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Angel Season 5 (Spoilers)


Page: 12345(6)78

Jack The Bodiless
07:37 / 29.03.04
God, I could really do without Gellar asppearing in Angel. We've got plotlines to complete, and the only character in Angel that needs Buffy to appear to satisfy his loose ends is Spike. Since Spike's only been a recurring character in Angel for one season, I'm placing him less and less in the Regular Cast bracket, and more in the Character As Catalyst bracket - not in the same league as Cordelia, Wesley, even Lorne - more along the lines of Darla, Connor, etc. For me, he's only really there for the main cast, specifically Angel, to react against.
17:35 / 29.03.04
Mutant Enemy producers have said publicly that they are going to make sure they find a way to keep the Joss Whedonverse alive on TV. They'll probably do a spinoff show with Spike, Wesley, New Fred, and some others - those are the big rumors.

And last night, after watching hours of FIREFLY, I had a vivid dream that a had a role in a Joss Whedon show. I was a guest-star in one episode that took place in the Buffy/Angel universe, and I was doing a scene with Michelle Trachtenberg as Dawn.
14:48 / 06.04.04
Next new ANGEL ep. is next Wed., April 14!! Guest-starring Adam Baldwin (Jayne of Firefly) as some sort of mercenary dude, of course. Apparently, Team Angel goes looking for Lindsay to find out more about the Senior Partners...
13:58 / 07.04.04
Joss made a statement yesterday that Angel might be truly dead -- he said something like "keep those cards and letters coming to WB and other studios [presumably to see if other studios might pick the show up], there might still be hope for ANGEL." He also said if ANGEL really dies, they'll likely just do another spin-off show to keep the Buffyverse alive and evolving on TV.
Whisky Priestess
17:55 / 08.04.04
Rip-PER! Rip-PER!
19:41 / 13.04.04
YAY! Andrew is back in Angel 5.20. As well, as the Jayne from Firefly as a character called Hamilton
13:44 / 15.04.04
Pretty decent episode last night, though not amazing. Fun to see Adam Baldwin as a slick, erudite "suit" with the strength and determination of the Terminator (also clever the way they set the audience up to think he was a just killing machine in a suit and then he turns out to be a lawyer and the new liason to the Senior Partners).

Gunn's Although from one split-second shot in the upcoming "only 5 episodes left of ANGEL" preview, he doesn't stay in that surburban torture chamber hell for long...

The Fred/Wes stuff was interesting but it seems a bit scattered, writing-wise, and doesn't seem to be going anywhere in particular...

Poor James Marsters has been relegated to 'wisecracking guy.' Spike doesn't do much of anything these days on the show, does he?
03:31 / 16.04.04
I thought yesterday's episode was quite impressive, ever since Smile Time, the show's been on one of the best runs of quality episodes it's ever had, certainly since at least the soulless Angel arc in season four. First great thing I noticed was the addition of a Wesley two guns slow motion shot to the opening credits, sure it's cliche, but it's still great. I love the misdirect on the Adam Baldwin character. Also, Gunn's sacrifice at the end, brilliant.

As for Spike being a wisecracking sidekick, it's true, but I think that those wisecracks have a deeper purpose. This season has basically been about Spike and Angel reconciling, and his wisecracks bring them closer together. Even if he is at the meeting with a beer, mocking the bullet points, he's the only one who is there. I think their little quest in A Hole in the World and Underneath indicate a real bonding between them. I'd like to see a bit more of the depth that Spike showed on Buffy, but I don't have that many problems with the way he's been portrayed.
03:55 / 16.04.04
You know, everyone is loving this episode and I found it kinda boring. The Wes/Fred thing was lacking and Gunn sacrifice was obvious. I don't know maybe it's cause there's only 6 (now 5) episodes left but this one seemed like a waste.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
11:53 / 16.04.04
Impulsive! For shame! Without this episode we couldn't have gotten really unsettled by the fact that yet another apocalypse has snuck under the noses of our heroes without them ever realizing it.

So, that's like an 0 for 9 record in the Buffyverse, yeah?

