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Angel Season 5 (Spoilers)


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Saint Keggers
02:15 / 24.10.03
Well, Im giving them the benefit of the doubt. Im gonna wait another 3 or for eps. for them to work all the kinks out. It was shaky everytime they brought in a new character and for them to bring in a big gun like Spike it'll be even harder for them to find everyones rythym.
14:33 / 24.10.03
I think that is a part of the problem. They're still introducing characters and getting people settled. I imagine it'll be a few more eps before we have a good feel for what everyone's doing.

Though Fred is coming along nicely. She's at least got some camera time and development.
Harold Washington died for you
14:51 / 24.10.03
5.4 "Permanent storage" and that crazy dead lady asking Spike to hold her...scary! Well, it dosen't suck, but I hope Spike leaves after he gets his body back. Fred is mine!
05:52 / 27.10.03
Gah. I hope they sort this out. No-one needs a Spike overdose. Properly handled he should work like Garak: a little bit goes a long way.

It's not the fact that there are too many characters, because there are shows that elegantly handle up to thirty main recurring characters in addition to a core cast of nine or ten. It's poor writing if they can't find the right balance.
13:49 / 30.10.03
Last night's Halloween party ep - big on laughs, big on Lorne "Hulking out" (snicker - you know they were all laughing on set about the Big Green), big on Amy Acker showing how hysterically funny she can be playing drunk, big on comic timing of David Boreanaz. Eve is just getting more annoying to me as time goes on, her acting is annoying me more, her face & looks are annoying me more, her dialogue & writing is annoying me more -- and that's not a good sign since this is like her 3rd appearance on the show.

Spike's getting annoying too - Mr. I just stand around and deliver pithy comments until I get a body back. Get him a body fast so he can DO something rather than just COMMENT on everything and be sarcastic. But "You taste great!" and Lorne's other fabulous moments were terrific. "Milk Dud" goes on my list of favorite cutesy named Lorne calls Angel.

But the show needs to get away from or blatantly address this whole "We just sit around & appease our evil clients now that we run Wolfram & Hart" thing. I know they have a few lines every epsidoe where they sort of address it, but are they aware just how deeply they've gone into reactive/beauracractic/red tape/appease evil clients mode as opposed to 'proactive' mode??
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
15:28 / 30.10.03
What was it that Fred drunkenly says to an anonymous party goer? All accusatory and shit? I can't remember it offhand and I have to put it on my Quote-In-Daily-Conversation rotation along with the David Brentacular:
"I don't agree with that in the workplace."
"No, I wouldn't do the bass player. I'd do the keyboardist! The drummer! And THEN the lead singer!"

Ah, The Office.
17:17 / 30.10.03
A monster dude bumps into her and she says "Heey, you want a piece a' me?" With no response from the monster, she says "That's right, buddy, you just keep walkin'! You walk alone! Yoooou waaalk alooonneee!"

Not quotable, methinks, but damn funny line reading she gives it. This cute frail tiny little thing saying brightly (though drunk) all that trash talk. I think Amy Acker's my dream woman - if she had a few more pounds on her. And they gave her this blah light-colored lipstick last night instead of her usual natural or darker colored lipstick. Um, I'm not obsessed.

Welsey was funny drunk but you could tell the actor (Alexis Denisof) wasn't as skilled or comfortable at playing drunk as Amy Acker/Fred. Playing drunk is actually kinda hard. Although Alexis Denisof's line reading of "Look, it's manifested!" as he stumbles through the elevator doors was pretty damn funny.

I like this new Gunn. I'm a little scared of him, but I like him.

Next week's luchadore episode looks HYSTERICAL!
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
17:59 / 30.10.03
That was it, Hunter. I'm going to quote the shit out of it.
17:56 / 06.11.03

The sitter never touches the VCR. She's too old, and modern technology scares her so. So we didn't bother to tell her to not touch the VCR.

She touched the VCR.

So... snice I totally missed the Luchador episode, does anyone know of an mpeg version I can snag? Please, have pity.
19:11 / 06.11.03 has it - go forth and download...
13:19 / 07.11.03
The Luchadore episode was SOOO terrific & SO damn funny! Brilliant episode! We not only get brilliant, dry comedy, but the whole "Is Shanshu about Spike or Angel?" thing, plus Angel's growing doubts about his role as a hero.

