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Angel Season 5 (Spoilers)


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14:41 / 12.02.04
Well, he let him and Spike both try their luck at swimming to shore... and not to mention he jumped ship before it reached shore as well... which was essentially b/c he knew that the US government would try to exploit vampires in pretty much the same way the Axis had planned to with the 3 vamps already onboard (utilized them as undead soldiers, and experiment so as to make more and possibly more leathal/controllable vamps). So Angel basically took the lesser of two evils and let them both go... why not kill them? Well, I'd assume with the guy he sired, he felt some sort of pity for his situation,and with Spike... well they had a history so maybe at that point he wasn't ready to kill him yet. He had no qualms about dusting the other 2, so that's the only logical assumption (or simplyb/c Spike had actually proved useful and LISTENED to Angel, that maybe now wasn't the time for that either).
03:59 / 14.02.04
Angel has been cancelled by the WB which completely sucks. I watched all of Buffy over the past year, and have now moved on to Angel (almost through season two), and I've been really excited by the possibility of having new Buffyverse weekly next year. Plus, I checked out the Andrew episode, which was great, and the recent sub episode, which was pretty cool too. Buffy season 7 felt like it was time to end, but from what I've seen of Angel, it's definitely got some good stories left. I just hope that SMG will return for the finale.
05:22 / 14.02.04
Saint Keggers
14:39 / 14.02.04
(insert evil thoughts towards morons involved with that decision!)
16:42 / 14.02.04
Same article the possibility of a MOVIE is mentioned, tho.... so that's rather exciting.... but still, wtf... Angel has gotten so good, too...
13:10 / 15.02.04
WB: You killed my show. Now I kill you.

Actually, I'm glad it's going out on top of its game. Buffy should have ended after five seasons, arguably three. It's good that we'll just remember Angel as a blinding show without seeing it in quality decline.
21:06 / 15.02.04
Wha? Cancelled? Does that mean that neither or will be transmitted. Naaaaaawwwww. Muppet revival is back!
21:09 / 15.02.04
Sorry, screwed the tags up.
The second piccy is this:
02:56 / 16.02.04
Actually, I'm glad it's going out on top of its game. Buffy should have ended after five seasons, arguably three. It's good that we'll just remember Angel as a blinding show without seeing it in quality decline.

Not to bring up an old debate, but IMO, the sixth season of Buffy was the best of the entire run, and was essential for bringing the character arcs to a logical close. I love the interpersonal drama, and just general depression that the characters were feeling at the point. It was an emotional low that hadn't been reached since season two, and emotional lows for the characters mean entertainment highs for me! And you've got to admit that Once More With Feeling makes that entire season worth it.

Season seven, I could take or leave however. Six basically finishes all the character arcs, and with the exception of Spike and Andrew, I felt everyone was basically finished by the beginning of seven.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
19:56 / 16.02.04
Bullshit. Everything after season 3 of buffy was utter arse. Season 3 was the absolute pinacle of all televison ever, mind, so I'm not to bothered. But the rest was shit. Especially Season 4
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:42 / 17.02.04
I'm looking on the bright side as regards the cancellation of Angel: sure, I'll miss it, but I'm with seth and really grateful that when it's done, there will be five solid seasons of goodness to treasure (I think Patrick watched a different Buffy Season 6 than the one many of us saw). But even better: since the show has only been cancelled at the end of this full season, the writers have at least at least half a dozen episodes (I'm never sure how far in advance they shoot these things, so I'm basing this on the speed spoiler info leaks out) in which to wrap up Angel & co's story, and while there are a few threads to be tied up, it's not a hopelessly complicated task. The big questions are obviously: will he ever get to Shanshu? Will Spike? Does Connor stay in magical fake ideal family land?

Then there's the prospect of some old faces showing up again (hopefully Eliza Dushku has been reading the Tru Calling reviews and realises it might be a good idea to call her friends at Mutant Enemy). As long as they don't botch the job (see: the end of Buffy), this could be very exciting stuff.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
08:14 / 17.02.04
So no other network wants to pick it up, then?
Jack The Bodiless
11:33 / 17.02.04
Joss doesn't seem to want them to:

"Some of you may have heard the hilarious news. I thought this would be a good time to weigh in. to answer some obvious questions: No, we had no idea this was coming. Yes, we will finish out the season. No, I don’t think the WB is doing the right thing. Yes, I’m grateful they did it early enough for my people to find other jobs.

Yes, my heart is breaking.

When Buffy ended, I was tapped out and ready to send it off. When Firefly got the axe, I went into a state of denial so huge it may very well cause a movie. But Angel... we really were starting to feel like we were on top, hitting our stride -- and then we strode right into the Pit of Snakes ’n’ Lava. I’m so into these characters, these actors, the situations we’re building... you wanna know how I feel? Watch the first act of "The Body."