Other than that end speech by Lindsay (I swear, they must have ApocaCue Cards), I dug this episode. The sun flinch was tops.
13:42 / 16.04.04
I'm with Imp on this one -- I thought this was just OK, some fun stuff but nothing all that great. It seems like the moments that people are praising are just pretty good but far from exceptional.
14:33 / 22.04.04
Last night's ep was pretty damn good! Non-annoying Connor! Great bits about the deal with Angel agreeing to take over Wolfram & Hart if the senior partners give Connor a new, happy life, new happy memories and erase EVERYONE's memory (other than Angel & the now-dead Cordy) that Connor ever even existed. More Adam Baldwin non-Jayne goodness. The Ilyria stuff was a little better this episode. What didja think??
17:39 / 22.04.04
Ilyria and Spike was good comedy (funny how a prehistoric demon god can be relegated to comedy). It was nice seeing Connor not be a pain in the ass. That actually seemed a nice little wrapup for him. Good tension with Wesley finding out Angel's dark secret there, too. But my favorite bit is just the vision of what level of power the Senior Partners can assemble in the world, not even directly but in the sort of resources they can call together to work that kind of magic. A real reminder of the level of league they play at, and what all is in this world.
18:51 / 22.04.04
I think Gunn's sacrifice this week was more powerful than last weeks cause this time he was sitting on the slab and still chose to stay.

I loved Connor's return. I like that having a happy childhood has made him more mature. Now, he's got the best of both worlds (Stanford education AND a savage training in a hell dimension.) I really really hope they do a spin off with him. Maybe he could be the only boy in a slayer school... ah, the hijinks!

But seriously this episode was fantastic. I love Angel in his father role. Ilyria and Spike were great. Misserabe Wes is always good.
19:09 / 22.04.04
I thought that episode was amazing. I don't think there's any show that provides as many "Oh shit," or "Holy fucking shit" moments as Angel. Buffy, there were a few, Tara dying, the first Spike/Buffy fuck, but on Angel, particularly in season three, and now in these recent episodes, there's been a lot of "oh shit"ting occurring. The return of Sarjan, that was a complete, awesome shock to me, I was actually wondering if they were ever going to end that plot, and then Wes breaking the cube, followed by that montage sequence, which was awesome.

Illyria with Spike as her pet was great, the Gunn scene was great, the whole thing was just another top notch episode. This is definitely the best the show's been since season three, possibly ever. And then I see the promos for Charmed and High School Reunion and know there's something wrong with the world.
Saint Keggers
19:23 / 22.04.04
I loved that episode. Although Im hoping they do something with Iliria as I find her rather boring.
Conor was such a pleasant suprise. He went from being an annoying Wesley Crusher clone to being tolerable.
Wesley's (Wyndham Price,not Crusher) reaction to what he did was brilliant.

This show needs a spin-off.
19:41 / 22.04.04
"Come on, this heart isn't going to rip itself out."

Great stuff.

And they're definitely building up to something big with Illyria. Next week they worry that they might have to kill her.
20:27 / 22.04.04
Actually, I think they worry is she's going to kill them... but yeah, something big.

I don't see the Wesley Crusher comparison at all and Wesley Crusher was always way more annoying than Connor… damn little gray jumpsuit.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
01:05 / 29.04.04

That was, if not the best Buffiverse hour ever, definitely the most spectacularly awesome Angel I've ever seen. Angel always seemed to be the Weird Brother Of Prime-Rib to Buffy for me. Just something a bit off. This episode worked so well, completely off its own premise, and what really launched this show into the stratosphere was Illyria and Amy Acker's amazing rendition of her. What happened tonight could only have happened on Angel and with these characters, as opposed to an Apocalypse story that anyone, from Andrew to Andrea, could have stopped.

Anyone ever read that Simonson issue of Fantastic Four with the clock on every page and you had go back and forth through the issue to get the story in the right order? I think Ben Edlund did.

Anyway. Amy Acker better damned well get a Supporting Actress nod. That was uncredible.
02:10 / 29.04.04
That was an incredible episode! Amy Acker's lines and delivery were haunting. I love that there's a bit of Shakespeare to Illyria (no pun). And I think Wesley makes a great mad scientist. Again, fantastic Illyria/Spike moments. Loved the Demon Cult's baby talk. Good to see Lorne again (in something a bit larger than a cameo).

