the kind of war in which you engaged.

We’ve been excluded post-war, and pre New Dawn. As people can clearly see—unlesss they only see what they want and not what is actually there—Ic-du? is not a threatening enterprise.

I would point out to you that your tactics were fatuous and your strategy short-sighted - and ultimately neither was well-chosen to tie with your political objective.

Um…as above, “let’s have a look in the mirror folks.” I started all this exactly because I felt that others were behaving in exactly this manner.

Barbelith is not a place where being a 'terrible asshole' to people will get you what you want.

Yes, exactly. Being assholes to people with legitimate complaints does not get these same people to behave in ways you’d like them to.

'Cos that's the downside of being the good guys.

Yeah, except the problem here is that there are no “good guys” to be found. We are all acting like buffoons regarding this incident.

But yeah, I'm done here.

At least you have a choice.

I've learned recently that many times, when you're totally honest and open (anywhere, not just Barbelith - and really, Barbelith is just anywhere, imho) you have to fight with the people who want to fight you for saying it, and then they fight back and you have to fight back too, and so on and so on...

Wise words. Know what you mean. The Devil deceives not by telling lies, but by always telling the truth. In other words, the Devil doesn’t deceive, but the people who hear the voice of the Devil deceive themselves. This I have learnt recently.

I notice that mod has put forward a version of events in which he only becomes a (self-professed) troll/asshole *after* his initial posts in the Conversation about Haus are deleted. I think it's worth setting the record straight here.

Thread says:

“In the now locked thread in Policy Haus comments, regarding the motivations of my starting the damn thread:

"…since I have not so far broken any rules…”

How about slandering another member with unfounded accusations of *serious* misbehaviour, you stupid drunken git!”

Huas (sic.) confesses innocence when there was guilt. I could not respond in the thread in which he blindly hacks away at the Truth with a meat cleaver; thus, I felt the impetuous to start a new thread—in The Conversation where, I was told these sorts of things belong—in order to address his self-deception, try to give him a return ticket from his “Holiday in Self-Unawaria.”

Didn't deleting it just make him paranoid as well as angry?

16:50 / 23.09.03
Spatula Clarke
17:01 / 23.09.03
Do you want to join my club, kittie? There's me, Jack Denfeld and Bio at the moment. We let Bio in because he's needy. Jack's a bit uncomfortable about letting a girl into our secret base, but I've told him he's just being stupid. You won't fill the base with dolls and pictures of puppies, will you? Didn't think so. I think it's time we diversified in our membership. If you want to join my club, send me a PM with the words "THIS HAM DOESN'T TASTE VERY NICE. COULD I HAVE SOME CHEESE INSTEAD?" in it. It's code.
Char Aina
17:09 / 23.09.03

melissa, mod and anyone else concerned - could you keep this to PM in future.

but can they?
as far as i am aware, there have been all sorts of bad feelings flying about because folks cannot deal with having PMs arrive uninvited or unwanted. so, is he now allowed to PM anyone he likes? will everyone 'dance like everyone is watching' in the privacy of a PM conversation after all this bad blood?


I think its nature is fairly self-evident.

yeah… he was calling him a name for talking shit about him. that’s what it looks that what you meant?
doesn’t sound like a war mode to me, but I may be stupid and not have noticed.

“You engaged in 'war' against a society…”

False. I engaged in war against a handful of like-minded people within a society.

I totally agree with this bit. I was not waged war with, and neither were most of the two or so thousand of us. the barbelith elite, royalty, usual suspects, or whatever you like were the only ones in this fight. many of them/you, as is their/your wont, assumed that they/you speak for and represent all of us.
Char Aina
17:13 / 23.09.03
i apologise if i am stirring a pot that you wanted to settle, by the way, and i want to restate that i in no way think any of you are anything bad, like fascists.

lotsaluv, toksik.
Mr Tricks
17:33 / 23.09.03
just because I haven't replied to this thred and really only just noticed all this.... "bad Blood

I personally liked what Moriarty had to say on the subject of "troll(ish) moderators" etc...

however... in all the years I've cruised this board I'm often AMAZED at the passion behind the persuit of percieved "injustice" when in reality it's all.. Just Us...
Mr Tricks
17:35 / 23.09.03
Melissa, it appears that the battle goes NOT in your favor... what's that phrase...?
"Sometimes Discretion is the better part of Valor"
Lurid Archive
17:35 / 23.09.03
With bony hands I hold my partner,
on soulless feet we cross the floor.
The music stops as if to answer,
an empty knocking at the door.
It seems his skin was sweet as mango,
when last I held him to my breast.
But now we dance this grim fandango,
and will for years before we rest.

I think we can at least agree on that much?
Char Aina
17:58 / 23.09.03
i will NEVER dance any such thing!

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