"Of course...El Diablo Robotico"

Fucking brilliant. Loved this ep!!
Saint Keggers
13:28 / 07.11.03
Yeah I thought I rocked too. Im sooo hoping they have a future episode fighting El Diablo Robotico.
13:32 / 07.11.03
It should be finished downloading when I get home, Super Dragon is one of the wrestlers in it I heard or was it American Dragon.. anyway glad to hear it's good.
Saint Keggers
21:52 / 07.11.03
The thing that's pissed me off so far about this season is the whole thousands of slayers running around the world and not a mention of it on Angel especially now that they brough Spike into the fold. Why not?
00:48 / 08.11.03
I recall a mention of the Slayer thing being dealt with later on in the season, so maybe it's just one of those things they haven't encountered directly yet, u know? Lotsa girls may have powers but there ain't no Watchers around to train them all yet, either, right? Realistically speaking, the creators prolly wanna let Buffy "breathe" a little, before following up that shiat in Angel... Would be nice to see a guest app. with SMG once all of that DOES come up, too...
13:25 / 09.11.03
Yeah, I think they encounter it directly in episode 11.
15:15 / 10.11.03
Sounds cool that they're addressing the 'now the world has tons of slayers' issue at some point.

This Wed. night: Wesley's DAD shows up!!! I love Wesley, so the idea of seeing his dad is very exciting to me. He's a great character - looking forward to seeing those father/son issues played out (apparently his father is a member of the Watcher's Council or former member and thinks Welsey has become a disappointment).
01:10 / 13.11.03
I think this was the best episode so far. It had great character stuff with Wes and Cyborg-Ninjas, what else could I possibly want! I also like the way Spike confronted Eve!

Head Boy!
04:30 / 13.11.03
I like when he called him Percy... it made me laugh.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:21 / 18.11.03
My God - I just read the most deliciously exciting rumour about who might really be pulling the strings this series.


It's someone we haven't seen for a couple of seasons.


With an evil hand.
13:46 / 18.11.03
Oh hell yes. About time we saw him again.
14:22 / 18.11.03
I'm sure it'll all make sense when I you tell me - but who??

Evil hand? The surgeon with the detachable hand? The glove that the ex watcher stole in Buffy (who died right?) Adam with his spikey hand? Tell tell!

Did I miss an episode with an evil hand demon?
14:25 / 18.11.03
Forget about it I remember now, what a pleb..
14:40 / 18.11.03
I just hope he still has the truck. And the geetar.
01:13 / 20.11.03
Now this is the Spike I know and love! I loved how he carried that cross (literally) with a Buddha statue behind him! I loved how he wanted the cup with so much irreverent passion. And I also like how Dru was overlapped with the Grail.

And of course.... Mountain Dew?
05:17 / 20.11.03
Not to mention...


LINDSAY FUCKING MACDONALD being revealed as the bloody master behind alla the shit of this Season (supposedly).... ewwww, now Angelus has Lindsay cooties (member he nailed Eve... good times nonetheless). I say good show, man. This is how I likes my drama; un-freaking-believably insane!
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:24 / 20.11.03
It's one of those damn fine Buffy/Angel "oh SHIT" moments... And I haven't even seen it yet.

Really makes me wonder what Lindsey's agenda is. He's not working for the Senior Partners, so I imagine he's out to bring down both Angel and Wolfram & Hart... Maybe he even thinks he's on the side of 'good' (which, post-Jasmine, is pretty hard to define). But I'm sure he still has a personal grudge against Angel - what's interesting is that this puts him pretty much in a very similar place as Spike (vaguely wants to do good, still willing to do pretty dark things, hates gel-boy). And I bet new scheming tattoo-ed Lindsey is fully aware of that, and will attempt to manipulaye Spike as much as possible...
14:53 / 20.11.03
Great episode. Really, really good stuff - and James Marsters acting just rocks, as always. Nice stuff showing the Spike/Angel rivarly in the past - and it's not just about Spike wanting to muscle in on Angel's hero territory. When Spike made the point about earning and choosing his soul, as opposed to Angel's having been forced on him by a curse, it was a great moment. And all the references to Buffy's past with each guy were fun moments also. Angel's "he wanted it more" humiliation was also very cool - Spike beat Angel for the first time!

