That was a pretty strong ep -- although part of me feels like "Man, they've only 3 left, the shit hasn't really hit the fan yet, what's going on???" There are rumors that the show will end on a cliffhanger and there will be 2 or 3 TV movies that pick up right where it leaves off...I really don't want the series to end on a cliffhanger. Then we gotta wait a year for the story to continue...
I love Adam Baldwin playing against type as Marcus Hamilton. "It's a boardroom, boys, not a Batcave" was a great line. Crazy Wes is very funny! Alexis Denisof has always been one of the best actors in the cast and he proves it again here. Gunn is terrific too. Great stuff with the demon baby plot. (that was David Boreanaz' wife, Jamie Bergman, playing the hapless Rosemary's Baby host)
Amy Acker did indeed kick ass here. Lots of great lines from writer Ben Edlund. Wes is starting to go crazy!! And apparently, future eps will have the team wondering if Angel is starting to turn evil, but I'm sure his whole 'serve no master but your ambition' thing is just him realizing he's got to use W&H for all its worth, like a chess piece.
What if the Senior Partners want Illyria around after all, and they wanted Angel's team to try to kill her so that she'd kill them first and then destroy half of LA, as almost happened?
I just read this post on aint it cool news - take it with a grain of salt, but it seems sincere:
Saddly it won't be done in the movies....read on...
HOAX: Angel September TV Movie is a HOAX !?!
From Buffy.nu - By RavenU
Reply to the article "First ANGEL TV Movie May Hit in September":
I saw Mercedes McNab this past weekend at a convention and she said none of the cast has heard about doing a movie, and they think it is a hoax that the WB is pulling on the fans to placate them and to get them to keep watching the WB next season. So if the movie was really going to happen in Sept you think they would be in contract negociations with the actors about it at this time and they would have heard something. If they were going to be airing in Sept they would have to be filming it in June or July, which means contracts would have to be done now at the latest, since that’s not happening I don’t see this happening. But maybe there will be closure, in the same way that when Farscape ended with John and Aeryn "Dying" it was closure, because they died.
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