As far as TV movies or whatever, I’m not thinking that far ahead. I actually hope my actors and writers are all too busy. We always planned this season finale to be a great capper to the season and the show in general. (And a great platform for a new season, of course.) We’ll proceed ahead as planned.

I’ve never made mainstream TV very well. I like surprises, and TV isn’t about surprises, unless the surprise is who gets voted off of something. I’ve been lucky to sneak this strange, strange show over the airwaves for as long as I have. I don’t FEEL lucky, but I understand that I am.

Thanks all for your support, your community, and your perfectly sane devotion. It’s meant a lot. I regret nothing (except the string of grisley murders in the 80’s -- what was THAT all about?) Remember the words of the poet:

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN’ SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn."

14:46 / 17.02.04
I can't fucking BELIEVE this!!! Wasn't the show getting good ratings? I heard its ratings had leapt up in the past few months!! And it was certainly getting critical acclaim. This fucking SUCKS!!! First the WB ditches BUFFY, forcing it to go to sucky UPN, and now this. And they tell Joss out of the fucking blue like this!!! Goddman WB.
15:28 / 17.02.04
where's the whedon quote above from? very sad. poor chap.

he had his chance to come over and work where tv not always quite so for morons. he could be halfway through the second series of Ripper by now, picking up blowies from stephen fry or even jamie theakston on bafta tv night. sometimes joss rhymes with toss. and loss.

and with luck son of angel will never be on my tv screen again. god he was rubbish. every cloud...
19:48 / 17.02.04
not to crap in anyone's Fanta, but i'm just glad that it finally got cancelled. i kinda saw the appeal of Buffy, but Angel has always been shit.

IMHO, of course.

i've been watching Firefly on DVD. i like that much, much better than anything else he's done, and i didn't even see it when it was actually on.
Jack The Bodiless
11:47 / 18.02.04
Yes. It has always been shit. Always. For over four years. Even the critically acclaimed fourth season. Shit. Yes.
14:01 / 18.02.04
fourth series? angel does dallas? the one with preggers cordy, baby angel, 'what am i for' gunn, 'never aim for the face' wes? and the big beast thing and the 'everything we've told you for the past three seasons was a lie' bit?

honestly, those critics'll acclaim anything.
Jack The Bodiless
11:23 / 19.02.04
Oh dear. Someone with enough perspicacity to name himself after the cheesiest of cheesy X-men is bringing his critical faculties to bear. No, hide your eyes, children, it'll be over soon.
11:31 / 19.02.04
will it arse i'm here all week.

i'm surprised is all. i always thought angel was buffy's stupid cousin, just a straight fantasy show that never really brought much new to the screen. didn't mean to provoke anyone, just can't see what's worth jumping to the defence of.

'perspicacity' - how do you know i'm sweating?
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:54 / 19.02.04
I find it interesting how Angel divides Buffy fans - people either seem to either love it from about half-way through season 1 onwards (and rate it the superior show for the last few years), or not get what the fuss is about at all. Oddly, the people who love Angel tend to be the ones who couldn't stand most of the last two series of Buffy, and vice versa. I'm definitely in the first of the two camps, but I'm not sure I have the energy to go through it all again (although if anyone can point me to the last time Buffy handled an extended story arc well, I'd be grateful - whereas Angel is pretty much all about the build-up and the pay-off these days). But then even Wolverine-San's summary of season 4 sounds great to me (the baby was season 3 though) - everything you think you know is a lie - how is that not great? - and I loved Vincent Karthesier as Connor, so maybe there's just no accounting for taste.
12:36 / 19.02.04
by 'baby angel' i meant connor. wasn't very keen on the pouting teen. and usually there'd be nothing wrong with turning the tables three seasons in, but that particular revelation fell with such a clang that it took weeks to stop echoing around my living room. just a bit too obvious at the time that the real reason they'd had to drastically rethink all their plots was charisma carpenter getting up the duff.

anyone who prefers angel to buffy is obviously just a mysoginist, because if they weren't they'd prefer buffy.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:54 / 19.02.04
Actually, from what I've read on various spoiler/rumour sites, it seems the original storyline for season 4 (pre-Charisma Carpenter pregnancy) would still have revealed Jasmine's manipulation of events over the past few years - only she would have continued to possess Cordelia's body rather than giving birth to a new one.
14:03 / 19.02.04
In other news, there was a new episode of ANGEL last night - the infamous "Puppet Angel" episode. It was pretty good, didn't get as much laughs out of the Puppet Angel concept as I thought they would, but overall very fun & funny. Some scenes felt a tiny bit off as far as the dialogue, but this was a fun romp in general.

"Let's go take down some puppets."

I loved the Horatio Hornblower Grimace-from-MacDonald's type thingie that only made the honking noise to speak. To see that thing get into a vicious fist fight with Wesley made me laugh. The demonic puppets were funny too.