And did anyone freak out when they killed Spike? For a second before any of the other where killed I was like, "Oh shit, they're getting cancelled and they're taking characters with them!"
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
03:48 / 29.04.04
I totally freaked. Vicious.
15:06 / 29.04.04
This episode didn't quite gel for me, I guess I was really looking for more follow up on Wesley getting his memories back, which was kept a little too subtext here. That said, I loved Illyria, Amy Acker is just completely different, and very cool looking as the character. Her scenes with Spike were great, as was Spike claiming, "We're motivated go-getters."

Any theories on the ending? Has Angel finally given up on doing what's right, and plans to take power, as Illyria suggested? I guess we'll have to wait two weeks to find out, since the Buffy episode presumably doesn't deal with it.
15:11 / 29.04.04
That was a pretty strong ep -- although part of me feels like "Man, they've only 3 left, the shit hasn't really hit the fan yet, what's going on???" There are rumors that the show will end on a cliffhanger and there will be 2 or 3 TV movies that pick up right where it leaves off...I really don't want the series to end on a cliffhanger. Then we gotta wait a year for the story to continue...

I love Adam Baldwin playing against type as Marcus Hamilton. "It's a boardroom, boys, not a Batcave" was a great line. Crazy Wes is very funny! Alexis Denisof has always been one of the best actors in the cast and he proves it again here. Gunn is terrific too. Great stuff with the demon baby plot. (that was David Boreanaz' wife, Jamie Bergman, playing the hapless Rosemary's Baby host)

Amy Acker did indeed kick ass here. Lots of great lines from writer Ben Edlund. Wes is starting to go crazy!! And apparently, future eps will have the team wondering if Angel is starting to turn evil, but I'm sure his whole 'serve no master but your ambition' thing is just him realizing he's got to use W&H for all its worth, like a chess piece.

What if the Senior Partners want Illyria around after all, and they wanted Angel's team to try to kill her so that she'd kill them first and then destroy half of LA, as almost happened?

I just read this post on aint it cool news - take it with a grain of salt, but it seems sincere:


Saddly it won't be done in the on...

HOAX: Angel September TV Movie is a HOAX !?!
From - By RavenU

Reply to the article "First ANGEL TV Movie May Hit in September":

I saw Mercedes McNab this past weekend at a convention and she said none of the cast has heard about doing a movie, and they think it is a hoax that the WB is pulling on the fans to placate them and to get them to keep watching the WB next season. So if the movie was really going to happen in Sept you think they would be in contract negociations with the actors about it at this time and they would have heard something. If they were going to be airing in Sept they would have to be filming it in June or July, which means contracts would have to be done now at the latest, since that’s not happening I don’t see this happening. But maybe there will be closure, in the same way that when Farscape ended with John and Aeryn "Dying" it was closure, because they died.

19:18 / 29.04.04
Has Angel finally given up on doing what's right, and plans to take power, as Illyria suggested?

Come on! If you believe this is even an option than you don't know shit about Angel. I'm with FinderWolf... he's gonna conquer Wolfram&Heart.

Also, I don't think W&H are using Illyria. I think they're really, truly afraid of her. She mentioned something about them being weak and no better than humans when she was King and she easily went into their holding dimension and regulated. So honestly she's Angel's best weapon against them (She's gonna be a Team Player indeed.) If only Wes could make it show she can access all her power from the pocket universe and deposit it when she's not using it. Kinda like an extra dimensional organ.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
19:33 / 29.04.04
Whoops! Almost forgot.

"Dear Penthouse, I don't normally write letters like this..."
"See me for what I am, OK?"
13:40 / 05.05.04
Mmm, another interesting episode, alright. I really think 'Angel' has hit it's stride this year, and the cancellation's a bit of a bitch, really, ain't it?

