I agree - it was very very good overall, but it seemed like a lot of very big plotlines were wrapped up in the second half. Part of me likes that the Lindsay thing came to light and came to a head so quickly, part of me felt what imp is feeling, like "Huh, that was quick." And although I liked Cordy's death, I wanted to see Angel take another few moments to just get hit by the shock of hearing of her death on the phone. This was a big scene for him, I wanted to see tears, I wanted to see the shock of hit hitting Angel more like a punch in the gut.
Very cool to see Eve get her comeuppance, though, if also a bit early for that, and to see her man get gobbled up by some interdimensional baddies. I just liked seeing Eve humbled after she's been so 'higher than thou,' untouchable, bitchy for so long. Harmony's torturing her was great. "Harmony, you can stop now, she's talking." "She is? Awww..."
Yeah, Cordy really did bring everyone together in this ep., but I think that's intentional, since team Joss is showing how splintered team Angel has been getting all this season due to working at Wolfram & Hart, Gunn's makeover, seeds of distrust sown in team Angel, etc.
Great to see the Doyle clip. I only started watching ANGEL in its second season, so I've heard about Doyle but never saw him act. FYI, the actor who played Doyle was a drug addict and after repeated attempts at interventions by Joss & the cast, the actor didn't get it under control, it kept getting in the way of filming, and they fired him. A few years ago, the actor committed suicide. So it wasn't just a tip of the hat to the character, but to the actor who lost a battle with his inner demons. Cordy's line "It burns me up when I think about how he went out" had multiple meanings for the real-life actors. |