And I guess just as Wesley and Fred get together, the rumors are Fred's in serious danger coming up....
14:39 / 19.02.04
Yeah, the episode was good fun but not as funny as I'd hoped. I loved seeing that puppet call the other puppet "dick wad", the horn blower guy getting shot in the eye was funny, and seeing puppet Angel's face vamp out was great!

Also, Wes and Fred finally hook up (too bad her impending doom kinda ruined it for me.)
15:26 / 19.02.04
Yeah, puppet Angel getting the vamp face was funny. So was Spike's tussel (and reaction) to puppet Angel - and the fact that Angel still kicked Spike's ass, even as a puppet one-third Angel's size.

I also liked Borenaz' casual delivery off "*sigh*, I got turned into a puppet last night" to the hottie werewolf girl. Also, good use of fluff and stuffing as blood, both when Angel gets torn up by the werewolf girl, and when Horatio got his nose and/or eye pulled off and began 'squirting' stuffing a la KILL BILL or one of those kung-fu squirting blood movies.

Angel pulling his puppet nose off while sounding like Boreanaz was holding his nose was also cute. The Jim Henson-esque guy was also fun - apparently that was David Fury, one of the main writers and producers of the show (some are saying they cast him cause a) he could act and b) he seemed like a Jim Henson type of guy).

All I can say is: It's an unjust world where CHARMED and ENTERPRISE are still on the air and ANGEL gets cancelled. But at least there are heavy rumors of ENTERPRISE's impending cancellation.
07:36 / 24.02.04
The puppet this was pretty cool, check this out though!

Bloody Hell
14:10 / 25.02.04
I know, it's kinda sexy.

But seriously, haven't we already done the 'lead cast member gets taken over and subsumed/"killed" by an evil demon who wants to bring about the Apocalypse and destroy mankind' plot? Jasmine, anyone??
14:26 / 25.02.04
Yup that's what I thought (afterwards) it seems to be a repeated theme they use showing the dark side of their characters evil/vamp willow, Spike/Spike, Angel/Angelus....

So I take it there isn't a new episode in the states this week then?
16:50 / 25.02.04
Tonight's episode in the US is new, where Fred falls victim to....that.
01:55 / 26.02.04
Excellent episode tonight, I haven't seen much of seasons 3 and 4, so I didn't quite get the full impact, but it was still quite the cool episode. However, it looks like this is going to be the last episode written by Joss Whedon in the Buffyverse. That's a bit tough to take.
12:41 / 26.02.04
It certainly won't be Joss' last now that they've been cancelled. Bet on Joss to write & direct at least the season/series finale.

This ep. was good, but I just feel like it's Jasmine all over again. One of the "Old One" takes over a cast member's body to destroy the world - and both cast members were female, at that (Cordy and now Fred). No one even referenced Jasmine, which I was surprised at, considering all the talk about the Old Ones trying to get back into this world.

The stuff with Fred was nicely done and dramatic (damn you Knox!), but it just seemed sort of forced, like "Hey! We're just going to drop a bomb out of nowhere with Fred suddenly dying and taken over by a demon who wants to destory the world!" It felt sort of abrupt to me. But once we were there, the dramatic moments, like Fred & Wesley crying/cuddling and Angel & crew's devotion to saving Fred, worked for me. Good writing by Joss and good performances all around. Seeing this made me say "See? Joss can write more than just bad clever witty banter, as he appears to have done in the script preview of his first X-Men comic with John Cassaday."

But blue-hair Fred looks cool.
12:44 / 26.02.04
Oh, and Gunn's conversation with "himself" in The White Room (kether?) was very cool --- very SUPERMAN III. He also showed some nice acting range when he played the Conduit Gunn.

Lorne's viciousness towards a frazzled Eve was also cool.
13:44 / 26.02.04
I liked the stuff with Gunn and Knox better... but the white room stuff was cool. I loved Spike flipping out on the guardian guy and asking him a bunch of questions. How many fingers am I holding up? All the Wes and Fred stuff was pretty powerful and had me borederline choked up BUT, like HunterWolf said, it's all been done before and worse still it was done last season! Why kill the only two girls in the team off (and in the exact same way)? That's just mean spirited!

Despite all the rumors and spoilers floating about I HAVE FAITH WES IN GOING TO SAVE FRED! He just has to.
14:43 / 26.02.04
Astronauts or cavemen? This was funny.

Wesley shooting an attorney in the leg cause the guy wanted to work on something other than helping Fred was a bit much, but I guess showed the depth of his focus, rage, and intensity. And after all, all of the W&H emlployees are evil.

Apparently Wesley reads Fred selections from "A Little Princess" (just learned this on the aintitcoolnews talkback).

I wasn't sure if Gunn killed Knox or just beat him good. I guess it seems like most people think Gunn killed his demon-worshipping ass. Wes is about to get all bad-ass again and take some names!!!

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