The show does seem to be ending on a cliffhanger, from what I've read, but sadly, I don't see any resolution to that in the near future. My feeling is that we'll see, a few years down the line, the end of the story in a feature film, so long as 'Serenity' is a success.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
15:52 / 05.05.04
I can see them, if it takes long enough, completely abandoning it.


If it is the cliffhanger everyone says it is, then the simple act of fighting the senior partners is more important than whether or not they actually win. Which they undoubtedly would anyway.

I can see them starting after the battle, recovering, starting over in any movie.
15:54 / 05.05.04
I think they're talking TV movies (6 of them) not feature films.

And I haven't read anything about the ending but with 3 episodes left and the big bad hasn't even been identified yet (I know it's the Senior Partners but Team Angel doesn't know) I don't see how it can all be wrapped up... so yeah, they're going to leave us hanging.
17:23 / 06.05.04
Eeh, last night's ep was ok but just more silly than anything else. Didn't feel like the 3rd to last ep. of a show that's had a 5-year run. And they sort of repeated the same ideas over and over with Spike & Angel obsessing about Buffy. The Italian Wolfram & Hart was kinda funny. The elephant-head guy was simultaneously funny & annoying.

Nice bit with Illyria posing as Fred, though I wish they'd showed a little more about Wesley's reaction other than "Don't do that, that's not cool" - as in give him some more lines that show a little more about his emotional reaction other than "Don't be her, be blue."

2 ep's left -- doesn't feel like it. Which might be a bad sign. Some funny lines in there, though -- it just felt so light and goofy that I didn't care very much about it.
18:08 / 06.05.04
Exactly, it was a cute episode but not one I wanted to see at this point. I mean, we didn't get any new information/plot... this is just a filler episode.

I hated that Andrew left the apt. with two hot chicks... I liked that his character's sexuality is ambiguous and if they were going to do something obvious I would've preferred it to have been some hot Italian studs behind the door... if only for the simple fact that the show's being cancelled so lets do something crazy!

I did love everything having to do with The Immortal!
20:19 / 06.05.04
Has The Immortal been introduced or mentioned in other eps? I feel like I've heard of him but can't remember where or when....
20:24 / 06.05.04
That bit with Andrew and the hot chicks was a nice moment, though, for the "Move on, change, evolve" message - the Buffyverse is big on character evolving. Willow's journey to power and then Dark Phoenixing out, Xander's growth and bravery as a character, Wesley goes from a dorky naive intellectual upper-crust preening posturing loser with a stick up his ass to grizzled bad-ass street-smart warrior, Angel goes from good to evil, Spike ditto (but in his own way), Gunn goes from street thug to mature warrior and lawyer, Lorne goes from social outcast on his home world to cheesy lounge singer to a member of Team Angel, Fred etc.etc. etc. That was kinda fun to list all that stuff! Even Andrew can get hot chicks (and two of them!) when he dispenses with his preconceived notions about himself and his insecurities.

There was a good line about Buffy going for a 'dark brooding vampire/demon who was evil but now may or may not be good' and both Spike and Angel being like "huh?"
"See me for what I am, OK?"
20:16 / 08.05.04
It was more a moment of recognition than 'huh?'; still bloody funny. All the Angel-Spike stuff was excellent, especially the scene confronting Darla and Dru about their Immortal gang bang. "Concurrently? You never let US do that!" See the spoiler line below for more on THAT idea...

And Andrew. What more can you say?


Spike line from ep 21 or 22 (I can't remember which offhand):

"Angel and I have never been intimate...well, except that one time..."

ME going for the risque stuff now? After all, what's the worst...they get cancelled?
17:10 / 11.05.04
Wes: "Don't ever do that again"

Illyria: "As you wish"

Oh yea. She's in love with him. She'd never have said those 3 words otherwise. That whole situation is so wonderfully fucked every which way.
12:18 / 12.05.04
Yeah, I thought the "as you wish" was surprsingly complacent and/or submissive for the normally trash-talking, dominant Illyria.

Oh, and that stupid Italian jacket on Angel was really funny. It looked like a modern biker's jacket, with the white and black & red stripes.

Tonight's the second to last ep!!! (I think, or 3rd to last, but I really think it's the penultimate ep>)

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