Nice bit with Lindsey's tattoos being shown as protective spells and sigils on his door & walls. Looking forward to learning more about new super-evil Lindsey (even outwitting the dreaded mysterious Senior Partners!!! shit!!!) and his plans, his association with Eve, etc. I knew she was faking it when she cried to Fred about 'you don't trust me, you think I'm behind this, blah blah blah.'
some guy
19:42 / 20.11.03
Spike's comment about Angel being cursed with a soul only show how vacuous Spike is. He really doesn't get it. His "good" side is selfishly motivated; he doesn't express regret for his past (continuing to wear the slain slayer's coat is symbolic of this). Angel is the true hero, aiding the helpless because it's the right thing to do. Spike has only helped those near to Buffy, and then to get closer to her pants.

I wonder if Spike himself will become the season's Big Bad, with Lindsay nudging him back to the dark side that's obviously been there all along. Spike's soul didn't save him, it only threw his true personality into sharp relief.
Jack The Bodiless
11:45 / 21.11.03
Oooh. Good points, dude...
11:54 / 21.11.03
Yeah I read that last night and thought it was great, especially the fact that Spike didn't want to get inside Buffys pants, just closer to them
20:55 / 23.11.03
... You make some interesting hypotheses, LLBIMG, but I wonder... I don't think Spike's "true personality" was EVER thrown out, regardless of getting his soul back... He soul returning allows for him to feel guilt and remorse over his actions once more, but best I can tell he's always kind of played by his own rules, in the sense that "good" or "bad", if Angel pisses him off he's not above slighting him to make him feel like shit. Spike, as has been evidenced by his willingness and devotedness to his noble actions, does love Buffy and care about the world she is trying to save. He cares deeply about ppl and isn't really driven out of guilt for his past deeds, but rather by what he feels for people now. I think when he initially won his soul back, he was bombarded by his returning guilt and remorse, but after facing his demons (a la punking Principal Wood and reconciling his feelings about his hooch mum trying to take a piece with him... eeewww), Spike has moved to a level Angel hasn't: Spike is becoming more human through his actions. Good and evil are concepts that DO come into play, but I think he's removed himself from either extreme in an attempt to reclaim himself. So to say that he's being "pushed toward the edge" really isn't something I buy... I mean, say he did lose his soul again -- even WITHOUT a soul Spike was able to grow, and reclaim much of his lost personality, and even gain an understanding of what, to him, was right and wrong behavior. he cared for Buffy still, and tho his absence of a soul made it hard for him to understand consequence before acting (ie: nearly raping Buffy, b/c he didn't consider what he was doing before starting) he still knew it was not something he wanted to do in the aftermath, hence driving him to win his soul back. And it wasn't always that way for the vampire William, true. But again, he did grow as an individual both without and with a soul. Angel has not, really. He regained his old personality, sure... but his actions are driven out of an unending need to "atone", and reach humanity once more. Funny, it seems Spike is closer to that, b/c you really have to ask yourself -- what is humanity? A state of being or a state of mind?
some guy
22:42 / 23.11.03
Well, part of the problem with this kind of theorizing is that the Whedonverse has never been consistent about souls. We're told demons are bad ... except when they're good. We're told being soulless makes you evil ... except when it doesn't (Spike/Harmony). So we're all talking out of our collective asses, really.
23:00 / 23.11.03
True. It is contradictory, isn't it..? WHo the hell knows about thsi kinda stuff...
00:24 / 24.11.03
Personally, I have to agree with Mike-O. I think Spike is the real hero here. He's always been the most human of vampires. Sure he's selfish but so are most humans. I mean, the first thing he does when he becomes a vampire is try and save his mum from death by making her into a vampire ... you can call that sick, selfish, or whatever ... but at the root of it was just "a boy who loves his mum". Angel fucking tortured and killed his family. I think Spike truly loved Dru (Harmony was the rebound girl) and he really loved Buffy... this is all while he was still a vampire. Angel is no more capable of loving than Angelus is (cause of the curse). He really only is a mask Angelus wears. You say Spike is driven by selfishness. Well, Angel is driven by guilt. Neither of these are good things. And in this case guilt is worse. I think Spike's chucked his guilt (like Mike-O said through therapeutic confrontations like with principal Wood) because he understand that THAT WASN'T HIM. That was a demon that was inhabiting him. Angel needs to feel the guilt because the demon is still inhabiting him and probably always will be. As far as I'm concerned Spike is already human.

And believe me, I don't want Spike on this show ... this is Team Angel's show and Spike is only hurting that, but I still cant shake the feeling that Spike is the real deal, where Angel is not.

I do think he's going to get played by Lindsay in a bad way ... he's never been too bright.

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